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My Neighbour Next Door

My Neighbour Next Door

Auteur: Author Nene


Steamy Stories

My Neighbour Next Door PDF Free Download


Jay is the hot new neighbour that Chrissy couldn’t help but fantasize about. Being eighteen years old, and filled out in the right places, she believes that it was time to break her virginity with her hot neighbour. Making plans to do it before she goes off to college, she thinks of possible ways to get him to notice her and into her bed but nothing seems to work. What’s that saying? All good things come to those who wait. Presented with an opportunity to finally get her wish, she goes for the win. Clothes are flying, moans rising, feelings are emitted. Things are going well for them both but what happens when it’s time for her to go to college? Will they be able to overcome the obstacle of her going away and come up with a solution? Or will they fall into submission and break apart?

Chapter 1

“Why don’t you just say something to him?” My best friend Callie asked as I watched my neighbour Jay’s figure disappear inside his home. We were sitting on my porch, watching people pass by, and as soon as Jay’s car pulled up in his driveway and he got out, my eyes followed him until he went inside.

“What should I say, Callie?” I asked in a very annoyed tone. “You know I am shy to go up to him, yet you say the same thing every time you see me looking at him.”

Rolling her eyes, she said, “You need to say something and stop gawking at him every time you see him.” Shaking my head, I knew she was right, but I couldn’t say anything to Jay. It wasn’t like I wanted to and wouldn’t do it, it’s just that every time I saw him, I froze up and my mouth becomes immobile.

Jay was my hot new neighbour, who had moved in a month ago, in the house that was right next door. I would often see what he was doing seeing that his room was facing mine. At nights when he finished showering, I would stand at my window and watch him stand in front of his, with his curtain hiding him from view. I could always see his silhouette even though his room was dark, he always has a towel wrapped around his waist and his manhood was always creating a dent into said towel and I couldn’t help but fantasize what it would be like to have him in my bed.

I was high on lust for this guy, but honestly who could blame me? Standing at six-two, with perfect tan skin, brown hair that was all messed up, and a body of a god that could make any girl’s panty drop on sight.

“Chrissy, did you hear me?” Callie shouted at me.

“Huh, what did you say?” I asked dumbfounded.

“I said I was going to go home now and I will see you tomorrow.” Nodding my head, I kissed her on the cheek, before I walked her to the end of the driveway. Waiting until she got in her car, I made my way inside my house. Shifting my curtain, I looked out my window and saw Jay standing by his car, scrolling through his phone. Standing here right now reminded me of when I first saw him. My mother had gone to the grocery store and my dad was at work and I was busy studying for my end-of-year exams when I heard a loud sound coming from outside. Getting up, I looked through the window and saw it was a moving truck and a lot of men were unloading boxes from it, but one guy, in particular, had caught my eye. He was standing a few meters away directing the men where they should go and place the boxes. I was watching him, intrigued by what I saw. He had a great physique, with lean muscles and broad shoulders. He was very handsome and I could see his abs printing through his shirt. I watched him a few more minutes before I moved away when his head turned in my direction.

When I saw him; I knew right away he was way older than me. It would be totally taboo to sleep with a man that was older than me when I was barely legal but I couldn’t help it. He was hot, smoking hot to be exact.

That night when I went up to my room, I saw light coming out of the window opposite mine for the first time in a long time. The curtain was blocking me from seeing the person perfectly but I could see the silhouette of a man, walking around the room. I could also see the outline of his cock and it was huge, it stood pointed in the air and I couldn’t help but wonder what it looked like. Seeing that I was about to go deep in fantasy land, I closed my window and shifted my curtain blocking me from the beautiful view.

Hearing my phone ring, taking me out of my train of thoughts, I saw it was Callie.

“Hey, Callie, what’s up?”

“There’s a house party tonight, do you want us to go?”

“I don’t know Callie; you know I am not a fan of parties.”

“Oh, come on please, it’s not like you are doing anything rather than stare at Jay every time you see him.” Rolling my eyes, I could only imagine the hopeful expression she has on her face. The one she always makes when she wants us to do something together.

“Okay fine, I will come.”

“Okay pick you up at eight,” She squealed before hanging up. Going inside my room, I flop down on my bed, drew the covers over me, and took a nap. I woke up a few hours later by the sounds of my parent’s laughter floating down the stairs, I sat up in bed before taking up my phone that was on the other side of the bed. Seeing that it was five pm, I got up and went downstairs to greet them.

“Hey mom, hey dad.”

“Hey sweetheart, are you okay?” Mom’s angelic voice came out. Nodding my head, I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek before doing the same to my dad after he had engulfed me in a hug.

“So, what are your plans for tonight?” My dad asks as he leans against the counter. “Doing anything fun?”

“I’m just going to go out with Callie to this party her dad’s friend is keeping,” I replied nonchalantly.

“That sounds like it will be boring, considering who Kaven is, I assumed his friends would be like that,” my dad commented.

“You are one of his friends, so I will assume you are boring,” my mom teased.

“No, I’m too cool to be boring.”

“Yeah right.” I snorted out trying to hold back my laughter.

