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The Forgotten

The Forgotten

Auteur: Edrich Berniest

En cours


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The Forgotten tells the saga of a woman who discovers she is an elf when she awakens without memories in an unknown world, of intense magic. Now it only remains for the Forgotten to follow her instincts to find out where she came from and why she is there

Chapter 1

She opened his eyes. Something soothing and moist and wonderful fell with ethereal droplets in her face. She stared up at the treetops, and just above the deep blue of late night fading into the color of daylight, there were three moons or planets next to each other, and little stars that were fading away. She felt awkward, numb, as if she'd been asleep for a long time. Had she slept that long? And why would she be here, in that place? Looking down she saw that she was in a small clearing in a forest! Had she gone camping and had an accident? She looked around, she was among some multicolored bushes, with unknown flowers, at least they looked like flowers, she wasn't sure. Nothing was right, she thought in alarm. She tried to sit up and was relieved to be able to do it without a hitch. But she was a little sore, she braced her hands on the floor and pushed to her feet. The smell of that place was wonderful, and the earth at her feet was colored, a mixed green and purple. A few whispers reached her ears, she searched where they came from and saw some amazing, vivid and lovely flowers, which looked like milk glasses but with faces and arms and they danced under a tree that released the refreshing droplets of water on them. She didn't remember ever seeing anything like this. Spinning around, she tried to visualize something out of the lush nature with trees of different shapes and textures. Some so tall and wide they looked like rocks, others so elegant and smooth they looked like their sheets were cotton. The only thing she remembered taking for granted were the stars. She walked a little trying to find something familiar, felt very thirsty and hungry. She looked at herself and saw that she was wearing sneakers, jeans, and a jacket over a blouse and T-shirt. She felt hot and took off her heavy jacket, she had some items inside her jacket, a knife set with other multipurpose tools, some cereal bars and water, all in special compartments for that. She took off her jacket and tied it around her waist. She drank the water and ate one of the granola bars, had to save up, she thought. Her hands were a little scraped. She needed to find out where she was and why she was there. And who was she? She had no idea, she thought in a panic.

Walking through the forest, she was startled when she heard a noise here or there caused by small animals, flying or crawling which she quickly moved away from as she didn't know if they would attack her. Animals that were totally unknown to her. Some with fluffy appearance, like this small one, similar to an axolotl, a species of salamander that doesn't develop in the larva stage, remaining in this state even adults, but with yellow fur, big and droopy eyes like a small puppet dog and the "crests" and pink paws, she let out a thin moan accompanied by a chirping, others were scary just looking, like one that descended directly on her head and looked like a crab mixed with scorpion, with claws and claws that looked like cut like a knife. Others came in a swarm, a buzzing group of more than ten animals with multicolored butterfly wings and a few feathers and what were supposed to be heads with slender curved beaks that landed on a small tree and poked their beaks into some fruit to drink. gulped until the fruit withered. She also saw another round animal with huge legs that jumped like a frog, but with each jump its body moved like jelly and made a funny noise. She didn't approach one just in case. She walked while the sky was clearing and a sun appeared to light the way. Coming to the edge of a gigantic and endless cliff from which freezing winds were blowing and walking along its edge, he found a kind of bridge, made with trees planted on the side that was and on the other side of the precipice and their branches golden as gold, braided some the others, if they were in the middle of the precipice, did not know whether naturally or made by some creature. Its branches made the ground and the wall of the bridge, in one place or another with translucent leaves that looked like crystals, and in the middle of the leaves, the golden streaks gleamed as fine as strands of hair. When she put her hands up to test the bridge's safety a female voice spoke:

-Who do I get in my trunk? He was startled by the power of the voice and the language that even not remembering having heard, he knew how to understand and speak.

– I don't know who I am and where I am. I have been walking through this forest for some time since I woke up in the middle of a clearing, with only my clothes on and some food. I apologize for touching you without your permission. The bridge moved and from it came out a beautiful creature with a long body, all of the same material as the tree, its pointed ears, the hair was golden and so long that it lost sight of the eyes, the leaves like those of the trunk of the bridge tree. they made their garments delicate and so light that when the wind blew, they floated. Her eyes so green and bright. She came gracefully walking towards him and stopped.

- Sorry for the rudeness, I've been sleeping for so many centuries that I went into a trance, I was scared when he touched me. I thought it was a tentri trying to reach my village to destroy what was left of it, the tentri is an essentially evil being that feeds on all beings and even creatures and destroys everything it touches, turning beauty into dirty, lifeless and poisonous slime . It has the appearance of a shadow, it has no face and it creeps swiftly through the forest. They only come out in the dark as the trees and plants release during the day, small droplets from the waters of the Salutares River that are deadly for them. I'm Ciana, mage and protector of the portal of the Criaturs people. We are magical beings who create and give birth to all types of existing life, which make the main underground river called Salutares to flow throughout the planet Kalimares. Welcome Forgotten, we've been waiting for you ten thousand years ago.

– Ten thousand years? Forgotten? I do not understand. I do not know what is happening. At that moment there was a terrifying scream and several flying animals came out making noise in the distance. She widened her eyes and turned to Ciana to ask what that was. There was no time. Ciana grabbed her with a golden branch and quickly pulled her to the middle part of the bridge. Returning to the entry she recited a few words:

– Incognis enter! -The passage lit up with a source of greenish and golden energy like a transparent and swaying water. A moment later a sort of creature with white eyes, huge teeth and muddy gray fur appeared roaring and screaming outside the bridge, running fast, searching and sniffing around the entrance. Ciana turned to the Forgotten and explained:

– They are servants, a Tentri people, they came for you, but don't worry, they won't see us or feel us. Come on, I need to take you to the guardian king. There, after being cared for and assisted by a doctor, she will know everything she wants and needs to know. They went quickly across the bridge, while the Forgotten heard the screams and roars of animals in the distance, desperate to follow their trail, the further away they got from them, the more they screamed in fury. Reaching the end of the bridge, other beings appeared, similar to Ciana but different in color, each with its own peculiarity. Dressed in golden armor, swords and crystal spears. When they saw her they spoke at almost the same time, leaning forward in a bow.

