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FrIenemy Steps In To New Journey Of Life

FrIenemy Steps In To New Journey Of Life

Auteur: Ocean world

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FrIenemy Steps In To New Journey Of Life PDF Free Download


"Leiv feeling sad because she reject you?" Xin asked worriedly Leiv held her hand" xin! our friendship is stronger than love on her" xin frowned oh my poor boy. "how about you and Tommy's patch up working" leiv asked. Xin pouted. Leiv added "don't tell me you broke up again!". Xin showed obvious expression. Leiv rolled his eyes"atleast can't he kick your ass when you went for patch up 15th time. shame on you ". Xin glared him " no! because he know you will chop his leg if he dare to touch me!". "that's why i am sad because i missed that chance" and both laughed imagining Tommy's situation "Leiv i think no one ready to love us if they love also i don't think they will stay atleast a week" "that's right who could tolerate our nonsense other than ourselves!" Leiv pouted seeing his crush with some other guy licking ice cream. "atleast you finally accepted you are nonsense hahahah!" Xin laughed. "with nonsense i should be nonsense only hahahahah" Leiv laughed and bruised her head and ran. "you.." she also chased him. A 22 years of strong and beautiful friendship that never had even single silly break even if they faced so many blames,complains and problems. one day freindship became curse to them big blast to both. Hatred humiliation, regression of choosing this person and sacrificed so much for this useless friendship is just a chea all these yearst? No! Never! never let that person be peacefully for ever. "I will show you the taste of being cheated!".

Chapter 1

"Leiv look this is world cutest girl in your world as you asked me how will be World cutest girl. Here Lil sister Tina!". His mom showed Lil baby to 3 years old handsome boy.

Leiv looked at baby and touched her Lil soft cheeks and looked at his mama and said "mama my sister Tina is so cute. But". He paused.

"But What baby?" His mom curiously asked.

"But I saw a girl yesterday and I felt like she is cutest girl in world". He innocently said truth what he felt.

"Oh really? Where?" His mom got interested.

because her son who never had any friends and never showed any interest on other kids even for playing now talking about lil girl hmm that's really interesting.

"The girl who lives in next street. Papa and I went to bring my sister toys there I saw her in shop".

"But how did you know she lives there only?" His mom felt so much.

He looked his mom for a while and said "because I went to that shop again and asked uncle".

"Hahaha my baby took so much effort to find that girl. Haha I'm impressed my silly boy finally you found friend. Tell me what's your new and first friend name? "She pinched his nose teasingly.

"Xin! "Leiv smilingly said

"Is it? Cute name. Then she must be cute too! " She rubbed his head softly.

Leiv gave a proud smile as he chose correct person as his mama approving it.

Next day he went to same shop and asked uncle "where is your daughter uncle?".Leiv asked.

Shop owner and his wife looked him. Lady asked "isn't this boy who asked our baby's address with us only".she smiled .Her husband gave Lil cold look at boy and pushed his glass on his nose bridge and said "Lil boy didn't I tell you I won't let my Lil girl to have strange friends".

"But everyone it's stranger to kids,for us and only become friends when they play I want become friend to xin". He boldly asked.

Lady amused by his words and looked up and down just 3year old guy hmm really wanted to know more.

Shop owner raised his eyebrows with cold look.

Leiv didn't afraid but felt uncomfortable because he never faced this look. His parents always dot him and he don't talk with anyone to see like this.

Shop keeper frowned "my baby also said same thing yesterday daddy can I play with that handsome boy and I want to make him as a friend. But he was jealous because she always admire her daddy as hero and only handsome in her world but now?"of course he didn't say it loudly but to himself.

"hey boy I will beat up your ass if you dare to harm my baby". Coldly warned.

"Daddy he won't. Isn't handsome boy". A cute girl confidently said loudly.

Three of them looked at door.

A cute girl of 3 years old coming inside smilingly with pink tessley froke and two pony tails.

He looked her and said "I will never harm my cutest friend. I will protect my best friend always". He confidently said. She smiled cutely. He too.

But someone really got so angry and made fist his hand and hit his other palm by looking at Leiv. That's non other than Tony! Xin's elder brother who never wants his cute sister to be take away by some one especially boy! that to handsome boy. That's never acceptable thing in his life as a 6 years old guy and wanted to protect her he himself and only.

Shop owner laughed with his wife like a joke but didn't know it's going to be true one day.

There friendship started playing each other started with same kindergarten.

Actually xin father don't want to send Lil girl to far away kindergarten so sent near by road.

But Leivs dad wanted to admit him to well known one but Leiv forced them to join him to the same She joined . His father restricted that. So no choice he seek for his moms help.

His mom convinced his dad" just a kindergarten let him enjoy baby!". He melted to her smile.

There started a new journey of this new and very fresh friendship of Xin and Leiv.