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The Voice Double

The Voice Double

Auteur: BohemianWallFlower

En cours

Realistic Urban

The Voice Double PDF Free Download


Nefetari is the voice of the stars, she sings for celebrities, helping her beloved sister with a bundle of kids, aiding her best friend and tries to keep out of the spotlight, until she next gig lands her in the prying eyes of a tall, handsome and Scottish gentleman who brings out the free-spirited side of Tari she thought had died along time ago. What will happen when her past comes back to haunt her, will she stay in the arms of her Scottish lover or flee like the wind

Chapter 1

A scream went off down the hall as my eyes open in shock, I sat up in my bed and turned to my alarm clock on the nightstand, realizing I was almost late for work and in an instant I ran into my bathroom about to jump into the shower when Timmy, a little redhead boy with freckles was sitting on my toilet sketching my sleeping form from the bathroom:

"Morning," I said as I turned on the shower and began to brush my teeth.

"It's rude to watch people sleep and even ruder to switch off their alarm."

"but Aunt Tari your form was irresistible this morning, and fifteen minutes was not enough to get it all down," he said in a soft voice before showing me his work, the sketch was of me in a weird position with both my arm and feet in the air.

"That's a good position?" I asked as Jake pop his head into my bathroom, he was thirteen years old with deep brown hair, big gorgeous black eyes and was too muscular for his age.

"Do worry about it, Tim, I got her on tape" Jake smile before running out of my room and Tim follow him.

"Hey!!! Don't put that on the internet" I said as I shut the down before jumping into the shower.

Brushing my mane of hair into a low ponytail before brushing my baby hair, I ran for my maroon plaid blazer that matched the plaid pants and wedge heels before grabbing my bookbag and script just throwing it in, I quietly made my descent for the back stairs so no one would notice my disappearance, I came to the kitchen backdoor when I heard a bunch of hooting and wooing coming from behind me.

I turned to see everyone dressed and having breakfast, they all chorus a loud "morning", Daniel was tall dark-skinned and eating a whole stack of pancakes while Gabby was engrossed with whatever was on her phone, her recent dye her hair blonde and very Instagram girl look had me worried at her sudden change in clothing but I tried to keep my opinions to myself, Adriana in a pink puffy princess dress next to Raven who was in all black, they were petting a wild Hare which Raven must have found, I smiled as Rhea glided in her cotton summer dress with an apron tied tightly around her waist and smile on her adorable face, her dark ruby skin and hazel eyes were on full display against her light makeup.

"Morning, lovely," she said as she grabbed my shoulders and sat in the seat. "Looking gorgeous, you meeting the actors and actresses today?"

"yes, I am," I said as I stood to my feet "and I am late" but she pushed me down.

"Tari, your GERD" she complained as I got comfortable "good, what would you like?"

"anything that is easily carried," I said as she laughed and moved to get me some toast. "where did you get the hare?" I asked as Raven turned her death glare at me, she could scare a whole church with that notion but to me, it was a sign that I had her full attention.

"I followed Tim into the forest and it walked up to me," she said in a voice that comes out like an exhale.

"The forest is ten kilometres away from here," I said as Raven struggled and Tim ignored me, I turned to Rhea who placed a plate in front of me with a coffee in a flask "I thought we decided that all doors should be locked" I picked up the toast and placed it in my mouth before grabbing my flask.

"I read that letting kids wonder is a good thing," she said with her hands on her hips.

"one, it was in the middle of the night and two, those parenting books are shit and you know it," I said turning to Gabby "Yo, insta model" Gabby gave me a bored expression "me and you, talk later, got it" she just nodded.

"Aunty Tari you forgot to put a ten in the swearing jar," Adriana said in a soft voice as I took out the money and placed it inside

"Raven, take that thing back to the forest" I looked at the time "I got to run, bye" I shouted as went for the door.

"Hey, Aunty Tari, can I borrow.." Dan shouted as I closed the door.

"No" I shouted back as I got to my car, a ford mustang 1963, in a cool grey, I let my finger slide over the hood before jumping in and riding off to work.


Sweat dripped down my back as I ran for the next hill, the sun had barely peak from the horizon when I made it to the top, I began to stretch my aching muscles before reaching down to touch my toes when my glaze could a camera in a bush not too far from my location, I smiled to myself before taking off at lightning speed down the hill more; swearing at the thought of being followed again.

