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Only Luna To Triplet Alpha Brothers

Only Luna To Triplet Alpha Brothers

Auteur: Fishie

En cours


Only Luna To Triplet Alpha Brothers PDF Free Download


Lynexa doesn't believe she has magical powers or is destined to save the werewolf race. She wants to be the Beta to her future Alphas, who are identical triplets Dolphus, Lowell, and Caleb, but they want her as their Luna. While they wait to shift for proof they're mates, they must prepare to fight a growing evil that's wiping out werewolf packs. As enemies pile up, Lynexa must embrace her fate to protect the people she loves.

Chapter 1

"Today was just the worst!!" Jet black hair crashed to her pillow, her cheeks stained with the color pink as she reminisced about the events of the day, even though she didn't want to. She could feel the burning wetness in her crotch and it was all because of them, "this was not how I wanted it to end." She sulks as she buries her head in her pillow.

Lynexa, daughter to Beta Zev and Tasha, and the only child was the adoptive sister of the triplets born to Alpha Vuk and Luna Ruelle. She had always thought of the triplets as her brothers and they regarded her as a sister, but ever since property began to set in she had started to feel a little something for the three of them.

Not that it was her fault but they couldn't play as they used to before without her getting aroused. She had very visible signs of development, her hips were wider than most of the girls her age and her boobs were a lovely shape, quite big and perky. She resembled her mother a lot. but she knew she had to do something or she might end up falling for the triplets.

She has always wanted to be their Beta, she couldn't start crushing on them. Today had to be the most embarrassing day for her.

They all decided that they will train together and they stuck to the commitment. So it was time for training and Lynexa was up against the triplets, it wasn't fair but she decided to have it that way. having to dodge multiple attacks and give offense attacks to 3 people at a time was tasking and so she became tired.

"You want us to take a break!" Dolphus mocks her as he secretly signals to his brothers to handle her from behind, but she wouldn't give up so easily. Dolphus is the eldest of the triplets; cocky, impulsive, and full of mischief, he was always getting on her tail and trying to distract her from the main issue to create an opening for his biological clones.

"Yeah, keep dreaming." She lunged at him before she was put in a lock by the rest of the triplets, "what the!" She was upset that they had caught her so soon and she was struggling to set herself free,

"Brother, take the last strike!" They both signal to his clone and Dolphus charges for her. She is in a fix until she remembers a move her mother pulled on her dad, she can wing it. When Dolphus gets close enough, she performs an up-lifting kick and it knocks him back and to the ground.

The brothers were surprised she could do that with her body, but what was more shocking was that Dolphus just lay there without response.

"Brother?" Caleb, the youngest, called out of concern, it never took him so long to get back up, "is he alright?" They dropped their lock on Lynexa and rushed to him, "he's not breathing!" He panicked.

Her eyes shot open, she didn't know it was that powerful, her mom needed to teach her some more if she was able to knock down Dolphus. She pushed herself to his body and placed her hand on his broad chest, she needed to get his heart moving again.

She hurriedly tears his shirt and begins compression. It wasn't abnormal for Dolphus to collapse out of the blue, he wasn't the easiest to deliver so his health isn't the best. She places her mouth on his and lends him her breath, and just after the fourth breath, she feels his tongue in her mouth,

"Hmm!!" It was a muffled confused shriek and before she could spell her name, she was flipped like a truck tyre and her back was placed flat on the floor but her body was so close to Dolphus' she could feel the hardness of his chest against her soft melons.

"I pinned you so I won!" A devilish smirk slapped across his charming features but that was a dirty game and Lyn couldn't resist the blush that crept up her face.

The brothers high-fived one another while Lyn lay on the floor thinking about what had just happened, she could feel her body crave more proximity,

"Come on Lyn, the battle is over." Lowell, the second born snorted at her while he and his younger brother tried to pick her up. But a little misplacement of hands and they groped her firmly instead, she moans a little at the impact of both their hands on each of her breasts and her nipples begin to wake up from slumber,

"Sorry!" Caleb chuckles to himself and they pull her up, she couldn't look them in the eye, not after she let out that moan, "Lyn what's wrong with you?" Caleb was the typical sweetheart and was always the one to stick his head into her face whenever he saw she wasn't happy. But what could she say, she was dripping wet, so she ran off instead.

"Lynexa!!" Dolphus calls after her but she doesn't answer him.

And that is what happened today. Her gray orbs were tainted with fatigue and shame, she massaged her boobs subconsciously, still feeling Lowell's and Caleb's hands on them. But this was wrong.

"I've fucked up." She really did. She had a goal, and that was to be the beta of the dew pack, while the triplets would be the Alpha. Her parents always knew she would be an amazing beta and she also had high expectations for herself but she was fucking this up by getting sexually involved with the brothers.

It was forbidden. She wasn't striving for the position of Luna, and she was so sure she wasn't their mate. But she couldn't help but feel that way. She loved when Dolphus' warm tongue slid into her mouth, she wished she kissed him back while he gently caressed her crotch.

And then Caleb and Lowell would have groped her, and even sucked on her hard nipples while she moans recklessly at how they would touch her. And then they would go to their room and Fu…

"Lyn!!!" She screams at herself, her thoughts becoming too wild, "this is wrong!!" She is right, it is forbidden. This would not happen again, she would make sure of it.