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Auteur: Frances pride

En cours


Silverlake PDF Free Download


Eden have a set of bizarre dreams which are more like a memory. She researches on her strange birth mark and finds out she's one of the three protectors meant to find the 3 weapons needed for the great war to come between good and evil. Kyle,a student is transferred from America to Britain where she comes across Eden and Quinton and she realizes they are the other protectors. They have to find the sword of war,shield of piece and gem of life before the forces of evil finds them. Will they find it before anyone else does? If they do,do they have the capability to fight in the great war and come out victorious?

Chapter 1

  Eden Colborn and Davina Colborn stepped into the train back to school. Davina sat in the third compartment

the same one she always sat in with her mates

while Eden scanned the train for her friends. She sighted Ashley Paskel and Sage Myrtle at the far end of the train. She walked to them and sat on the space between them. It seemed there was an awkward silence between them.Ashley was munching on chocolate while Sage was scrolling through his phone. The train was to leave in 7 minutes for silver lake. The train was nearly filled up as far as Eden noticed. Ashley got done eating her chocolate and she faced Eden.

  "You look sick. Anything wrong with you?" She asked Eden

  "Just migraines but I'll be fine" she answered

  "Do you always have to be stuck on your phone?" Ashley asked Sage as she eyed him

  "Do you expect me to keep on arguing with you?" He asks her

  Eden frowned and hissed.

  "You guys have to stop this nonsense. My ears are hurting" she said and placed her hands on either ear

  "Fine" Ashley said and unwrapped another bar of chocolate

  Eden placed her eyes on the entrance to the train. Blake Gethrod,Anita Clockwood and Jerrick Lenox approached. They were a trio that had been since their first year at silver lake. They smiled at Eden before they sat in the compartment beside Eden's. The train sounded it's horn and was about to start moving when she noticed John snowpear running to the door. It was locked already and he had to bang it. The door opened and he got in. All the commotion stopped and everyone's attention was focused on the angry driver and John who was panting as though he had run a marathon.

  "Don't you know when we leave?" The angry driver asked John

  "S..s..sorry. I had to get a few supplies" John answered

  He looked so troubled and tired.

  "Get your ass on a seat or get out" the driver said harshly

  John walked to a seat at the front with his shabby brown hair falling on his fave as he looked down. He's had enough embarrassing moments for a lifetime.

  "Does he have to be like this?" Ashley asks

  "It's not his fault. I heard he has this sickness where he forgets easily. It rims in his family's blood" Sage says

  "And no one noticed the new driver" Sage said

  "So true but what happened to Jaris?" Ashley asked referring to the old driver who has been there since their first year.

  "He probably left" Sage said

  "He now drives the Superior at the defence ministry" Eden answered

  "Wow,that's better" Ashley said

  Eden then realized how much detail she had been missing throughout the day. From the new driver to how big Ashley was looking and then she caught sight of her sister who was chattering with her friends at the front.

  Davina's once long brown hair was cut into a Bob.

  Eden shook her head at the thought of everything. Both Sage and Ashley had been staring strangely at her.

  "What?" She asked them

  "You've been acting strange" Sage said to her

  "It's nothing. I just realized how much details I've been missing. Ashley looks bigger and I didn't even know my own sister had cut her hair" she said

  Ashley's cheeks reddened as Sage and Eden looked at her.

  "You really look big" Sage said

  "Well,I've been eating more all through the holiday thanks to my mom who said I eat little" she answered them

  "Okay then. I forgot to tell you two that Weston got into the Sorcery institution. He got the information last night" Sage said

  "Wow,I'm so happy to hear that" Ashley said excitedly

  "Anyone would love to get there. I love ancient stuffs" She added

  "I don't know but I don't like the idea. This is the 21st century and there are better jobs around and schools to study in" He said

  "So,we should all forget things that matter just because of civilization?" Ashley asked him

  "That's not what I meant" he said

  "Just forget it" she said and turned to face the window.

  Eden knew better than to get involved in their fights. The three of them had been friends since the first day at silverlake. Eden had first met Ashley who was sitting alone in a compartment and they started talking. They were both interested in the same things and when Ashley found out Eden was from the Colborn family,she got more struck. The Colborn's family was one of the most important family in the history of the British Vampire history. Many family members had fought in the great wars of the supernatural and had served the various ministries. Their family also had some of the best Witches and healers. Eden's grandma


was the greatest healer witch to have lived. Eden felt uncomfortable whenever anyone discovered her family.We met Sage in the hall during the sorting. It's a ceremony for first years to be sorted into different houses. There's Martenpaw,Centauren,Lionmane and Falconzes. Sadly,we were sorted into separate houses. All we do is dip our hands into this box containing pieces of papers with houses unscripted on them. I got into Centauren,Ashley into Martenpaw and Sage in Lionmane. You could compare our school to Hogwarts

I've read about it tons of times

but humans really do not know that much about the truth behind these things. They think we're just fiction but we do exist, among them and in our own separate world. Each country has it's own supernatural settlements. Here in Britain,we're at the east. Silver lake wasn't just a Britain thing,it existed in almost each country of the world.

  Eden stared at the trees which they passed in silence. Finally,they were in Burnmoth,the first portal. Humans could never see through those thick bushes,it was impenetrable. They passed Burnmoth and were in Mavrek. It was already evening and they needed to get settled before the welcoming ceremony. The train came to a halt in the school compound. Silver lake was very big and quite posh.A few buildings were still in stones while some looked quite modern. With statues of nymphs all over,gnomes and goblins as house assistants. The school was simply the safest place where the kids would feel comfortable in. It was the first school to ever join werewolves, witches and vampires together after the last war 560 years ago. The students got down from the train and began going about to their various hostels.

  "We'll see later" Ashley said

  "See where?" Sage asked her

  "The hallways,you dummy" she answered him

  "Well,I'm off to my form. Don't fight" Eden warned them before she turned to go to her dorm.

  Ashley was about to leave when Sage held her hand. Eden looked back at them for a little while and smiled.

  She walked into the Centauren hostel and went to the third floor. The first and second floors were for the juniors while the third and fourth were for seniors. She stood in front of her door and brought out her keys about to open her door when she heard someone call her name. She turned to see Driton Lucas and a girl she couldn't recognize walking towards her. Driton had black hair,Hazel eyes and love shaped lips. The girl beside him looked like him but she was quite petite.

  The two stood in front of Eden.

  "Hi,I see you made it safely back" he said to her

  "Did you expect me to die? I didn't see you on the train" she said

  "Long story" he said

  "Anyway,I came to say hi and not to cause trouble. This is my baby sister 'Twyla'. She's a freshman" he said as he introduced the girl to Eden

  "Hi,I'm Eden" She introduced herself to the girl and shook hands

  "My brother kept talking about you all through the holiday. You're prettier than he described" Twyla said and smiled at Eden who kept staring at Driton with her eyes wide in shock.

  "Really?" Eden asked Driton who stood there grinning

  "Don't mind her. She speaks nonsense. See you later" he said as he drew Twyla the opposite direction.

  Eden got into her room and saw her cat in the cage she had placed her in,with her bags beside it. She opened the cage to let Lila come out. Lila was a black cat with shiny blue eyes. Lila was an offspring of the family's pet cat


. Quinn was found in beside a dumpster by a restaurant in London by her Uncle Mikael.. She quickly arranged her room,fed Lila,took her bath and wore her opening ceremony uniform. A white shirt with the Centauren sign on the top left side, her emerald green skirt and an emerald green robe. The robe was necessary on important occasions. She rushed to the hallways to meet her friends.