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Our Two Packs

Our Two Packs

Auteur: Mary Soul Silva

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Morgana has lived all her life in the territories belonging to her pack the Silver Lake pack and the territory of the neighboring pack, the Blue Lake pack. Having been terrible enemies in previous generations, these two packs became allies during the period when Morgana's grandparents were Alpha and Luna from the Silver Lake pack and nowadays these two packs are really stronge when they stand by themselves but they are unbeatable when they stand togheter. Morgana is the future Alpha of her pack and had grown-up with her future Beta Artur, future Gama Liam and Dylan, Damien and Axel respectively Future Alpha, Beta and Gama of Blue Lake Pack. For some reason Dylan was always Morgana's favorite person since she was a baby, but a few year ago when he was 16 everything changed from night to day he lost all his interest in spending time with her and the others. All his interest was on the teenager girl from his school. She was 12 back then and had developed a huge crush on him. It was her first broken heart and she decided it would be her last. Damien his brother and future Beta was her rock through that hard time he understood what was happening without asking and never left her alone. After that they made a pact they would stay togheter and suport each other untill both of them found their mate. They wouldn't allow their mate to found them and only reveal themselves to their mate when both had found them. But they hardly know this plan can put the future of both packs at risk...
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Chapter 1

  My name is Morgana Skyler and this is my story and my pack story.

  I always heard people saying that all stories have more then one version, actually they have as many versions as peoples on those stories.

  When we decided that we should leave this testimony for the next generations, so that they learn from our mistakes we decided to ask all the people in the story to give me their point of view on the facts. It blows my mind how the same situation can look so diferent to 2 diferent peoples.

  But let me start to give you some bases so you can understand what's coming up next.

  I'm Alpha Zander Skyler and Luna Aliana Fraser daughter, my pack is the Silver Lake pack and one day I'll be the Alpha of my pack, female Alphas are not very common in our society but I'll not be the first one. I have Alpha blood running on my veins from both my mother and my father. My mother like myself was to be Alpha of her pack but before she had her wolf her pack was attacked by rouges and they manage to kill my grandmother, after a few months because of the grief caused by the break of the mate bond, my grandfather went feral and the elders had to put him down and the pack was dismantled, my mother was raised by the elders until she was 18 and gained her wolf, she found my grandfather, her mate on the day she turned 18. They both were on Alpha school, she lived there with the elders and he because he was attending the last year to graduate.

  That place were my dad and my mum found each other is the place were I'll spend the next 3 months of my live.

  There's 2 ways of doing this you can attend Alpha school as you would do it with a normal college, or you can do it as I'm doing it I'm in human college because I think I will need a degree in management if I want to deal with all the pack business, and I go to Alpha School on summer holidays for the next 3 years.

  With me I'll have Damien and Liam they are the Beta and Gama from our neighbour pack, you may think this is strange but actually it isn't. My Beta Arthur and my Gama Liam had been on Alpha School with Dylan the future Alpha of Blue Lake Pack they are taking the regular degree, they are older then us so our Alphas decided it would be better if we would do it this way and besides the 3 of us wanted to go to regular college so it worked out quite ok for everyone.

  The 3 of them will arrive today and the Lunas are preparing a celebration to welcome them and to say goodbye to us for the next 3 months, then we will return and they will go back again.

  I don't see Arthur and Liam for the past 9 months and I really miss them. To bad I'll only have this afternoon and tomorrow to be with them as we leave in the day after, I have been missing them a lot.

  Dylan is another subject I haven't see him for almost 3 years, last time I saw him was on my 15th birthday, and I could pass more 3 year without seeing him I wouldn't miss him a bit.

  Thinking once he was my favourite person in the world, I remember how I use to love the weekend because our families always got togheter and we had lot's of fan I use to call him prince charming he was more a frog actually. Well is not the poor guy falt, now I can understand that, but he should had dealt with the situation differently. I was a 12 year old kid with a crush in my much older friend of almost 17 and over night he was gone from my live and every time I saw him he would be with those estupid human girls that would talk down to me every time they saw me in the mall with my friends just because sometimes they would catch me staring at him. That shit did hurt really bad.

