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Healing The Quiet Prince (The Saville Series Book 3)

Healing The Quiet Prince (The Saville Series Book 3)



Healing The Quiet Prince (The Saville Series Book 3) PDF Free Download


Life changed for him at seventeen. Filled with fear and loss he took a vow of silence to shut everyone out. After years of being told to move on, he decided that it's best that he did. What happened all those years ago would never change. Taking things slow was his mantra until she came into his life like a whirlwind. A mate is said to help you but the young prince learned it was him who had to help her. With the past being brought into his future, Angelo has to find a way to give his mate the happily ever after she deserves. Book three of the Saville Series. Sequel to The Wolf Prince Mate.

Chapter 1

"Angelo!! There you are."

The dark-haired prince opened his eyes to find that he was sitting in the back yard of his mate's house.

He looked around, it was the same as all those years ago the music, the laughter in the house most of all her presence beside him.

"Elise," he said with his voice breaking.

She cupped his cheek and kissed his lips softly.

"I've missed you so much, my princess. I-I don't know how to do this. How can I move on when I can't find the strength to do it? I don't want to lose you again," he stuttered lowering his eyes from her gaze.

"Do you know that you will always be my Angelo? As I would be your Elise." the blonde-haired beauty said to him.

He knew this was a dream but he couldn't resist claiming her lips. The feelings of their first kiss came back into play as he placed her in his lap and held her. Her warm breath fanned his neck as she tried to regain composure.

"I love you, my sweet prince," she said truthfully.

He was about to reply when the alarm sounded. She quickly scrambled off him to run inside.

"ELISE NO. DON'T. STAY WITH ME!" he yelled after her.

The scene changed around him and all he saw were fallen wolves, the cries of loved ones mourning their deaths. A bloody battlefield.

The sound of his own voice carried him to a scene that he can never forget.

"Please wake up, baby. Stop playing. We gotta go home together remember. Travel the world." A crying 17yr old Angelo came into his sight as he held a bloody form of Elise.

Her hand weakly holding his as he kissed her lips one last time. His cries were filled with pain as he held her close. Then the 17yr old prince turned to look at the older version of himself.

"I can't leave her. I can't. She needs us here" he cried out.

The pain in his green eyes brought Angelo to his knees, he felt a wet substance on his hands and looked at them in curiosity her blood- his mate's blood staining his hands. He screamed out in pain and anguish of her loss before he shifted into his dark wolf and went into a rampage.

Angelo got up abruptly from his dream with his body covered in sweat. To make sure it was all a dream, he looked at his surroundings then his hands.

"Home. I'm home," he muttered to himself while trying to control his rapid breathing.

It was early hours in the morning, the sun hasn't risen yet as he made his way to the balcony of his room.

Dressed in only his briefs, he welcomed the cold air that caressed his heated body, a cool metal hit him gently against his chest, looking at it made his dreams came back ten times stronger.

His wolf Lykos began to whimper. After seeing his human's dream, they both couldn't get rid of that bloody past, a painful one where they both lost their mate.

'Wanna go for a run?' Angelo asked his confidant.

'Much needed' Lykos answered eagerly.

Quickly he donned shorts and went out the back hallway to the heavily wooded areas of his family grounds. He stood and took in everything from the stone castle to the wide expanse of their grounds.

In a few hours he would be leaving for New York. He released a heavy sigh. It was hard to leave his family especially the new addition.

Shifting into Lykos, he thought of his two sisters Rosaline and Eva. He wished he can be there for them helping them fit into the Royal Family. Being a young queen and a royal beta female ain't no picnic but he knew they can make it. They were both strong in their respective ways.

His mother has been all teary-eyed for the past month as she supervised him in choosing the perfect apartment and decorating it. It’s the least she can do after all her second son will be halfway across the country and no longer a state away. Michael - his father - was a bit worried about how he would handle new people in his life but was put to ease by his eldest son Caiden.

He ran in his wolf form through the woods past the lake and into the training arena trying to clear his mind from that dream but failed.

'You have to let her go' his brother's words echoed in his head as he ran another lap around the dirt track.

But how? He thought to himself. He was scared to go but knew he had to. It's been too long. if he wanted what his older brothers have, he had to put himself out there.

'We didn't get a chance to have that with her. She was taken from us but how can we love another? How are we so sure that the same won't happen again?' Lykos snapped in anger.

