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My Best Friend's Brother

My Best Friend's Brother

Auteur: Pen Nikky



My Best Friend's Brother PDF Free Download


What is love ? The question is mostly asked and answered with various definitions . One definition that is ever used and ever true is that it makes you do things that make you seem foolish to others . Can we call it foolishness when it is a feeling that comes naturally? KHEERA falls in love with her best friend's younger brother which brought about a crack in her friendship . Will this love survive the fight against age difference, friendship , family,morals and ethics?

Chapter 1


I threw my legs and hands in the air in annoyance .who the heck is calling me at this time ? This is the fifth time that cellphone will be ringing .

I stood up lazily from the bed groaning from inconvenience ...I dragged my feets to the table by my bedside where my phone is carefully plugged and picked up the phone .

It read 5 missed calls from Best witch

It's 1am for God sake!

It's Tracy! This witch !

The phone had stopped ringing ,I was about to drop it and go back to my sweet sleep when the light on my phone came up again

And lifetime by Justin bieber played .....

I yawned lazily and picked up ....

'' Happy birthday sweet ! She yelled out and I had to quickly remove the phone from my ear so I wouldn't become deaf !

``eeeeew Tracy it's freaking 1am in the midnight ! And please stop yelling ,my ears are about to go deaf . " I replied uninterested.

Birthday? I'm not concerned about that ,what I'm more concerned about is why Henry has refused to pick my calls ....I've been .....

``hellooooo .....kheera? I heard Tracy loud voice yell and I realized I had not been paying attention to what she was saying .....

``Thank you for the best wishes bestie , I love you but I have to go ,I need this sleep " I replied grateful I'll be finally going back to bed.

`` witch ! I heard her curse over the phone and I chuckled lightly and immediately pressed on the red button and as if I was struck by lightning I bolted to my bed and covered my body with the sheets .

I am not going to worry about any birthdays

And Henry.....well....... whatever!......

The following morning ......................

``happy birthday ! I heard someone scream, I tossed on my bed with my eyes closed and my ears covered with my pillow .

Again it's Tracy but I don't want to believe she'll come over to do that .

Maybe it's a dream ,I turned to the other side on my bed to stop the bad dream but luck wasn't on my side because the door flew open immediately .

``get up lazy ass ! She yelled and I opened my eyes gently and before I could say Jack! She jumped on the bed and started rolling me off the sheets till I fell to the ground !

Where did I meet this witch of a friend?

``you are crazy " I said in between laughter.

"I know I am ,now get up ! Raymond is waiting for us outside ,I knew you'd be a mess that's why I didn't allow him come in " she replied pointing to my messed up hair and my nightie's tiny hand which had fallen off revealing my bossom ,I sighed how did my hairbonnet fall off ?

I checked my face in the mirror.

How can I look like this on my 25th birthday ?

``get into the shower and have a good bath ,I'll pick out something nice for you to wear ,we are going out " Tracy said as she squabbled to my wardrobe ...

I chuckled

'' no make up ! I yelled as I undressed.

'' of course .........there will be " she yelled back and I cursed at her ,this girl won't let me have my way will she ? I rushed into the bathroom.

The water was warm and it comforted me in an odd way ......

It's been three days now ,no calls from him ,he hasn't replied any of my texts .

I'm so worried !

If it wasn't for the heated argument we once had about me coming to his place unannounced I would have gone to see him .

He hasn't even wished me a happy birthday too .....

Well whatever!

I'm going to enjoy myself today and he won't stop me from doing that .....

But if I don't hear from him by the end of today , I'm definitely going to his house announced or not!.

I finished washing myself ,grabbed a towel ,and walked back into my room.

'' come on kheera this is why people say we are dating ,how can you walk naked into the room like that when you have a towel you can wrap your body with ? Tracy yelled throwing a pillow at me.

I dodged the pillow and gave her a smirk smile ....

``you still haven't reached him right ? Tracy asked while styling my hair.

I sighed him I know it's Henry she's talking about. ....

'' who ? I asked faking a smile trying to get on her nerves and I succeeded.

``Dont ask me silly questions ,you know who I'm talking about " she replied and paused the styling staring at me through the mirror.

My face fell ...

"It's been three days now Tracy and no sign of him ,I don't want to think he's cheating on me ,I don't want to believe I've wasted four years of my life but look at what he's doing to me ... I ...I can't even go to my boyfriend's house unannounced ,he's going to get mad and rant on and on about privacy , I'm just so tired ..." I said tears voluntarily dropping from my eyes ....

``I won't allow you ruin the make up I've worked hard to do on your face .....he's not worth it " she replied dabbing on my tears so it won't ruin my make up ....

I smiled

'' I'm sorry " I whispered .....

'' you know I never liked that Henry guy ,I still think he's not good enough for ....."

'' it's fine let's not keep Ray waiting outside " I cut in ,I don't want to hear her opinion of Henry.

At least not now ....

She sighed ,dropped the make up brush,picked her bag and walked outside ....

I sighed too ,picked my bag and walked outside .......


I sat on the passenger's seat and she entered into the back seat ,she and Ray exchanged greetings and Ray started the car engine ....

`` did you two have a fight ? Ray asked noticing the unusual silence that has taken over the car .....

How do I tell her that her stupid boyfriend is getting married to another lady next weekend ?

Sometimes I think this girl is stupid !

'' okay that's enough ! We are not going anywhere if the two of you won't stop acting like kids ! "

Raymond said putting the car to a sudden stop which made me hold onto my seatbelt .

Kheera and I kept mute

No one ready to give in to the other person

``Tracy come on today is her birthday ! You guys shouldn't have your unnecessary fight today " Ray said again eyeing me .

I threw my hands up in surrender .

" Okay ! Fine ! I'm sorry ,I messed up " I said turning to look at her where she sat .....

She gave me a smirk smile and we both bursted into laughter ....

'' I love you witch ! She replied.

I chuckled lightly

'' of course you do darling and you know I hate you more " I replied and we all laughed ....

I'll tell her about that ....later......

Few minutes later ........


I smiled seeing the way the two of them held each other's hands like kids as we walked into the mall.

They are the older ones but sometimes I feel like I'm their elder brother.

It's nice seeing kheera smile ......

`` go ahead guys ,I need to call mum and dad back , they've been calling me since forever " kheera said smiling.

``say my greetings to them ,tell them we are coming over for chicken at the restaurant this evening " Tracy replied.

I and Tracy walked into the mall leaving her behind ,I pulled the trolley.

``such a gentleman " Tracy said slapping my back ....

I smiled.

``you can say that again " I replied and she smiled.

We saw a couple smiling and playing with each other in front of us and we gave each other a '' what the heck ? Look .

We always find stuffs like that creepy ........

They turned to face us and what we saw shocked us .

It's Henry!

Kheera's boyfriend!

Security alert !

We both turned at the same pace to stall kheera and leave the place in order to make sure kheera doesn't see them but it was too late ,she is already here and with the look on her face it seems she has been there for a while !