
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Tate hates to be in trouble but if it is for her loveones then she will give an exception. A smart student who is famous for being pretty and for her lovely voice. A school heartthrob and a good student. While Leoje spend most of his time being a school rule breaker and of course, a leader of a well known band named "The Warning". He is an attention seeker when it comes to girls. His charms always works whenever he goes. But why can't that charm affect the cold hearted A plus stundent named Tate? And when faith play with them, they become in an instant relationship because of the wrong...facebook tag?!

Chapter 1

The cover court of our school turns into a concert hall because of an ocean student who have their cellphone in the air while their flashlights is on.

A cheering voices echoing the school court...

The spotlights that is centering me...

"Baby, i've been thinking about you lately

Won't you come over and save me from my memories~" I sang as I strum on my guitar.

Today is full of love, sweetness, and couple's everywhere.

But why am I singing a bitter song for those people who where left behind? A song made for the memories that will stayed as a memories because the other haft is already in another healthy relationship?

"Yeah I know it might sound crazy

But baby if you could only see me~"

This students who are lighting up the dark cover court might be the people who can't moved on...

"Cause I wish you were here badly

But I know we can't be

I know that we can't be~"

I close my eyes as I feel the pain of the lyrics. I wonder if how months does it takes for anyone to feel the love and lost it in just a snap of a day?

Hmmm... Maybe I'm a perfect girl on the outside but a complete mess on the inside.

This song always reminds me of my jerk ex. E courted me for four months and when I finally say yes we lasted for one week. Oh, scratch that. Six days. And then that's it. We broke up.

And I tried moving on for so long. It took me six months to finally get over it.

That is why I promised myself that in everything I do, I will succeed and I will be everyone's favorite person. But then, I hate attention so I fuck off.

"I know that we can't be..." The crowd cheer for me as I finished the song. I smile slightly before leaving without any words.

As I marched in the exit of the stage, a familiar face welcome me.

Of course who wouldn't know this jackass face? Leoje Choi. The brother of my fucktard ex. Hmm... being an ass must past through their blood huh?

A smirk appeared on his handsome face when our gaze met.

This man knows me before being here in stage. That is why I hate him. Not because of my past but because he reminded me of my nightmare.

And I hate him. Absolutely hate him. No space from liking him like duh...

"And for the next performance! The Warning!!" The sheering and the noises of the stundent for his band is way louder than what they shout for my band.

"They shout like there is no tomorrow because those pips are handsome as hell." Ingrid said bitterly. She's an amazing drummer. Lucky to have her in my band.

"Ugh! Those hella boys! They're using their charm instead of their talents!" Alessia rolled her eyes.

I just shake my head before leaving the court. I want to take a nap. A long nap i guess since today is Valentine's day and I just wanted to have a date with my pillows and with my blanket but being the singerist of the band, ugh... can't take an off.

I was about to leave the school when someone pop right into my face.

It's not a insect or anything it's a man. I smile tightly at Mr. Choi. Sebastian Choi. One of the heartthrob of the rival school. What the heck is he doing here?

"Uh...Excuse me? What are you doing here and how the hell did you get to enter the school premises?" Sebastian just give me a smirk before giving me a blue dye flower.

He literally give it to me. By force. "You know I'm not into this right?" I grimace. How can he do this to me?!

"Yup. I know how much you hate flowers and cheesy things-- but come on! You gotta help me!"

Yeah... I almost forgot that few weeks ago he ask me to help him make her baby jelly. Well. She's not his. Not now.

"Then what do you want me to do with this?" I ask.

He smile at me like he planned it all before going here and giving me... this flower.

"I thought about giving you a red flowers but I only give red flowers to my mom and to my baby so, I give you a blue one!" That doesn't make any sense.

"Because you liked blue! Thank you." He added.

I shake my head. Can't believe that this man is actually here to ruin my simple life.

"Yeah. You can leave now. Students might see you. You're freaking famous remember?" I don't associate myself with famous students.

"Uh, excuse me you are famous too as far as I remember?" Sebastian put a thinking face. Duh. I know that.

"That is why I don't want to be with any other famous people. Handling those pips who wanna know more about me is enough of a headache. I don't need a plus." I said in my bored tone.

"One plus one is great you know." I roll my eyes at him. Sometimes he can be a pain in the ass.

"I only like one plus one with foods and neccessary things." I said with a stern smile.

"Now. Let me go. I wanna get some sleep." I didn't give him any chance to talk because it will only make me waste my precious time.

"I don't worry I'll do it!" I shout still walking. Hope he will stop bothering me.

It's nice to have some time for yourself. Like not thinking about things that you shouldn't think.

Foods. Foods! It is the real definition of heaven! When you just slack off and do nothing. That is the real deal.

I was having the time of my life when my phone suddenly became irritatedly loud.

I dont have any choice but to open my eyes. Ugh. My notification is full because of the post that I post.

It's the flower and i tag Sebastian. I used #Mr.choithanksandloveyou

I blink a few times. And when my sight is finally clear. My eyes almost pop out of my eye socket when I saw who commented on my post.

Leo Choi: you too babe.

It took me a minute to fully process what I just read before screaming at the top of my lungs.

Shit! How come he commented something like this?! I was in daze when I saw a lot of bashers commenting.

And his comments reached hundreds of reacts and reply.

I scroll down the comments

really long way down there

Randle Medina: Man! Congratulations!

Cloud Velasquez: dude. Who would have thought ur going to have a girlfriend?

Kenneth kim: Congratulations man! Let celeb with the others! It's on me.

There is a bunch of comments Congratulating

I scroll back to my post and I almost pass out when I saw whose name is on the tag.

"Shit..." It wasn't Sebastian's account. It was Leoje Choi's account!