Angelo slowed his speed and settle for an idle walk. To him, his wolf was right but they can do other things in their life just forget having a mate. Protect themselves from more pain.

'How about we take things slow' he suggested to his wolf. Lykos scoffed then agreed.

Angelo laughed out loud at his wolf's action and made his way back to his room to finish packing his personal items.

Throwing his bag in the corner of the breakfast room Angelo greeted his parents then his siblings before he sat down to eat.

They were used to his welcome smiles and brief hugs. The family watched him wistfully thinking that would be the last time seeing him at breakfast till a very long time. They all ate in silence lost in their own thoughts.

Angelo looked at his now empty plate then around the large breakfast table. A small smile graced his face as he caught his parents in a moment.

His uncles playfully nudging each other while uncle Mason rolled his eyes at them. Aunt Ariana was trying her hardest not to laugh at the silly jokes the twins were saying, hiding her smile with her coffee mug. Caiden and Micah were totally blindsided by their mates as his little sister Rebecca was caught up in a conversation with her mate.

"I-I will miss you all," he said causing everyone to focus their attention on him.

He kept up his cool facade but the love and warmth were in his eyes. They nodded in response knowing he didn't want a teary goodbye.

A warm hand grabbed his, and was brought up to their lips.

"Be careful and use your words. Not everyone speaks 'Angelo'," Rosaline said.

He gave her a silly grin and kissed her temple, for some strange reason they had a unique bond, she told him anything that troubles her whereas he found peace in her presence when he was conflicted. She knew his moods and ways and never got frustrated when talking to him.

"Stealing my mate, little brother? Save those charming smiles for the girls in New York," Caiden teased.

They all laughed as he twisted his face in disgust but hoped inside that he will actually go on a date or two.

After breakfast, they made their way up to the helipad where their pilot was waiting to take his prince to the private airstrip, on his way up the palace helpers bid him goodbye and great success on his trip in other words- be happy.

"Call me the moment you touch down," his mother all but demanded it. He smiled down at her and memorized her face then his father's.

"I won't be gone for long mama," he said softly.

Emma and Michael hugged their younger son fiercely showing the love they had for him. Truly lucky to have them he thought before he came out of their hold and boarded the helicopter. He watched down at them from the altitude and made a promise to be the man they knew him to be.

New York

Walking briskly from her night shift at one of the poshest restaurants, Amelia cursed herself for being so kind-hearted.

She hated going home so late. It made her too jumpy afraid that her nightmares would come back to life. She just had to fill in for her friend Leah. If it wasn't for the fact that she was extremely sick and can barely stand, she would of outright said no.

A sudden noise behind her made her all but run the last block to her apartment. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as her sole focus was to be behind her securely locked doors and in her bed.

The familiar dark and gloomy apartment building were near. Hurriedly, she rushed up the three flight of stairs deftly opening her door and slamming it shut turning all five deadbolt locks.

Catching her breath, she slid down to the floor listening to hear any foreign noises, Amelia released a sigh of relief when she only heard the loud blasting of tv from her neighbors and the arguing couple upstairs.

"You're being paranoid again Lia," she said to herself while getting a drink of water.

Amelia looked around her shabby apartment with the torn carpets, worn-out couch, the tv which only showed one channel. Her small kitchenette then the small bedroom with attached toilet and bath.

She kept everything neat and tidy to her liking, no mementos were on the walls, no childhood toy to remind her of a home, only a few clothes she came by which she brought by her hard-earned money from working two jobs while going to community college.

Tiredly she made her way to bed, aware that she had an eight o'clock shift apparently some important businessmen are having a breakfast meeting at their restaurant. Her boss was extremely excited with these particular patrons she didn't know why nor did she care.

She has had her share of rich arrogant jerks who felt they were god's gift to man watching down at her like filth and made it their duty to make her feel uncomfortable.

Rubbing her aching feet, Amelia wondered when would her big break come. She had a degree in Business Administration and was a whiz with computers. But places she has applied to wasn't interested in a community college kid.

The only jobs she managed to get were temp jobs but those were once in a while. The experience was nice but she wanted something permanent. A job that would take her out of this place. Somewhere safer.

Amelia went to sleep with thoughts of finally being free of this bad spell she called it.

