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When I hightailed it out of town after high school graduation, I didn’t think there was anything that could bring me home again. But I was wrong. When the worst happens, it blows my world apart and sends me into free fall, forcing me to return to the one place—the one person—that holds all my heartache. Hunter Price. The guy I loved more than life itself. He doesn’t understand that in order to save him, I had to do the unthinkable—open my hand and let him go. With no other choice but to attend the same university, all I want is to lay low and stay off his radar. My hope is that after all this time, he’s moved on and will leave our relationship where it belongs—in the past. Only now do I realize that if Hunter has his way, he’ll bring me to my knees, inflicting as much damage as he can. Heartless is created by Jennifer Sucevic, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

Chapter 1

##Chapter 1: Skye

"Can you believe this is the last time we're going to walk through those doors as seniors?" my best friend, Lanie, asks as we step inside the three-story brick building.

I shake my head. "It's still feels surreal."

How are we old enough to graduate from high school and take that next step? There are times when it feels like we just started as freshmen. And now we're done. Another chapter closed. Some of our classmates will relocate to different states for the next phase of their lives. Lanie and I were accepted at Claremont University, a local college in town, and will be rooming together in the dorms.

As we navigate our way through the crowded hallway, an air of excitement crackles in the atmosphere. Everyone is smiling and laughing as streamers and confetti litter the floor. The energy is infectious.

"We're going to have so much fun at the bash tomorrow. Remember to bring plenty of sunscreen," she tells me, anticipation bubbling up in her voice, "because we're going to be there all day and late into the night. Tell Dean and Brandi not to wait up for you."

It's been a longstanding tradition for the seniors to spend the twenty-four hours before graduation at the beach to celebrate their newly minted status. Coolers of alcohol will be hauled onto the sand, burgers will be flipped on the grill, games of beach volleyball will be played, and everyone will enjoy the water. Even though it's a party meant for the seniors, all the underclassmen from school show up.

As we stop at my locker, Lanie lounges against the one next to mine. I spin the dial before popping open the latch. The finality of something I've done thousands of times throughout the years hits me all over again. After today, there won't be any need for lockers. No more hanging out with Lanie between classes and at lunch. No more Friday nights spent under the bright lights of the football stadium, watching the guy who owns my heart dominate on the field.

Even though life is changing, some things will stay the same. Like my relationship with Hunter. We've been together since the beginning of freshman year. Sometimes, I can't believe he chose me out of all the girls vying for his attention.

Hunter Price is one of the most talented quarterbacks in the state and received a full ride to Claremont. There will still be football games in my future. Only now, they'll be on Saturday afternoons and played at much larger venues.

"Ugh," Lanie grunts. "Why can't that girl take a hint? Does she really think he's going to dump your ass after all this time to go out with her?"

As I blink back to the present, my gaze darts down the long stretch of hallway before landing on my boyfriend, who lingers at his locker. A dark-haired female, clutching her books to her chest, stares adoringly up at him. Even from here, I can see the besotted look in her eyes.

Hannah Belmont.

She's a junior cheerleader. Her brother, Owen, has been friends with Hunter since elementary school. My guess is that she's been crushing on him for nearly as long.

With a shrug, I try to pretend that her persistent chasing doesn't bother me. Most of the time, I'm able to ignore Hannah's cow-eyed infatuation and chalk it up to a harmless crush. I know he doesn't see her as anything more than Owen's kid sister.

It's hard to blame her for trailing after him like a lovesick puppy. He's hot with thick, dark hair and penetrating blue eyes. Over the years, he's become even more muscular from lifting weights and two-a-day practices during the hot summer months. He no longer has the physique of a boy, but a man. Every so often, I even catch a few of the younger female teachers staring hungrily at him when they think no one is watching.

"Want me to stomp over there and say something?" There's a beat of silence. "Because you know I'll do it."

There's little doubt in my mind that my bestie will march over and set Hannah straight. Hell, Lanie would probably enjoy it.

"No, it's all good. After today, Hannah Belmont won't be a concern."

"Right. Then you'll just have all the girls at Claremont throwing themselves at your man."

That's something I try very hard not to think about. It's a foregone conclusion that Hunter will continue to draw girls to him like bees to honey.

"I'm not concerned," I lie. "Hunter loves me. He would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship."

As soon as the words escape from my lips, he turns to meet my stare. A little zip of electricity sizzles through my veins as our gazes lock and hold. It doesn't take long for the world around us to fall away, and then it's like we're the only two people in the hallway. Even though it's been like this for as long as I can remember, I don't think it's a sensation I'll ever get used to.

At least, I hope I don't.

I love the way Hunter makes me feel.

Kind of like I'm the only girl in the entire world.

When a slow grin spreads across his handsome face, I can't help but return the expression.

"You two are so barfy," Lanie grumbles, breaking through the thick haze that has descended over me.

He continues to hold my attention captive as I happily agree with the sentiment. "Yup."

"Come on, let's get moving before we're late. The sooner we get this over with, the quicker we can get the hell out of this place and start our summer."

For the final time, I pull out my books for first hour before slamming the locker door shut and heading to class.