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Like We Never Met

Like We Never Met

Auteur: Llyfa

En cours


Like We Never Met PDF Free Download


Heartbroken and betrayed, Cara flees to the coast on a quest to regain whatever sanity she had left. Her trip becomes a rescue mission as she saves the unconscious man on the seashore. The plan was to send him off when he regains consciousness. But he turned out to be a charmer, pulling hard at her heartstrings. Cara was determined to find him when he disappeared without a word. But what she found instead was his identity. Diego Huston, renowned billionaire and married. Another devastating heartbreak for Cara, threatening to shut her down completely. ---------------------------------------------------- “...Like we never met.“ The last goodbye words of Cara before she walked out the door. But it would never be goodbye for Diego. Not now, not ever.

Chapter 1

“...Like we never met.“ The last goodbye words of Cara before she walked out the door.

But it would never be goodbye for Diego. Not when he is determined to sacrifice all he has for their 'impossible' love story.


Cara stashed away the last piece that reminded her of Jake into the box. She sealed the box and carried it to the doorway. Later, she was gonna take it down to the basement. The same way she was locking all memories of him in the basement of her heart.

It was hard to compel the memories into the small basement of her heart. She'd devoted three years to create them. Being such a romantic, she made him do so many romantic stuff with her. They did every little thing lovers should do. Went horse riding. Bonded at the leisure park. Made love while the rain hit hard on the rooftop. Got matching shoes and shirts. They did it all. They had it all. Nothing was missing, or so she thought.

Many years of believing in fantasy had finally paid off. She had her fantasy, her prince charming.

She loved him. She believed he loved her too, so she cast aside whatever doubts tried to creep in.

She was blinded by her feelings to see the beeping red, signal. She never wanted to face the possibility that her fantasy was all in her head and never existed. Reality struck her so hard and unexpectedly. Her heart got shattered beyond repairs. Her fantasy was replaced with hell. And there she dwelt, haunted and tortured by the memories of him.

There were nights she craved to end her anguish. Just a little slit on her wrist and she would get away from it all. So many nights she yielded to those thoughts but got saved by her Dad and sister.

They made her visit a shrink, but it did little to heal her marred heart. She needed closure to move on. She needed answers to her unanswered questions.

And she'd tried getting those answers. She'd taken the bold step of calling him up. But his answers left her more broken than she was. He never loved her. She was a softie and romantic and it made her clingy. He didn't like that. He needed a daredevil and he already got one.

It was the most painful closure. Again, she plunged deeper in her agony. With each fleeting day, she was losing her glow. She became a reflection of the pains that were eating her up.

She needed some wake-up call to make her realize life was still worth living. And she did get the wake-up call but in a tragic way.

Sara had been beaten up by some goons on her way back home. She'd gone to the mall to get some presents for Cara, hoping to cheer her up. Sara was the only sibling Cara had. Cara was 23 and Sara, 16. The seven years difference in age between the girls did nothing to ruin their bond. The duo had such a strong bond and would do anything for each other.

The news was terrifying for Cara.

She was relentless till the perpetrators got caught. And to her sister, she promised to give another shot at living. Sara was glad. She had her big sister back.

Cara took her first step at recovering by vowing ne'er to fall in love again. No more heartbreaks. No more pains. No more men. She's had enough pains to last a lifetime.

She went back to working at the downtown jewelry store where she designs and produces pieces of jewelry from plastics and sorts.

She spent her days at the store. Had some bonding time with her family when she returned home.

But at night, she still cried herself to sleep. She was a depressing case. Just a little better than before.

Cara wiped the tears that dropped whilst she was lost in thought. She zipped up her luggage and set it on the floor. She was ready for her trip to the coast.

Her Dad had suggested she goes away for a while. Take a breather. Cara had welcomed the idea happily. No doubt she would miss her family. But she needed this. Needed to find herself again.

“Are you done packing?“ Cara turned to find Sara at the door.

“Sara. How long have you been standing there?“ Cara attempted a weak smile.

“I just got here.“ Sara walked in. She noticed the tear streak on Cara's face. But she didn't ask. She sat on the bed and Cara did too. “I came to give you a little parting gift.“

“You're so sweet.“ Cara smiled. She watched in anticipation as Sara slowly brought out a necklace from her pocket. She recognized it instantly. “I thought you were making this for yourself.“

“I was. But I want you to have it. It's the first piece I ever made. So please take care of it.“ Sara blinked back the tears that clogged her vision. She carefully put the necklace around Cara's neck. With a smile, she said. “It's perfect.“

Cara was already in tears. The nice gesture was enough to get her emotional. She ran her fingers at the tacky, but beautiful necklace around her neck which had her name on it. Her sister had again made her feel special.

“Take care, Cara. Don't do anything crazy. I'll die if anything happens to you.“ Sara held her hand. Watching Cara wallow in the darkness of misery was one awful sight for her. Cara had always been her pillar for support. She never imagined Cara could get so broken.

If only she could, she would have rid her of her pains already.

Cara nodded, hugging her so dearly. “I'll return stronger. I promise.“ It was a promise she had to keep. She needed to be strong, for her family.

“I trust you will. Whenever you feel depressed, please remember Dad and I love you so much.“

“I will.“ Cara said. She kissed Sara on her forehead. Rubbing her cheek, she smiled. “I love you, baby.“

Sara giggled, hugging Cara again. “It's been a while you said that. I was beginning to think I'll never hear you say it again.“

Cara knew how true that was. She'd vowed never to say those words to anyone again. But her sister had to be an exception. Sara would never hurt her as that monster did.

“I'm sorry. I just...“

“It's okay. I understand.“ Sara cut her off. “I know you love me. You were just going through a lot.“

“Yes. Thank you.“

They sat there in companionable silence. Sara had her head rested on Cara's shoulder. Gently, Cara stroked her hair. Thankfully, she had her little sister by her side. Cara always thought of Sara as the parting gift their Mum gave her before she died. Just like the necklace around her neck.

It was hard losing her Mum at the age of 9. But she found all the courage she needed to survive in Sara. She always does.

“Cara! You're gonna be late.“

The girls quickly stood at the yell coming from their Dad downstairs.

“I'll get your bag.“ Sara grabbed her small duffel bag. She noticed the box in the doorway. “What is this?“

“Just stuff I don't need anymore.“ Cara replied nonchalantly. “Do help me take it down the basement, alright?“