– The Forgotten! – They reacted in the most different and amazed ways. She looked at everyone and was very impressed by how they seemed to know her even though they had never seen her. Behind a curtain of flowers that descended from a granite mountain was a huge door that measured four meters or so, elegantly ornate and carved like the bridge. When they opened they saw a city complete with houses, buildings, castles and water fountains in a sky blue that sparkled like crystal, all the houses seemed to be made by the will of the trees themselves and their roofs were their colored crowns, the windows with the same crystal clear and iridescent glass. Everyone with their beautiful clothes looked at her, children, adults, elderly people, mothers with their babies in their arms, came out to see them pass by saying the same word: The Forgotten.

As they walked up a street between the houses, a kind of horse appeared in the opposite direction with eagle wings and claws on its front legs, white and shiny as satin. She didn't know whether to marvel at the scene or admire its beauty. The fur that moved gracefully became iridescent. The horse stopped in front of everyone, bent down and spoke in a deep voice:

– Welcome, Forgotten! The King is waiting for you! Get on my back, please. I promise to take you safely to the castle! My name is Zoltark and I will be her personal helper. The forgotten one was enchanted by the beauty of the winged being, felt fear and was startled to see him land right in front of her and her new friends, but the enchantment overcame these feelings. She turned to Ciana and said,

– Am I living in a dream or something? You are unknown in my mind but I know your languages ​​and my instinct tells me that I must not fear anything that comes from you. I just want to know more about everything that's going on. I see that there are families here, children, seniors and I feel that everyone knows who I am but I don't have a name, which must exist but I don't remember for some reason. I don't understand what's going on. I'm actually very tired.

- We will answer all the questions we can but we need to reach the source of power of our planet, there we will have the answers. – I said, Ciana.

She looked at Zoltark, who leaned back and told her to climb onto his back. She climbed up gently, afraid of hurting him, straightened up, held on and at that moment he gave a boost and flew. She was awestruck by everything she saw below. The loveliest city she had laid eyes on. Gradually she began to see gigantic magical walls shimmering around the city and some parts of the forest, many black valleys where there were no trees and a mountain in the distance of black stone with fire and lava rising from the top. Zoltark said that the lava mountain was where King Borag raised the Tentri people. He found it impossible to have life in the lava, but Zoltark assured him that the Tentri people had no life. It was just pure evil. Gliding with their giant wings they came close to small flying beings, each one of a color and with wings that came flying around them, waving smiling saw that they were people just like her, only the size of her hand. One of them, dressed in white, said:

– Welcome, forgetful, I am Aland, the queen of the Pirim people. This is the royal guard, get ready to enter a portal, she may feel a little dizzy. Hold tight to Zoltark. She gestured with her hand, showing ahead, and she saw, that floating there was a hole in the sky, but they looked like mirrors of rippling water, and as they passed it, coming out the other side, she felt really dizzy. She tightened her grip on the rope to hold on to, her knees on Zoltark's shoulders. In less than a few seconds she was already feeling normal and sighed deeply. Looking ahead again he saw a place with grasses and flowering trees swaying in the wind, a huge palace, surrounded by clouds and small rounded structures in the branches of these trees and each tree above the other in a different part of the land rising up to the castle and some of these trees also came out of the walls of the castle's towers, as if they formed one and were happy about it. Zoltark landed on a balcony at the top of the castle, bent down to let him down, and then turned to a door from which people like her but dressed differently came out. In the middle of them a man in a suit similar to armor but at the same time malleable. He looked at her, through her hair, face and focused on her eyes and said:

– Hi, Forgotten. I am King Kaeidh, chosen son of the ancient people. These – she said, pointing to each one who accompanied her – are Leigh, my sister and Sorag my nephew. Come, come in and let's get to know each other and try to find out everything we want about you. She automatically crouched down and said:

– Your Majesty. – He looked at her again, walked towards her, took her hand, lifted her up and said:

– There's no need for that. I am king but I am elected by the people and all my actions are voted and supported for the good of all, we are educated without pride, pride or vanity. We are all equal here, everything is divided fairly and everyone works for everyone. – He smiled at her.

She felt a little shaky at the touch and the smile. Looking into his golden eyes she thought she already knew him. They entered the castle and everyone followed them. They went through a large room with small flowering branches of trees that passed through the walls in and out and forming wonderful niches with the same small round structures that he now saw as the houses of the Pirim people. Some of them flew around her and greeted her, welcoming her. They passed through a corridor and entered another place that she saw was a room with a bed in the middle, a table, with what she thought was food as they were in plates and bowls. . There was a small waterfall that fell into a natural pool in the left corner of the room and its water bubbled happily. Right next door is a kind of closed place with a door. King Kaeidh said:

– This room is yours and you can feed, take care of yourself and rest. My sister will help her and she just has to say her name to call her. When she wants and is rested, we'll be here to talk.

- Thank you - he thanked them both. - Thank you, Zoltark for the ride. – She said, turning to him.

– You're welcome, Forgotten. - Zoltark replied. They all left and closed the doors.