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Her Last Man

Her Last Man

Auteur: YueSama



Her Last Man PDF Free Download


Gwen Arlert, like every other young woman out there, dreams to find her ‘Prince Charming’ who will open the heavenly doors to true love in her empty boring life. Already twenty-five and still with no love interest, she eagerly accepts a love profession of a patient at the hospital she works at. And maybe she does get the chance to experience the euphoric ecstasy behind those ‘butterflies in your tummy’ and bask in the rays of a lovers laughter. But, isn’t it all happening too soon and moving too fast? The perfect love life filled with happiness and laughter takes on a downward spiral twist and Gwen finds herself becoming a prisoner in love.

Chapter 1

“Damn you…”

I growl angrily as my foot knocks down the alarm clock on my bedside table.

‘Gosh! I so hate that clock’

With a groan, I sit up and see the mess I’ve made on the floor. I completely dismantled it. A sly grin creeps into my face and I shove the blanket aside.

“Ah… what a beautiful morning”

I yawn lazily and stretch out my arms. I’ve got 2hrs to get to work. I waltz into the bathroom and stand before the mirror.


I let out a yelp at the disheveled monster in the mirror.

Oh it’s me. Ha-ha.

“I’m such a mess… couldn’t even recognize myself” I giggle and quickly brush my teeth and proceed to a shower.

Done and looking presentable, I rush down the stairs to prepare a warm coffee and buttered bread. I make myself comfortable on the stool by the counter and sip from my coffee.

My phone suddenly starts ringing.

“Anna” I smile to myself when I glance at the caller ID.

She’s my colleague from work. I pick it up and answer the call. “Hey there” I say and hear her sigh, 'Morning to you. Where are you?'

“Aw come on, there’s still time. I’m having my sweet breakfast. Care to join?” I smirk as if she can see me.

'Whatever. Just hurry, I’m bored here'

She playfully whines and I giggle, “I’ll see ya when I get there. Wait for me”.

I tease her and picture rolling her eyes as she says her next line, “Yeah yeah”.

Anna… such a funny girl.


I coo slowly as I enter the ward and shut the door just as slowly.

He beams up at me and jumps off his bed as he hurries over to hug me.

“How are you? How was your night?”

I ask him and he looks up at me, “I’m fine and I had a nice sleep” he replies cheerfully and I ruffle his hair.

Eugene is a ten year old patient diagnosed with a hole in his heart. He’s been here for four days and today is finally the day of his surgery. He’s such a sweet child and we bonded so well since the day we met.

He moves away from me and goes searching beneath his pillow while I check on his drip and other necessaries.

“Here aunty” He says, presenting a drawing to me.

It brings a smile on my It's a colourful drawing of a somewhat female stickman image with my name labelled on it.

“It’s so beautiful Eugene” I pat his head and his smile doubles.

“I want you to have it” He further says and my smile knows no bounds. I hug him

“Thanks so much”.

“Come here”

I beckon, patting a space next to me on his bed and he happily jumps on the bed.

“I wanna tell you about something exciting”

I clasp my hands together as his eyes glue on me with eager interest. Now having his full attention, I dramatically clear my throat and begin.

I pull into the drive way of my apartment and turn off the engine. Climbing up the stony path that leads to the front porch, I spot someone familiar waiting there with his luggage.


I call out and the person turns around to see me. He’s in black washed jeans, a white T-shirt and a black hoodie.

“Hey sis! Was wondering if you’re ever gonna come back” He says, walking towards.

We meet up and I ask, “Why didn’t I get a call about this?”

He averts his eyes and runs a hand through his dark hair, “Wasn’t sure if you’d let me”. He says sheepishly and I feel like pulling his ear.

“Why on earth won’t I let you stay huh?” I ask, with hands akimbo. He lowers his head, “I’m sorry” is all he says and I sigh.

“Let’s go”.

“So, what’s this all for?” I ask, pointing at his luggage and he flashes a dumb grin.

“I’m gonna be here for a while until I’m done with my college exams”

He says and I lift a brow at him, “The last time you said that, you ended up staying for three months. Who knows, this time you could stay for a year” I say and watch his grin vanish and get replaced with a guilty face.


I fix us to dinner and listen to him yarn about his girlfriend. He really is in love. Just look at the smile on his face, and how he blushes and shies away at intervals. Makes me feel so jealous. I’ve never been in love so I have no idea what it feels like.

“So sis, when are we to expect Mr Right?”

He wiggles his brows at me and I blush instantly.

“Eh… um… what?”

I stutter to his amusement and he goes off laughing his head off. Crazy kid.

“What’s so funny?”

I frown at him and he winks at me, “You’re so missing out”.

The hell!

I lean over the counter, “Oh really? Just what kind of fun?”

I press forward and see his face lit up in a bright shade of red and he backs away, “No… Its…”

“You better concentrate on your exams and quit fooling around”

I say to him, picking up my plates to drop into the sink. We spent the rest of the evening talking about love and my type of guy. Remind me to never have such a conversation with Nathan again. That kid is something else geez!

There’s an emergency.

An accident victim was rushed in few minutes ago and we’re rushing him into the I.C.U at the moment. He has blood stains all over. Makes me doubt his survival. We’re missing out on a doctor I'm the only nurse standing in with the other doctors around.

I let out a relieved sigh as I fall back into a couch at the lounge area. The victim survived it. The wounds weren’t that deep and severe. He’s totally out of danger now and is fast asleep in a ward in the I.C.U.

“That was tiring huh?”

I hear Anna’s voice behind me and hear her steps grow closer until she’s in front of me. She’s also in her scrubs like I am and her thick blonde hair is neatly tied back in a ponytail. Her smile reaches her pale blue eyes.

“Yeah… I’m so glad we didn’t lose him. I was prepared to cry afterwards”

I stress out and she plops into the couch next to mine. Her hand comes over mine and I try to match her smile.

“I should go check on him” I say to her and she nods.


Just as I’m stepping in, his eyes flutter open and he’s sitting up. I rush to his side and help him.

“Th… thanks” He says and I only nod my head.

I retrieve my hands behind me and watch him. He’s so handsome with slick back black hair and sky-blue eyes. There’s a little cut above his right eyebrow and a faint trace of stubble around his jawline. I gulp in audibly and he glances in my direction. It’s as if that look alone snaps out the air in my lungs and I struggle to breathe.

“You’re the pretty angel who saved my life?”

His voice is so soft and a bit deep. I sheepishly nod. He chuckles.

“You can speak or can’t you?”

“Um I… well, yeah. Sorry”

Gosh I’m so stupid!

He chuckles again. This time, looking out the window.

“I’m Brandon, Brandon Ralph. You are?”

“Gwen, Gwen Arlert”.

This feels awkward. I still can’t breathe properly and my body feels strange.


I hear him roll out my name like he’s trying to recall something. Then he exhales, leans his back into the pillows and shuts his eyes.

Is he going back to sleep?

I find myself asking. Just then, something clicks in me. Where is his family? I’m pushed to ask. We couldn’t find any leads.

“Um sir-“

“Just call me Brandon” He cuts me short.

“Okay. I uh… just wanted to ask about your family. We couldn’t-“

“I don’t have a family. Lost them years ago in a tragic accident…”

His voice comes out bitter and sad. Now I regret asking him. My chest tightens.

“I’m sorry”

Is all I can muster. His eyes are still closed. This is another phase of his good looks. I gulp, this time not audibly. It’s now I notice I’ve been standing for so long.

His eyes open again to meet mine. We stare intently at each other, into each other for so long I had to avert my gaze. He chuckles again, forcing me to look his way and what I see has me knocked off my feet.

What is love again?