"Amelia, Scott and Lettie. I want you three on Steven's party. These men are high profile patrons so please be on your best. Quality service is required" her boss of six months said all but squealed her morning changes.

"Yes Marie," they chorused.

The three straightened their uniforms and waited for the hostess to come to announce the party of the arrival. Lettie was redoing her makeup for the umpteen time while Amelia and Scott looked on with amused smiles.

"Alright guys you're up the party is of 8 so look alive," the hostess called out as she came through one door and went out the next.

"You heard her look alive people" Lettie mumbled while readjusting her breasts before walking out.

"Smooth," Scott said rolling his eyes as Amelia and himself walked out.

"Good morning gentlemen, my name is Lettie and accompanying me are Amelia and Samuel we shall be your servers today," the redheaded waitress said.

"Very well. Please start us off with a few drinks as we wait on a friend to arrive" this was said by a young caramel skin man with fair blue eyes and clean-shaven hair.

He certainly caught Lettie's eye as she gave him one of her million-dollar smiles.

They placed their drink orders in which Amelia and Scott went to get. The young businessman was quickly typing away on his phone.

"Mr. Court are we going to have the pleasure of meeting this boss of yours? Or is he a ghost? No one has ever seen him at your company only orders are being heard and it's all through you," one of the businessmen goaded.

"Young prodigy my ass. More like a rich brat" another mumbled.

Mr. Josiah Court simply smiled at the arrogant grey-haired man sitting across the table from him.

"I assure you he is every ounce real. He sends his regrets but he cannot make this meeting. He assures you he would reschedule in two weeks' time" Josiah said internally rolling his eyes.

He looked over the six men who flew in to meet with his friend, were agitated but stayed knowing that without their services their business would certainly decrease in sales. They were the best in the country and was remaining so thanks to their boss.

"Two weeks is this some sort of game to you kids" another snarled.

Josiah raised an eyebrow at him, "Kids you say. Might I remind you that you came to us because he's one of the best architectural engineers? With his name on your buildings imagine the profit in less than six months you would earn. Now he has sent the blueprints of each designated building you had in mind. Our team are already waiting for the green light"

They stayed quietly fuming as the three servers brought back their drinks.

"I think we are ready to order," Josiah said at Amelia.

"Certainly sir, are we proceeding without the 8th member of the party?" she asked.

He nodded while replying to a text, while she was jotting down their orders Josiah's phone rang.

"Yes, boss. Certainly," he answered efficiently then put the phone on speaker.

"Good morning gentlemen my apologies for not attending this meeting....."

Chills ran up Amelia's spine as she heard the smooth masculine voice on the other side of the phone. His words were said perfectly and it spoke sophistication to the fullest no doubt a rich spoiled kid when growing up Amelia thought. She didn't know why that crude thought entered her head but she felt guilty about it a moment later.

"Mr. Jameson, the site that you claimed to have bought and in lieu to be demolished is out of the question. I am not building on that site, " the voice said coldly.

She was enthralled just by the sound of his voice. No doubt he's good looking or he can be an old dude with a pleasant phone voice.

"You have no right to tell me where to build my hotel," Mr. Jameson said harshly.

Amelia spun on her heels and rushed to the kitchen not wanting to be the person on the other side of the phone as she saw how red the old man's face was.

"I do when that site is mine." the man snapped. Mr. Jameson paled with that revelation.

"But it's under a woman's name" one spoke up.

"My grandmother. Please research thoroughly before claiming other people's property in the future. Also, blackmail to a single mother who's just doing her job isn't becoming" the caller said deathly calm before hanging up.

"Mr. Saville thanks you for choosing his company and if needed for any future endeavors he's happy to assist. When you find a new site, plans will be redone and sent to you. Enjoy your breakfast courtesy Saville Enterpises Inc." Josiah said smugly before leaving the breakfast party.

Amelia was making her way back to the party when Josiah stopped her.

"Please send the bill over at this company." he said warmly while putting the card on the tray.

"Certainly sir" she answered getting a bit nervous as his icy blue stare stayed on her.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Amelia. Amelia Starkov."

"Well Miss Starkov, how would you like to earn three times as much of your current pay," Josiah said grinning down at the blonde.

‘Angelo is so going to have my head for this but it would be worth it.’ He thought of his reserved young boss.