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Heaven In Hell - Part 1 - The Forbidden Forest

Heaven In Hell - Part 1 - The Forbidden Forest



Heaven In Hell - Part 1 - The Forbidden Forest PDF Free Download


||Heaven In Hell|| - |Part One| "In the forest Lies a devil. Who consumes the soul of every man who walks upon his dark black soil. He is the god of darkness, the satan in the sun." A kingdom upon which darkness fell, taking The king's life. Then The queen. It was time for the Princess to go. She was to die in a sacrifice. However, The devil doesn't respect the laws of God. He defies them. Will she die? Or remain a soulless body. She had to save the kingdom her father handed upon her, but her only hope was gone. Dead. And now her body was given to The Devil to Devor.

Chapter 1

She had seen the dark. She had seen her own blood drip down. She had met Death. She had touched the devil. As she gasps for air.

Her dagger fell. Her hair flowing free as the cold wind entered the castle. The dark clouds hovering over her home. She stared into his eyes, those lifeless eyes.

Her fingers touched her wound and felt her blood seep through. She kneeled to the throne. She prepared for her death.

But a shadow held her hand. She smiled closing her eyes and letting him take her away. As he did. She saw her memories pass by her eyes. Her mother. Her father. The once cheerful life. She smiled.

As the past flashed by her. She let out her last breath and closed her eyes.

The princess tugged on her sleeve as her mother paced around about her room. Rose gave a final sigh before looking at her mother with a stern glare and she spoke. " I am refusing that man's hand" Her mother, the queen stopped on her feet and rose her brows at her daughter.

"And I forbid you to refuse him" Rose huffed in frustration as she sat on her bed. "Do you not want my happiness?" She asked but her mother never spoke.

"Mother! I can see that man's intentions just by looking into his eyes. He does not want me, he wants the throne! He wants father's throne" I said making her mother glared at her.

"That Throne does not belong to your father, It belongs to the kingdom. Once you are married a new King shall sit on it and rule your kingdom just like your father-" Rose did listen to her mother's voice however she chose to turn her ears away. Standing on her feet and walking to the open doors of her balcony and stared in a distance. The beautiful branch of the cherry tree coming near the balcony's corner been cut down breaking her heart into pieces for her safety.

"I will marry a man who doesn't treat me like the bargaining piece that I have been treated as" Her mother shook her head walking to her daughter. "You are not a bargain Rose. You are a born Queen. Who needs a King by your side to help you rule this kingdom"

Rose held her anger in, just as she always did. A royal shall not show their emotions to people. They may take advantage of it.

" I will marry a man, But NOT Duke Edmund" She stated leaving her chamber as her mother held a deep frown over her face.

"Oh Rose, what will I do with this girl"

"Father!" Rose yelled barging into the throne room as her father held his voice in. "Rose, You should not barge in this hall like that" She heard him however she had bigger issues up in her mind. "You agreed to give my hand to Duke Edmund? Without asking me how I felt about that man ?" He frowned.

"Is there any problem with the Duke? I see him as an eligible man" Rose let out a huff. "No. Father, I do not, I will not accept this arrangement. I do not see my future with this man. I can't !"

Her father saw the frustration in his daughter's eyes.

"Very Well then. Now go on" She stared at her father and walked out. The heavy thought of their decision stays on her mind all night. She could not sleep. Her legs pulled her out of her bed and she let them take her to the closed doors of her balcony. The moon was vibrant. Beautiful. But there was always something devilish about the nights in the Kingdom, due to that forest.

When her eyes fell from the moon to the forest below her curiosity rose. The devil's forest as they said. She could see the dark black soil that started from the border of their Kingdom and extended into never-ending dark woods. Her eyes never fluttered away from the dark forest.

She wanted to know more, she wanted to explore, see, and touch the black soil which held secrets.

But she could not. They say the devil himself resides within the dense never-ending woods of that forest. Men and Women were sacrificed for their evil deeds to the god of death over the board. Stripped of their humanity and taken to hell by the evil.

She felt her body shiver, the sacrifice of a villager she once saw while young. She could not imagine the pain of the people.

Rose blinked twice going back to bed as a sudden urge of sleep entered her mind.

The next morning as they sat for breakfast with Duke Edmund himself she held herself back from leaving that hall.

"We should raise the borders of our kingdom and claim the southern land, The people over that land server King Dominic. Taking over that land will weaken his economy " The King. "Here, we do not go against Kingdom's who have never rose a war against us, Duke. Peace is better than a sword"

Duke Edmund smiled, but in that smile laid hate for the King. A disappointment that his plans had been rejected harshly. "I was given the thought that King Dominic had disrespected you after the negotiation Sire." said The duke.

"He did not. It was our Subject's howler which I should've apologized for. My men caused bloodshed over his land. Due to a minor misinterpretation. I am ashamed. Although our kingdoms might not be on good terms. I look forward to seeing you help us become one again"

Edmund gave the King a slight acknowledgment before lowering his gaze. The rest of the meal proceeded in silence. Rose did not once glance at Edmund. Her gaze always turned into a hateful glare towards that man.

"Your highness" Rose heard a familiar voice. "Vincent! How happy I am to see you " She said picking up the tool of her dress and hurrying up towards the gardens of the castle.

He smiled bowing to Rose. "Your highness. May I accompany you ?" She gracefully smiled as he strolled behind her.

"How has your day been?" He asked standing a good distance away from the Princess. However, his voice was informal.

Vincent had been Rose's dear friend ever since he joined the position of the palace guards. His job was to look after the Princess and guard the halls.

The young Princess grew up to like him and treat him as her dear friend.

"Very very upsetting. My father might marry me to that good for nothing soul of the devil !" He laughed.

"Do not fret. I hear he will be leaving the castle tomorrow your highness. Your father might have taken your words into account After all" Rose glanced at the man and pulled her eyes back at the sky. As she took a turn about the garden she thought about her mother's anger.

"My father might not be affected by this. But my mother surely must be. You never saw how disappointed she was when I refused her request" Vincent stared at the young girl with a frown.

"I understand your decision of declining a man, however, your highness," he paused staring down at his feet. "You have to get married one day. If not the Duke, then another man. You never know them unless you put forth the effort to talk to them as well "

Rose sighs. "I believe I shall find a man who respects my decision. Unlike men in the court who asked me to marry a man far too negligent of my heart"

Vincent smirked looking up at her.

"Well then. I hope you find him soon My princess." she chuckled walking past him and into the castle as he walked behind her.

Rose Glanced above at her father's Camber. Where he and Lord Edmund stood talking while drinking alcohol. She gave it a sigh.

"He should not drink, I worry for him" Vincent gave her a sad smile.

The clanking of crockery was the only noise heard dinner that evening. Until The queen spoke up, "Is something bothering you dear ?" She asked placing her hand over the King's.

His face was pale. Unlike the smile, he always put up in front of his daughter. Today, he held a pale frown.

"I am fine. I don't feel well" the queen creased her brows looking at the butler. "Call a physician" he nodded.

"Come. It must be exhaustion. You should rest" she said. Rose stood up to help her father be he held his hand.

"You should have your dinner, Rose. I will be fine" she frowned sitting back as the plate was settled in front of her.

Her spoon dived back and forth in the bowl of the spoon as time pass by. Alas, she couldn't get herself to eat anything. Something in her heart gave her a sinking feeling.

When she stood up and walked straight to her Father's chambers.