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Mia Gibson: The Girl On The Mountain

Mia Gibson: The Girl On The Mountain

Auteur: Fatima Tangara

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Mia Gibson: The Girl On The Mountain PDF Free Download


After the traumatic yet tragic murder of her parents—-Mia Gibson is forced to go and live alone on the Huntrane Mountain, where a well-crafted mansion is built. Unfortunately, Mia’s aunt and uncle didn’t give her any further instructions to stay in the mountains—-but little Mia didn’t know anything about her situation and agreed. However, as days turned to months, she lived in the lonely mansion alone, still hoping her aunt and uncle would return to get her, but they never did! Years later, Mia finally learned that her aunt and uncle hired those assassins to murder her parents–in hopes of getting rid of her and taking power and getting hold of the money. Now, as an adult, Mia is determined to take back what is hers; while on her journey to find, she meets the Kordell McBride, who just so happens to be a private detective at the Oxborough Police Force. Mia decides to work with Kordell in hopes of him helping her—-but soon, helping ends up with a fledgling romance beginning to bloom! But Is Mia Gibson willing to put her trust and heart into the hands of another human? Or Will Mia Gibson refuses to step towards happily ever after?

Chapter 1

Narrator: {Aisha Pierre} 

The storyteller sat down and took out the storybook about the lonely girl in the mountain—--yes, the townspeople believed the story and about the tragic demise of the Gibson family. However, if only they dared to go and discover the truth for themselves, instead, they believed the storyteller's hocus-pocus words, yet she'd never even step foot on the mountain. The outspoken yet truth-seeking Kordell McBride leaned closer to listen to the "legend" Kordell continued to drink his wine while listening carefully. However, as the story continues, the storyteller says something that caught Kordell off-guard and tells his assistant Jamal Wilson to listen closer. 

Kordell waited outside for Jamal to come with the news—--for years, he refused to believe the bogus lies surrounding the Gibson family's untimely demise. However, Kordell thinks their daughter Mia Gibson is alive because of her aunt and uncle's carefree attitude and attempts to stop the investigation. Kordell is notoriously known to be strong willed; despite his boss' nagging and urge to make him forget about the case–~~~Kordell is determined to find the heiress to Gibson corporation. 

Jamal approached Kordell, who immediately turned around—-- "What did you find?" Kordell asked. "Her aunt and uncle forced her to go to the Huntrane Mountains," Jamal said, pausing for a second. "What do you mean by "forced her to go?" Kordell questioned. Jamal scrunches his nose; "That's the weird part; they didn't give her any further instructions and just sent her off to live in a well-crafted mansion," Jamal replied. 

"I think they wanted Mia out of the way; so they could take over and with her in the way," Kordell replied. "Their orchestrated plan will fall apart," Jamal uttered. "Bingo!" Kordell said—-Kordell began to cook up a solution on how to approach Mia, but little did they know Mia Gibson had longed to know about her ruthless relatives' motive. 


Mia opened the curtains to let light into the mansion—--for years, she finally saw the sunshine and believed today could be a good day. Mia worked out and headed to the market on the other side of town—---it was sixty miles from the mansion. However, Mia had gotten used to it because she had lived on this mountain since age six—--Mia still doesn't know how she survived for thirty-two years of her life alone on the hill. 

However, she believed her parents watched over her from above—--every time Mia thought back to that night in August 1992, she was six years old and saw her parents' cold and bloody bodies on the ground. Finally, her aunt and uncle took her away—---they drove to the Huntrane Mansion; six-year-old Mia was unaware of their motives. They dropped Mia at the mansion, telling her to stay there and they'll come back for her—--but as days turned into weeks, Mia waited; still, no one came. 

For twenty-six years, Mia lived in the mountains with no food, water, or even clean clothes—--but rags she used to cover her bare body and only survived on bush berries. Until, she found the marketplace sixty miles away from the mansion and began working there, hoping to find food and clean clothes and regain the strength she lost. Mia watched as the townspeople of Brittlebreak looked at her with pitiful looks due to how skinny she was~~~~ Mia didn't care about their gazes, instead cared about ways to regain her strength. 

She managed to find a job, working at a restaurant with a nurturing old couple; they couldn't have any children, and they saw Mia. Of course, the parental urge to help her took over them, and they gave her food, but as the old couple watched Mia—--surprisingly for a young girl who survived on bush berries; Mia was surprisingly healthier and more robust than most of the Brittlebreak's children. 

Mia was incredibly grateful to meet the old couple[Isaiah Baker and his wife Eilene Nash-Baker]; Eilene suffered many miscarriages, but still, Isaiah stayed with her throughout the painful times. They had been sweethearts since high school, so the couple wasn't devastated when Isaiah found that Eilene was infertile.

They prayed and hoped that God would someday give them a child to raise as their own; that's when Mia Gibson appeared in front of them. Eilene and Isaiah cared for Mia like their biological daughter—--and provided her with everything, even visiting her mansion from time to time. Sadly, tragedy struck when Eilene died from a stroke in February 2013—--and Isaiah passed away just two weeks after the funeral; Mia's newfound family also left her alone in the world. 

However, Isaiah left their restaurant in Mia's care—--and knew Mia would honor the legacy of La Soleil! So Mia worked tirelessly to keep up the gift of La Soleil and all of Isaiah and Eilene's hard work. 


Mia returned home and found the mansion doors opened; "I swear if they came back again, I wouldn't hesitate to teach them a lesson," Mia said, placing the groceries on the front porch. Mia grabs an extensive branch and sneakily walks inside—---as she lifts the branch overhead to hit them; someone speaks—--- "Boss! Watch out!" he screamed. 

The person dodged the branch while the other snatched it out of Mia's hand, but Mia didn't let go quickly. 

"Who are you, people?" Mia asked. 

"How about you put down the branch?" He reassuringly says. 

"No! Now, why are you in my mansion?" Mia demanded. 

"Fine, We're private detectives from the Oxborough Criminal Investigation Bureau," he said. 

"Okay, so why are you bloody here, then?" Mia queried. 

"I'm Kordell McBride, and this is my partner Jamal Wilson—we're investigating a case you've been involved in," Kordell answered.