  Sometimes I hear about people that break the mate bond and I can't think how much that must hurt if I was like that over a childhood crush imagine a pain of losing a mate. I can totally relate with my grandfather that went feral after losing his mate.

  I'm getting ready to go to the lake were the party will take place, the lake is in the border of our territories on a bank is Blue Lake's on the other is Silver Lake.

  Stupid fact: for generations our packs killed each other, there was war after war between us untill the day Alpha Darius, Damien and Dylan's grandfather and my grandfather Alpha Maximus, decided to speak with one another because they found out that my grandfather future Beta, my grandfather wasn't Alpha yet back then but would be in one month time, was the mate of Alpha Darius sister auntie Amélia and back then there was this law that if a member of one pack took a member of the other as a mate the Alpha would kick them out and they would turn rouge. There was no way my grandfather would do that to his friend our to anyone in his pack he wanted to end with that so he set up a meeting with Alpha Darius without his father knowledge, what he didn't know was that Darius had a similar problem, his Beta had also found his mate, and gess who it was?? Yes, that's it auntie Celeste my grandfather's sister.

  I think this was the moon goddess telling them that it was enough of that bullshit.

  I remember uncle Darius telling us kids this story and saying that in that day he learned to admire my grandfather because even if he wasn't a Alpha yet by then and was only 19, when he saw that also his baby sister was in the same situation he pleaded to Alpha Darius to not do nothing to them and to give him a month and then he would be Alpha and would end that stupid law on his pack and he would take all of them in, they would just need to be apart for 1 month. And from no were my grandfather asked him if he knew why so many wolfs of both packs had died in the last 400 years of war. When Alpha Darius said he actually didn't know why did it begun, my grandfather started to laugh and said:

  "You aren't going to believe this shit, this begun because of the name of the fucking Lake, we wanted to call it Silver Lake because it's silver at night you guys wanted to call it Blue because during the day is blue. That's why so many pups lost there mums and dads and my pack lost so many members when they find their mate in you pack and they just run and went rouge, or worse they reject them and became ghosts, sad depressed wolfs, some of them even lose there wolfs. This is not what I want for my pack. I don't know about you, but in my pack this will end with me!"

  Maximus asked grandad how did he found out about that all of that and he said it was his mate grandma Natalia, when she found out she was his mate she wanted to know more about the pack so she dug everything she could on the elders library and she came across all that information.

  Maximus had actually met her because he went to Alpha school with her brother, when he heard that she was my grandad's mate he thought grandad was a lucky bastard, he use to tell us that every time.

  On that day on the lake shore two kids one with 19 and other with 21 years decided to end a war with 200 years.

  Thanks to them today we are the two most

  respected and feared packs of the world, we are extremely strong individually and unbeatable when we stand together and we always stand togheter.

  After my grandad had his Alpha ceremony he started making all the changes he thought the pack needed, the first one was concerning the mate bond, he made a new rule that says everyone is free to bring their mate to the pack no matter from were they came, of course if they come from an enemy pack or are rouge at first they will be under some kind of scrutiny but once they prove they are ok we take everyone no exceptions, for us the mate bond is sacred is the gift our mother the moon goddess gave to us and we should respect it. Alpha Maximus did the something at Blue Moon and in a few years half of the packs are related by blood, Dylan's gama Liam is actual my second cousin and my Beta Arthur is Dylan's second cousin, they are the grandson's of or grandparents Betas and sisters, confusing, right?? Well it works for us.

  One thing that both packs always had in common even when we were enemies was the Lake Town, a human village that stands between both packs. Our lands use to be very rich in silver and werewolves can't mine silver, as it is poison to us so our ancestors had the humans doing that for us and when the mines were closed and we started new business some of them stayed and their descendents still live on the city. They live among us but don't know what we are only a few of them that happen to be mates of wolves know about us.

  My dad and Damien and Dylan's dad decided to bring us a bit near the humans, when we needed a new high-school both our Alphas decided to build it near the Lake Town so the human kids could use it to as their was old and not well equipped. So all the kids from the 10th grade over humans or wolves from both packs go to the same high-school you may imagine the kind of nuts house.

  Now that I think you have a better idea were we came from we can start our story.