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Beneath Andrea's Arms

Beneath Andrea's Arms



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Growing up as a young and aspiring girl, Andrea Camille dreams of becoming the owner of a big coffee shop which she was going to use as a point of contact to help the needy and the poor whenever she could but her dreams were short-lived as she lost her parents at a very tender age, leaving her to face this cruel world all by herself.

Chapter 1


Not too long ago, I was a free girl with a lot of dreams and aspirations. All I wanted was to own a coffee shop which by the way I was working hard towards achieving before one of life's numerous trials, but this time in the form of a client who walked in to have coffee but ended up ruining my whole life.

The lady made a whole scene for coffee which I mistakenly spill on her clothing. I kid you not, the stain could've had easily been gotten rid of with water, but this lady insisted on humiliating me and one thing I do not tolerate is disrespect. I may be poor, but no way I was willingly going to let another female belittle me without getting an ass whoop

So I fought back.

"You are just a servant so you have to obey me," the lady yelled, and I was fuming. And before she knew it, my hand met with her cheeks and not in a soothing manner. I think it was safe to say the sound of the slap could be heard from down the streets.

"I have tolerated your insults and arrogance and I am not going to do so anymore," I yelled out and before I could realize what was going on, sirens could be heard and the next minute I was surrounded by police cars. I looked around frightfully, trying to comprehend why I was surrounded by the police.

Scared by the sight of the officers, the lady, whose name I came to realize is Ms. Jhenie Warlock, stood from the ground with the help of my boss the coffee shop owner and maintains her feet on the ground, she found it difficult to believe what had just happened to her. The anger that could be seen from her eyes was enough to set an entire city ablaze. Still pissed off, she yelled "Arrest this lowlife of a creature standing before me."

My eyes flaunt wide open and I start to feel my heartbeat rise above its normal level as I heard the police officer say words that I've come to memorize from watching movies, only this time it was directed to me.

"You are under arrest for assault on Ms Warlock, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to a lawyer and if you do not have one, the state will provide one for you." he said as he hand cuffed me.

Reality had just dawn on me, realizing what was happening, I looked at my boss who stood by Ms Ice, hoping that he would say something to stop them from taking me, but what wishful thinking that was, because it was crystal clear he wasn't going to defend me.

I had no one in my life that could help me asides from my best friend and roommate Dylan who was also a college dropout like me and was hustling side jobs just so we could earn a living.

Entering the police vehicle, I looked and saw Ms Ice enter her luxurious sports car intending to follow the police car to the station.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I asked feeling afraid of what might happen next. Holding my phone in my hands, I asked the officer if I could make a call.

He looked at me like I was some filthy rat and he responded,

"It better be quick because you are not our guest,"

My heartbeat increased as I heard him say those words because I wasn't certain what my fate will be. I decided its best I do as they say and I quickly dialed Dylan's number.

After three rings, I hear Dylan's voice on the other end, and the ever-cheerful voice sends a silent whisper of faith down my spine.

"hey AC, what's up," Dylan says from the other end.

I try my best to sound courageous and not worry her as I say "Dylan, I'm gonna need you to pay attention. I am being taken down to the precinct, I don't have much time but I need you to come down to the station with my identification, if possible some clothes too" I immediately hung up, not giving Dylan any room to respond because knowing her, she will try as much as possible to squeeze out information from me on phone, and as the police officer earlier made it known, I can't afford that kind of luxury.

The car comes to an abrupt stop and I am immediately yanked out of the car like a murderer.

"move," the mean officer said. His name tag read 'Bismatch' but who cares? He's officer mean.

We walk in to the station with officer mean holding and pulling on my left arm.

A basket is put in front of me "jewelry and phone" a female voice said and I look up, only to be met with gentle eyes on an angry on the face. What a sad combination.

I did as told and took off my jewelry. Next, a form was put before me and this time the lady walked around the counter to help me put my fingerprints on the piece of paper.

After this is done, I am led to a corridor for my pictures to be taken. This time around, it's a boy, probably in his early twenties who hands me cardboard with numbers on it.

"stand against the numbers on the wall, and hold this up to your chest," he said pointing at the wall.

I walk to the wall and did as instructed. Pictures of me were taken from the front, from the left and the right, all the while still holding the cardboard against me, depending on which way I had to pose for pictures

"Okay now that's done, let's head to your cell," he said leading me towards the back to where I presume the cells were.

"My best friend is on her way" I turned and face the boy "can she see me when she gets here? I questioned hopefully.

"okay sure no problem " he opens the cell and I enter and I start to shiver from how cold the cell was.

"where is she? I want to talk with her" I heard a male voice say and I wondered if that voice was referring to me.

And I guess I was because right now, standing in front of me is none other than Jamie Estevan.

I'm not entirely sure why.

But he was in front of me.

Jamie Fucking Estevan