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Love Exposed

Love Exposed

Auteur: Bontle.M

En cours


Love Exposed PDF Free Download


Kay is a 27 year old woman. She always wondered what could have happened between her and Case had they both decided to fight for their love, now that Case is a famous movie star (she always knew he would make it) she is not sure if he still longs for her like she does. All she wishes for is just one chance, just one chance to be in his arms again and tell him how she wishes she never took away the one thing Case has always wanted. Will a chance meeting rekindle the love?...

Chapter 1

"Flight 867 is about to Land at Greenbay Airport, please may you remain seated and fasten your seat belt" the flight attendant words gave Kay the chills, she was so nervous she used up all the brown paper bags they had on flight. "I can't believe I am here, I cant believe my parents allowed me to go to a university many Kilometers away from home" she said to herself.

Kamilya Makena Osei, her parents knew what they were doing giving her such powerful names, it didn't help that her surname means royalty. All her life she felt like she had to be perfect and bring happiness to everyone around her, as her names imply, so it was a shock to her when she finally decided to apply to the University of Greenbay


against her mothers pleas not to go far from home.

She has been the apple of her dads eye ever since she was born, the rainbow baby her parents never thought they would be blessed with after 10 years of infertility problems and 6 miscarriages. Kamilya 'Perfection' and Makena 'One who brings Happiness' they so fondly named her. She did bring happiness, because after her, her parents were blessed with 5 more babies and her parents were always grateful to her as they believed she paved the way for her siblings existence.

"Argg" she frowns as the young man in front of her steps on her shoes, "So sorry beautiful I didn't see you there" the young man says giving her the most beautiful smile she has ever seen.

'How can I be angry at him, with that smile' she thought to herself 'Arg Kamilya he is just a stranger as handsome as he is, you shouldn't be so smitten with him, focus girl' she internally shouts at herself.

"No worries, it was just an accident" she said with a smile as well.

"The name is Casen, Case for short. I don't know why I am introducing myself to you" he says as he looks away all shy.

"No worries, I am Kamilya, Kay for short" she replies.

"Oh a Swahili name, you must be from Africa or have close African heritage" He says looking all nervous as if he regrets what he just said.

Kay Laughs "No need to look so worried, and Yes I am from African, I mean the flight took off from OR Tambo" she says, she always knew she would be ask all sort of questions and people will naturally assume she is from Africa based on her name, so his comment did not offend her.

" That is good to hear, I wouldn't want to offend such a beautiful woman the 1st time meeting her" He says looking relieved like he just received incredible news.

"Based on your Accent I assume you are not from Africa, tell me what were you doing in Africa since we were on the same flight" she asked, searching his face to see if she is asking way to much.

At this time they were waiting for their Luggage. Case got his, a huge duffle bag, it looked like he was in Africa on a mission. He decided to wait with her, while she waits for her luggage.

"I went to visit a friend in South Africa" He replies.

"Oh, that is nice did you enjoy the Country" she says. She spots her luggage and she starts feeling sad, as she realises after she picks up her luggage she will never see the handsome Case again.

"Yeah, South Africa is great, it was not my 1st time there, I go there at least once a year" smiling while saying that " I mean my host family are like my extended family ever since I went there as an exchange student when I was in the 10th Grade, so it is home to me" he adds.

" Well I grew up there, My dad is from Kenya and my mum is South African" she responds; 'Kay why the hell did you just give this man your mini family history' that little voice in her shouts at her again.

Like he could hear her thoughts, Case laughs "Don't worry, that was not too much information, it is very refreshing for someone to just bare it all the 1st time meeting a person" he says as he helps her load her bags in the cab.

"I guess this were we part ways" she sadly says, realising she may never see this beautiful man in front of her.

"Don't look sad, you know there is something called a mobile, I mean technology is amazing" he hands her his phone as he says this "may I have your number, so I can check in to make sure Greenbay is treating you right" hoping that she does not see his other motive for wanting her number.

"I do not have an American number yet, and my South African number does not roam" she pulls out the note book her best friend gave her, and she laughs as she recalls what her Friend said when she gave her the book 'this book is gonna be your little black book'

"what is so funny" Case snaps her out of thoughts, "Nothing just thinking about what my friend said when I left", "oh you know it is rude to just smile by yourself, you should share the joke" he politely asks.

"No, you wont get it" she laughs and hands her the Paper with her new address on it.

He takes the paper and studies it, "Oh you attending UGB" he looks shocked "I am heading there my self" he smiles.

she smiled like a kid in a candy store, those words made her so happy she didn't understand why.

"Oh great! here I was hoping you would be that mysterious stranger that I met at the airport never to see again, like in the movies" they both burst out laughing at what she just said.

"I see you watch to many Rom-coms" he says as he helps her into cab.

"Bye beautiful Kamilya, I hope to bump into you on Campus, or I could always just stalk you since you willingly gave me your dorm room number" he smirks.

"Bye Case, trust me I would like nothing more than you to stalk me" she looks horrified as she realises she just blurted out what was meant to stay in her thoughts. She annoyingly bangs the door close, the cab drivers gives her an angry look through the rear view mirror. "Sorry" she says nervously looking down at her book.

As the Cab drives off and she looks back at Case she cannot help wonder if he too felt the mini butterflies she was feeling.

Greenbay is a beautiful area where all dreams come through, she chose this place because of how beautiful it was always portrayed on T.V. UGB is right by the coast meaning more beach days for her and she secretly hoped to bump into the rich and famous who live in the rich part of Greenbay, The Arches.

'I think I am going to love it here' she lovingly embraces herself.