“Hey!” He spoke, feigning hurt. Laughing at him, he grabbed me and my mom and hugged us both before planting kisses on our foreheads.” Laughing, he let us go.

“Do you need funds Chris-Ann?”

“Yes, money would be great.” Smiling, he shook his head before he took out his wallet and handed me two twenties and two fives before handing them to me. Beaming at him, I took the money from him before rushing upstairs to my room. Picking out my outfit for tonight, which consists of a black short skirt that stopped a bit above mid-thigh, a pink off-the-shoulder top, and black boots, I went inside the bathroom to take a shower.

Stepping into the tub, I allowed the water to cascade down my body before I lathered it in soap. Rubbing the soap over my breast, I pinched my nipples lightly before I trailed my hand down to my pussy and cupped it, placing my index finger on my hard clit rubbing it gently, I imagined it was Jay’s hand there instead of mine, playing, flicking and pinching it before he got on his knees and suck it into his mouth. Letting out a low moan, I inserted a finger then another before I began to fuck myself, while imaging it was Jay pleasuring me.

Fucking myself hard and fast while moaning his name, I came hard around my fingers. Panting, I quickly wash off the soap before stepping outside of the tub. Going inside my room, I grabbed my towel that was on my bed before wrapping it around my frame. Putting my hair in a ponytail, I quickly dried off with the towel before throwing it on the bed then getting dressed.

Putting on some lip gloss, I picked up the money that my dad gave me and shoved it into my skirt pocket. Looking at the time, I saw it was eight ‘o'clock on the dot. Picking up my phone to call Callie, I was about to dial her number when I saw her name flash on the screen. Answering, she told me she was downstairs. Pushing my phone in my pocket, I made my way downstairs where I told my parent's bye before exiting the house and climbing into Callie’s car.

“You look good,” she complimented me as she drove us to our destination.

“Thanks, you look great too.” Nodding her head, I looked over at her and saw that she had a conniving look on her face which meant she was hiding something.

“Callie, what are you hiding?” I asked skeptically.

“Oh nothing,” she replied nonchalantly. Rolling my eyes at her, I huffed before I leaned back into my seat enjoying the cool breeze that was slapping against my skin as we drove.

Finally reaching my destination, I saw that it was a big mansion with persons outside drinking and laughing. I could hear the music blaring from outside the house and I could feel my insides tingling. Getting outside of the car, I took a closer look at the persons that were outside and saw that they were older, way older than I was.

“Callie why are we here? Why are we at a party where there is a lot of older persons?”

“Girl hush up, it’s just a party with a friend of my dad was keeping and he told me that I was invited and I could bring friends, and seeing that you’re the only that one I have, I dragged you along.” Feeling nervous, I tried to go back inside the car but she locked it by pressing the button on her key before she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front door which was wide open. Looking in, I saw that inside was packed and persons were drinking, dancing, talking, and making out. Some looked like they were fucking the way they were grinding on each other.

“Callie who is your dad's friend?” I asked surprised. There was no way that Callie’s dad could be associated with the man who was throwing this party. Callie’s dad was a big shot lawyer, who was a bit stuck up and didn’t like to socialize with anyone.

“Well his name is Tommy and he and dad came from way back. He is the only one who can actually let my dad loosen up and not be a stick in everyone’s ass all the time.” Chuckling, I gently pushed her as we walked further into the house.

“Stay here, I am going to get us some drinks. I will be right back.” Nodding my head, I stood there feeling like a lost puppy as I watched everyone have fun. Sighing, I knew I shouldn’t have come, this was a bad idea but I was already here so I had to suck it up. Coming back with the drinks later with a guy on her arm, she handed me a clear white liquid that was in a plastic cup.

“Drink up,” she spoke before she ventured off and left me alone to fend for myself. Shooting daggers in her back as she walked away with the guy, I drowned the liquid that she gave me before I went for another. Might as well get drunk and have fun. On my third drink, I could feel the alcohol taking over. Grabbing a random guy, I start to dance with him. Grabbing his hands that were on my waist I placed them on my breast where he squeezed lightly. I wanted to tell him to buzz off, but considering I was at a grown-up party and I was soon to be an adult, I let him be.

I could feel my pussy quirking up, and I wanted him bad. Turning around to face the person with my eyes closed, I started to kiss him on his neck. Moaning, I felt him pull away and grabbed me by my arm. My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to pass out. I could hear voices around me but they all sound disoriented. Groaning, I heard someone call my name before I passed out.


Waking up in a bed that is larger than mine and way more comfortable, I let out a groan and drop right into bed, turned on my side, and snuggled back into the covers. “I see you are awake and feeling like shit,” I heard a deep voice came out. Opening my eyes, I shot up when it settled in that I was in a stranger’s bed. Looking down at my body under the covers, I saw that I was still dressed.

“I wasn’t going to rape you Chris-Ann,” the deep voice spoke again.

“How did the hell did this person know my full name?” Finally looked up and saw who it was, it was Jay who was standing at the door shirtless. I was so shocked to see him that I passed right out.