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The Twisted Life Of Beckham Mall

The Twisted Life Of Beckham Mall

Auteur: Mysteroid

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Beckham Mall, a successful athlete, had his own academy to train students for the Olympics. He had won several medals from the Olympics Games and tournaments and was still aiming to achieve a gold medal in tennis. He wants to achieve this goal before tying the knot in his life. He, being the cold hearted, rash, goal oriented and a no shit zone person, falls for his student Susan Hill who shares a decade gap and a complete opposite of his behaviour… Susan has her own miseries despite that she lives willfully. Her life always throws curve balls and she catches them, using them as a stepping stone in life. There was an incident from her 18th birthday when she took the initiative to propose. The guy she has been eyeing since he joined her school. Who would have known that her beautiful day was going to be ruined by that cold hearted man? That incident had changed her life completely and she vowed to never look back at it again. Will she be able to keep her promise? Will her past come back once again? What will she do if she encounters the same situation again? Will she accept him or leave? Will that man make up for the past event? Will he be successful in his move? What will happen when their fateful encounter happens? Will they be together or get separated? To know more about them follow the story by your one and only author Mysteroid.
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Chapter 1

The cars were racing down the roads in front of Fan Fei High School. On the morning of that fateful day, Beckham Mall met the girl of his dreams, Susan Hill. Even if they had met haphazardly, who would have anticipated they would become a real couple after a few years. Susan was in a hurry that day because she was late and Beckham's Maybach was in the way. The girl was honking from behind, but the driver was engaged in conversation with a parent walking along. As she became frustrated, she accelerated.

“BUMP!!! Beepppppppppppppppp!!!”

There was a moment of complete silence in the area. At that moment, everything stopped, including all the honking, hustle and bustle. There was enough damage to the Maybach to get the attention of the driver. While running towards it, he bent backwards to discover who it was. He sighed and shook his head sideways as the girl became more enraged and went to the driver's seat. While parking he heard a knock and he hurled down the mirror without looking in the direction “Yes.”

“Yes, Huh! Mister, don't you know some basic manners?” An angry voice could be heard, and he realized who was speaking. The scent of her greeted him as he looked her way. It was nauseating for him to be submerged in it. Her blush caught his eye, and his heart skipped a beat. Her hair was in a high ponytail, with golden brown highlights. She wore a pink square check skirt above the knees, with a white blouse and pink blazer, white socks, and black shoes. She carries a black MK backpack. He noticed someone in such an intimate way for the first time.

Her dark grey eyes were telling him to get drunk. Even so, he managed not to look awkward as he wanted to let go of her sight so that he could breathe with ease.

“Aren’t you getting late, Dear Student?" With a smirk, he exclaimed casually.

“Of Course, I’m getting late!”

With that she stomped her foot and left the spot. Her hurried footsteps went towards the academic hall area.

He moved out, breathed heavily, and gathered his itinerary. Her image kept flashing through his mind, but he just shrugged it off and continued walking in the same direction.

“Hey Suzy,” Miley Miranda waved her hand as soon as Susan stepped in the class. Taking a seat beside her, Susan sat down in a downcast mood.

“What happened girl?” Miley asked her with a concerned voice.

“Hmm, bumped into someone while rushing here...”

Her sentence was interrupted by the teacher, “Good Morning, Students.”

The students greeted her back in unison, “Good Morning, Teacher.”

Their gossip came to a halt and it continued in Mrs. Briganza’s Library period.

Miley whispered reassuringly, “Hey Suzy, it’s fine don’t take it to your heart.”

Susan just nodded and put her head down. The only thing she wanted was for that time to pass as fast as possible.

“Ahem, ahem… No talking,” Mrs. Briganza said in her usual tone.

Silence fell over the class. That ended the chat before it had even started.

After a heated argument with her father, Susan had been in a foul mood since morning.

She didn’t eat a mouthful of breakfast properly when her Mom said, “Honey, Why don’t you join your father?”

As was the norm, her mother pressured her to enter her father's company, but it was actually her idea. None of them even attempted to understand that she has her own goal. Then, once she had had enough, she reacted in anger.


“Enough Mom and Dad, I know what you people want from me but I’ve my own dreams and I just want to pursue them.”

While her tears were on the verge of falling, she just turned around, took her car keys from the key rack and sighed deeply.


The door was shut behind her tightly which conveyed that she had reached her limits this time.

“Didn’t I tell you not to pressure her?” Her father questioned his wife.

“Honey, calm down, she's just a child and beside her who we have now to inherit?” his wife asked him while reassuring him. However, she also has a different motive behind her sweet words.

Getting into the company was her only goal. She considered Susan to be her ace card. With her help she would be and will manage the rest.

This talk had actually tapped her into the past.

No longer does she want to live an unhappy life, where her bread is earned by washing others' dishes and bootlicking her boss. While her waitressing job was miserable enough, she had high aspirations

She knew that seducing and marrying Bernard Hill, it’ll definitely end. She took advantage of the situation because Susan’s mother died of Leukemia. Susan was just five years old when her mother died, even before that she had been in care of Martha, her nanny. She has no memory of her mom as her daughter all thanks to Billie McCauley, her step-mother.

She seduced her father and threatened Martha to leave in order to stay alive.

She entered the house disguised as the new nanny and started her evil plans after knowing what was going on.

As she gradually deleted her mother's belongings, she erased Susan's memory as she went.

Regularly, she comforted the depressed Bernard. Which man on earth will refuse a woman’s comfort? Gradually, his behavior toward her changed. Seeing all the lines crossed gave her a sense of uncontrollable joy. The shear line of intimacy has been broken between them.

As Susan's mother, Marciella Wright, received news from her driver that her husband was having an affair while she was alive.

Though hospitalized, she blames herself for ruining her family's health and happiness due to her illness. Her driver, Grayford Garry, reluctantly explained what's happening between Bernard and Billie, the new nanny.

That day her little piece of hope for survival was lost and it was more painful than her therapy session. After much contemplation she mustered up the courage to call and requested him to meet.

“Ring Ring,” Bernard was in his office when he got the call. He excused himself to attend the call. Billie was sitting beside him and she heard their conversation secretly.

He looked at the caller ID and greeted, “Hello Honeypie!”

His greetings were neglected and met with a direct question. ”Can you come today to the hospital?” A distant cold voice could be heard from the other side.

“Of course, Hun! I just have been busy these days so I couldn’t meet,” He responded back…

His response was cut in the middle again...each passing moment on the call was mortaring a solid block between them.

“Ah huh, Get well soon Hun! It’s really lonely being without you,” he muttered exasperatedly.

“Umm, I’ll for the sake of you two,” she assured him with a sincere smile, but deep down inside her heart she knew that it’s going to be their last meeting.

“Alright, I’ll not disturb you anymore, Ciao!” She disconnected the call hurriedly.

Seeing herself in this position, she decided to put an end to an unbearable heaviness in her heart.

She sighed heavily, laid down, her eyes staring at the ceiling blankly. She was immersed in her thoughts deeply, wandering in her own fantasy world.