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My Broken Billionaire

My Broken Billionaire

Auteur: Ankita Kundu

En cours


My Broken Billionaire PDF Free Download


"I am what you are lacking," He looked at her, confused, seemingly has no idea what she was talking about. The only thing he asked her was her name, and she was playing a mind game with him. "I am Faith, for you," She lifted her hand to him, smiled at him, "It's Dr. Grace Watson, your new psychiatrist," His expression darkened. "When did I ask for one?" ~ ~ ~ Who would have thought a doctor may turn into a stalker of a masked billionaire free of cost? How does she know the man needed help? What if the man has secret agenda behind accepting her offer afterward? What kind of wicked game they are playing against one another? ~ ~ ~ Then the man exclaimed, "I don't want to go in any conversation with you anymore," "But I need you," He froze in her confession. Her eyes glinting in mischief as she told him, "And I know you need me too,"

Chapter 1

Sixteen years ago

Grace was strolling around mindlessly on school premises with a school bag hanging from her shoulder. She has no friends.

Actually, she doesn't do friends. Boys were unbearable sometimes, and girls were way too clingy. It was a trait she has inherited from her father who enjoys his own company since his childhood.

Her two brothers - Augustus was like their mother, reserved, and a good observant.

And Reyes, well, he was a charm, an enigma, inherited both good and bad sides from their parents. In one word, he is ruthless, arrogant, and has an attitude for which girls die for and boys prefer to stay far away as they possibly can.

They were triplets, but they have nothing in common.

Grace was walking on the side of the field, she suddenly heard chaos coming from the corner of their school. She passed by the janitor, she saw a group of senior boys was bullying a boy her age, maybe.

She heard them, "Where is your mom? Oh, sorry. You don't have a mother." They all laughed at him.

One of them said with a snicker, "Did you forget he is a bastard's child? His mother must be a puta."

Grace looked at the boy, saw him crying badly. There was a handprint on his cheek and his hair was wet, and dust was all over his clothes. His glass was on the floor, broke into several pieces.

The boy stuttered fearfully, "P-please l-let g-go. I will not tell anything to our teachers- "

She gasped in shock when a boy smacked on his cheeks, seething, "You will tell the teachers, huh? Do you know what consequences you will face for this later?- " Grace was enraged. They have no right to hit him.

She remembered her parents told her and her brothers once that those who bully others, are bad kids.

She clenched her fists to see them emptying a tray of food over his head and hitting him for no reason.

Her eyes fell on the broom in the janitor and she smirked at them evilly patting her bag where she kept her boxing globe. You bad kids. Who will save you from my hand now? She sneered at them mentally.

The boy who was getting bullied, suddenly heard footsteps approaching him. As he raised his head, his eyes widened to see a girl running toward them a broom in her hand. He was shocked to see a boxing globe in her other hand. "Heyyiiiyaaa!!!" The little girl screamed and hit the broom on their butt harshly.

"Ouuuucchhh!" One of the boys screamed, rubbing his hand on his butt to soothe the pain. "You!"

One of the boys marched toward her to snatch the broom from her, the little girl hit the stick on his back and gave a punch on his stomach. "Heeeee," Gritting her teeth at them, Grace began beating them with that broom, giving them punches occasionally. The bullied boy stared at her in awe. He was also scared for her knowing those bullies will not leave her or him easily after that. They were in big trouble.

"Is this hurting?" The boy looked up to hear Grace who was sitting beside him in the principal's office.

He shook his head in denial and looked down to his lap. He gazed at her side, saw her shaking her legs, kicking the air once in a while. He stiffened when she whispered to him, "They will not hurt you again, kid. So, don't worry," He looked at her blankly and then looked away, seeming offended by the fact of her addressing him kid. From what he came to know about her, she was a year younger than him.

He was thankful for her saving him from his bully, but... calling him that! No, he was angry with her.

"Ah, you talk way too less," Grace grumbled out and pouted. And you talk way too much. He thought.

She gazed toward the door, saw her brothers were peeking through the door. They looked frightened. Seeing their face, her face paled too. She was familiar with that look. Oh, No! mommy is coming. She wished her daddy comes to her school in her mother's place, but her father has left for the business trip.

~ ~ ~

"Apologize to your seniors, Ms. Watson. You can't disrespect anyone like that," The principal said sternly.

"I will not say sorry to those bad boys," Grace snorted. Her teachers were stunned to see a load of anger she was carrying within her. She was shaking in anger, and her hands formed into fists.

One of those boys' mothers protested to the principal, "Sir, is this how students in your school behave? I think I should reconsider choosing your school instead of another elementary school. I can't allow my son to be in the same school as this insolent and bad-mouthed girls studies,"

The woman seething in anger. She glared at Grace, and she glared back with her chin raised in defiance.

Grace shot back, "I better choose to homeschool than study in this school. They bullied and beat this boy, - " She showed the boy whose hand she was holding, saying, " - and you want me to say sorry to them?"

"We were playing, mom," One of the boys protested. "She beat us up and beat him too."

"Grace Watson, is that true?" Their principal asked sternly.