As a celebrity, they say we give up our right to privacy, I didn't sign any contract about that, especially to the paparazzi, seeing as my fan are the only ones I would ever stop for a picture but not them, I came to my little apartment I am renting for the new part I got in a musical, it's not what I usually go for but my agent says it will give me more heroic tendencies then the parts I am usually going for; I wanted to break out of the villain payroll and into my heroic stuff but with my luck, I will probably end up playing a neutral role, it's the look I give off.

It was my second day on set and it was going ok, the cast and staff were nice enough, even the director was in my good graces which were uncommon in a business such as Hollywood. I just stepped into the large car that would take me to set with my PR and Assistant next to me, my day seemed almost perfect.

Nancy Greyson was my PR for ten years now, I wouldn't trade her for the world, she was a short bundle of a woman who got me this part, with the hard work I could just have these few months and Drew Stonewood was my trusty assistant, he was an older gentleman who always wore a tailor-made suit and a sweet smile, he knew what I wanted before I wanted it; these two made up my close-knit team.

We drove into the movie lots before we climbed into a golf cart that I insisted on driving and drove until we reached the set we were working on, I stepped out of the cart to find the director, a producer and three other people standing with coffee in an individual cup of transportation.

"Morning," I said as I buttoned my blazer.

"Morning, Edward" the Director, Page Tomson, said in her very unusual flowy outfit that seemed to fly as she walked while the producer stood in all black with a smile on her lips.

"morning Edward," Victoria Becker said as she shook his hand "these are the voice doubles, Steven Gerrard is gonna be standing for Jordan Samuel character, Chester Downey for Jonathan Quick character while Nefertari Black will be standing in for both Cecilia Abrams and Julia McCain characters" She explained as I stood shocked at the news.

"I am Steven, nice to meet you, big fan" a man with a blazer over some wore out jeans spoke, he looked like he belonged on a farm, like a cowboy.

"I am Chester, good to be working with you," the next man said in a shirt and bowtie with a pair of chinos on.

"Nefertari black" a woman in a maroon suit with her hair straight back in a tight bun, her sharp feature, soft lips and dark caramel skin gave me ideas I didn't expect to conjure up in my mind that I shouldn't be having so soon but I pushed it back at the words standing in and singing, fell on my shoulders.

"mm, hey, no offence," I said shaking my head "what do you mean by standing in?" I turned to Victoria and Page.

"We are voice double," the beautiful suit-wearing nymph said nonchalantly.

"voice double?" I asked as I turned to her.

"yea, we sing, or do the voice for celebrities who can't" Steven explained.

"Just think of us as stunt doubles, same thing, different execution," Chester said as he turned to Nefertari. "I didn't know we were that invisible" he commented as she smirked.

"oh, do I have a voice double," I asked but Page laughed.

"you can sing, sweetie" she smiled as she escorted me to the cart "shall we make our way to the studio?"

"um, sure," I said trying to wrap my head about the fact that my fellow castmates could not even sing and my mind went to why did they apply for the part anyway, we drove through the different sets when I turned to my team "why would they go for a part they couldn't perform and why would a director cast an underqualified group of actors?"

"This happens a lot in the business," she said as she looked at him "I am shocked that you didn't run into this before"

"I mean stunt doubles are a different world," I said as I followed the cart before me.

"well, maybe they are not so different, just keep your head level and enjoy this, don't make it into a thing" Drew said as I rolled my eyes.

"I never make anything into a thing," I said as we drove through the many buildings.

"oh you always make it into a thing" Nancy laughed as I shook my head before we arrived at the studio.

"ugh, my assistants say that Cecilia and Julie can't make it until after lunch, they are at a spa retreat, getting into character" Victoria said as Jordan and Jonathan showed up as they greeted the voice doubles like old friends.

"After lunch," Nefertari said as she crossed her arms "I was promised a half-day" she stated as turned to Page.

"what do you need it for?" Page said in an attitude that was different from her usual sweet exterior "I am sure you can reschedule"

"Sorry but I can't," she said as she moved to the studio doors "when that clock strikes twelve, I am out of here," she said as she walked into the building we were standing next to.

"ugh," Page said as I watched her closely "Talent, what can you do?" she said as she followed the maroon suit into the building
