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Auteur: Ladybeatrice

En cours




Wedding secret. This is the story of Esperanza Cortez's and Xavier Ortega who meets accidentally outside a church. Esperanza cortez is caught between a triangle of lies and decit, now falls in love with xavier ortega who is the king of lies and decit. Would she be able to see the lies or be helpless blinded by the love?. Both will have to prove to eachother and their enemies who is patiently waiting for their downfall that their love is stronger than all obstacle surrounding them.

Chapter 1

Wedding secret: Chapter one

Author's pov

The crowd who gathered for a happy celebration all gasped in shock from what Esperanza cortez just spilled out of her mouth to the priest inside the holy church.

"Sorry my dear child can you speak louder..I didn't here you clearly when you spoke the first time" the holy priest of God ask her back politely pretending not to believe what she just said.

He was in his mid sixty and never in his forty years of being a priest has he heard something so outrageous.

"Father I said I don't" Esperanza cortez repeated calmly but this time louder almost rolling her eyes to the the priest but withheld herself not to seem rude.

Esperanza turned her body from the priest,removing her veil she wore on her head she threw it to the ground and looked to her so-called finance in boredom.

"I don't want to marry him father,I don't love him . I don't love you  or lust after you joshua ,never have and never will." She spat at the fairly handsome man who was a devil in disguise.

Joshua came closer to her closing the gap between them. He didn't care if the priest was still infront of them too blinded by rage. He gripped her arms tightly while using the rest of his body to shield her away from the nosey crowd. 

Esperanza was so sure that his grip was going to leave a bruise on her soft skin but she didn't show any sign of weakness to give him the satisfaction of seeing her pain.

"Shut your mouth Maria Esperanza....if I were you I will be a good girl and continue this wedding in peace. Don't embarrass me or else you won't like the outcome of this." He hissed bitterly at her, she could feel his spit slap on her face at each word he spoke.

Maria Esperanza didn't feel threatened by his words. She knew he was in love with her that was why he bribed her father into allowing him marry his only daughter and her father been a very greedy and power hungry asshole accepted without questions.

But she didn't want to end up like her mother did. She wanted to fall in love and have all those happy ever after ending fairy tales she has always dreamt off while her mother read to her as little girl.

She gathered all the strength and courage  in her body and ripped out her arms from his strong hold turning to face the crowd.

"I don't love you Joshua no matter what you do or say, because I don't desire you , You disgust me. you are everything that I didn't wish for in a man. You don't even turn me on" she said shouting and laughing bitterly.

Joshua face paled at her statement. his white skin turned red in embarrassment. Angry red line vains pooped out of his neck and arms.

He felt powerless like a water on the floor. He didn't know whether to sink deeper in shame or to evaporate out of the church . How dare she?. How dare she reduced him to this level after everything he has done for her family,for her father's company..she was surely going to pay for this embarrassment.

In his whole thirty one years of being a man he has never heard this cruel words been said to his enemies talk more of himself. For the next few minutes his brain want dead.

She used his silence as her opportunity to send her message across to everyone present especially her father.

"I don't want to make the same mistake my mother made living a sad boring life. No I won't allow myself to pass through that torment and anguish my poor mother pass through and is still  passing through for the past thirty five years on marriage."

*Everyone gaps in shock this event was already turning to that of a soap Opera ,the only difference was that this was live and far more interesting than a soap opera* 

Her father Mr Cortez's stood in shock and turned to look at his wife in disbelief at what his daughter said in front of everyone present. Knowing his daughter he knew she was a good girl she didn't have the guts to lie  in front of a priest more less the alter of God.

"Is it true. is what Maria Esperanza just said true" he asked while his wife hissed , rolling the same blue eyes her daughter inherited from her.

"Don't make me laugh and I know am only with you for the sake of our daughter if not I would have been longed gone after I have divorce your ass  and also because of the little money you give me."she said as she looked at her nails in admiration like it was more interesting than the face of her husband.

Mr Cortez's wasn't able to move feeling deeply embarrassed. What his wife had said was the absolute truth. At the early stage of their life when they were younger,he had blackmailed her into marrying him because he was in love with her but unfortunately the love had always been one-sided. He thought with time she too would have also falling inlove with him. She was a looker back then and till is now compared to him. He always felt ordinary so he had no choice but to blackmail her into marrying him which she did. He never knew his one-sided love will continue even after twenty five years of marriage.

The sound of laughter brought him out of his thought. He turned and saw it was his brother in-law Mr Sanchez who was laughing at him.

"Oh this is interesting ." Sanchez said mockingly. He always taught that his sister relationship was perfect. Too perfect for his liking.

Mr Cortez's looked at him  furiously, wanting to wipe that smirk off his face he said."look at you laughing at me when we all know you aren't even man enough to pregnant your own wife after twenty years of marriage."he spat out with a smirk now on his face.

All the blood in Sanchez face drain out. Now it was the turn of  Sanchez cousin Pablo laughing at him. Sanchez grew angry at Pablo and spit out a very deep secret that was meant to say hidden forever.

"At least I am man enough to satisfy your wife when you can't do it . So you should thank me and stop laughing." Sanchez said his smirk slowly returning having seen how speechless Pablo had become.

"What..what did you say." Pablo stammered in disbelieve looking at his wife then back to sanchez. his eyes going back and forth at the two. His guilty wife was unable to meet him in the eyes.

" Ask your wife. Ask her who is the man that meets her needs every night when she lies to you she is going to stay with her mother because she's sick. She has been warming my bed all this time, making me come to life." Sanchez continue talking and laughing unaware of the hate glare his wife Mrs Sanchez was giving him.

"I can't believe I have wasted my life with you all this years loving you even though you weren't capable of giving me a child. You have been screwing around. I hate you. I hate you so much,this marriage is over ,my lawyer will discuss with you about the divorce" She gave him a punch in the face and left the church in tears.

"Is it true? Is what Sanchez said true." Pablo ask his wife Lucy after seeing what just unfolded between Sanchez and his wife. Sanchez was busy nursing his pain and his heart was beating at an undiscribable rate at the words of his wife..or now Ex wife.

"Yes ,so what. You should be happy I still stay with you,that I  am still married to you even though you are crap in bed."


Lucy face went to the other side with force due to the force acted upon her. Then another laughter now was heard from a older women who was around eight five years old her name was Maria.

"This has far been the most interesting wedding I have ever been to through out my life on earth." Lucy who was till nursing the slap turned her face  around and glared at the old woman with fury in her eyes.

"Oh shut up you old witch, we all know why you haven't died yet is because of the sins you have committed in the past."

"Enough of these all of you. Have you all forgotten you are in the house if God. " The holy priest of God exclaimed. He couldn't tolerate what going on again, everyone present surly need confession after all that just happened. He looked back to the supposed bride and groom in expectation.

 In determination and"I ask you one last time ,do you Esperanza cortez take Joshua Williams to be your lawful wedded husband to love and to serve him in sickness and in health till death do you part."

She looked at the priest in determination then turned her head to look at her father and her mother and  then reluctantly took one last glance at  Joshua and finally to the priest.

"No I don't father." With that last words which shock the whole room and made joshua fall to his knees she walked out of the holy church of God not looking back.