Grace jabbed her finger at those boys and said with a glare, "Bullies like you should not study in school."

Her statement made others gasped and looked at her in disbelief.

"Mr. and Mrs. Watson, please come in," The Principal greeted them respectfully and left his seat as his eyes fell on two tall figures standing by the door of his office. Everyone's gaze turned toward the door and saw Rosalyn and Albert standing side by side. They looked no less than a power couple itself. Their powerful aura made everyone uncomfortable and lowered their head in an instant.

Grace gasped, "Mommy, daddy,"

The boy, who was standing beside Grace, his eyes lit up to see Rosalyn in that cabin.

"What's happening here?"

Rosalyn Evans asked coldly with her eyes fixed on her daughter, who gulped hard in fear.

Before the principal could say anything, one of the guardians said, "Your daughter beat our children. She also beat that boy and then she claimed that it was my son who bullied that boy."

Another one said neutrally, "We can settle things between us if your daughter says sorry to the boys,"

Grace said out, "Mommy, daddy, I didn't beat them up for fun. They are bullies. I rescued this kid and used a broom and my boxing gloves to fight against them. They even call him names. What was that?" She was trying to remember that exact word. She said frowning, "Buxter's son and tuta- something like that,"

The boys snickered to see her struggling in uttering those words. Grace threw a glare at them. She looked back and saw her parents' expression turned extremely cold as if they got what she meant to tell them.

Leaning at that boy to her side, she whispered, "My parents are scary, but they are good. They will save you," That boy chewed the corner of his lips, stared at Rosalyn with so many emotions in his eyes.

"Do you have a surveillant camera in that part of your school?" Albert asked the principal calmly.

Those boys who beat that little boy, their face paled instantly in his suggestion.

"Show it to us," In one word of Albert, the Principal arrange the projector and link the footage on it. Soon the confusion cleared. The boys were punished severely and Grace got one week of the suspension letter.

~ ~ ~

Grace was standing with her parents, waiting for her brothers to come out from the school. Her mother scolded her badly where her father tried to be a peacemaker between two furious mother-daughter duo.

"Grace didn't do anything wrong in saving that boy. And - for how long will you continue shouting at my princess? Look at her now. She is having the same expression as yours, uh- I mean, she looks like you. So, trust me, this is not helping. We should - " The ladies hissed out in unison, "We are nothing alike,"

Both crossed their arms over their chest and looked away from him.

Yeah, you two are nothing alike. Albert chuckled to himself and mentally facepalmed.

Grace was running her gaze around the school premises lazily, at the time, her eyes fell on the familiar figure. She instantly recognized it was the same boy to whom she saved from his bullies.

The boy kept staring at Rosalyn, and then Grace. They don't know each other. They are not familiar with their name, yet there formed a bond between them. No one ever stood by him before. But that girl...

Not only she shooed them off, but she treated his wound on her own. None of them knew what their name was, yet they became friends. He saw grace smiled at him. Seeing her smile, his lips curled up slightly.

"Young master, it is time to go home,"

His driver uncle came and took him toward his car outside the school premises.

As soon as he climbed in, his eyes widened to see his father sitting there, furiously tapping on the laptop with a cold expression on his face. He looks busy and angry...? The little guy shrunk on his seat in fear.

His father's cold voice rang in their car, "You again let them beat you,"

The little boy looked down and stared at his lap. He meekly said, "A girl saved me,"

His father's hand froze in the mid-air. He looked at his son, waiting for him to tell him what happened in his school that day. The little boy began telling him and as he raised his head at his father, his eyes lit up to see the picture of that woman whose picture was saved as his father's laptop's wallpaper.

He lifted his hand, told his father, "That girl saved me,"

His father followed his gaze and something flickered in his eyes which immediately dim to see Rosalyn standing with her triplets and her husband, Albert Watson. They look happy. He thought.

"Daddy, who is she to you?"

His son's innocent voice made him broke his stare from the happy family. "Daddy, is she my mommy?"

The man's expression hardened to hear him. Gritting his teeth, he closed his laptop harshly.

He told him in a cold tone, "I have arranged everything abroad. You will be living there till your graduation from college. We are leaving tonight," The little guy's heart sunk. His eyes turned pitiful and watery.

He denied his father, "I don't want to go," He gulped hard when his father said warningly, "Say it again,"

In different circumstances, he would have shut his mouth, but... "Daddy, I want to be with mommy," He said pleadingly to his father who looked horrible in anger glinting in his eyes.

He told him firmly, "She is not your mommy, Elliot Anderson. I don't want you to talk about it again,"

"Daddy, I want to stay here, Please," He pleaded again. This time he held his father's arm who was looking extremely furious at that moment. "I will not allow others to beat me or picking on me, daddy. Please don't send me away. I promise I will be a good boy," He stared at his father with tears in his eyes.

His expression softened a little guy's tears. He held him near his chest, and ordered his driver, "Drive,"

His father couldn't just give in to his son. He knew he was doing the right thing for Elliot.

Elliot looked for the last time to Rosalyn, and a lone tear escaped from his eyes.