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Marriage After Divorce

Marriage After Divorce

Auteur: Paula White

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Marriage After Divorce PDF Free Download


Samantha had caught her husband Damon cheating on her and when she asked for an explanation the words he utter to her are ”let's get divorced” After the divorce she meets with her long time sweetheart who offers her a marriage proposal for a huge some of money. What happens when she accepts his proposal because she's in need of money

Chapter 1

Samantha's POV

It was already hard enough for me to struggle with money, now I've given half of my time to take care of Damon's mother

I picked up the clothes on the floor and finally folded them into the wardrobe, I knew I was done cleaning the house. I was done for the day.

Walking towards the table, I picked the glass containing water and then the medicines by the side.

"Mrs Katie, it's time for your medicines" I took the medicines and the water and started walking to where she sat in the living room enjoying her favourite show.

She snorted and gave me an eye roll. I saw it but I didn't care. I was okay taking care of her even with her attitude. I thought she was just doing it for fun.

Mrs Katie has always hated taking her medicines and it usually takes the guts in her not to throw it away.

She stretched her hand to receive it and I handed it over to her.

Slowly and steady she drank a bit of water and had some in her mouth

"Go on Mrs Katie, you can do it" I smiled assuring her even when I knew she didn't like the fact I was touching her or staying close to her. I know she hated me. It's no big deal to hate someone, it's not a big deal if someone hates you. Most especially if that someone is your mother in law

Mrs Katie was Damon's mother and I had to just like her even if she hated me and threw me away anytime I tried to come closer to her. Damon said she hated people being around her and after sometime she would warm up to me. I'm honestly waiting for that time because it's been three years. Three good years of me taking care of her day and night yet she isn't warming up to me.

I might as well get tired of waiting for her to warm up to me and take her the way she is.

And get used to her attitude towards me.

I heaved a sigh as I watched her throw the medicine down her throat. And in seconds she was coughing.

She kept coughing and gagging before I could realise what happened, she threw everything she just took in on my body.

I wanted to yell but I didn't want her to feel bad. I was already so disgusted but I managed.

I used a wet cloth from the bathroom to clean my clothes and then I cleaned her up and this time around I was sure to stand far from her while she took the medicine again.

Although I had cleaned the vomit off my clothes it was still there and it was smelling, so I'll have to change my clothes and I had no clothes in her house. I had to go back to I and Damon's house to get changed.

I had already cleaned her house and made food for her, so it was time for me to head home.

I smiled at her. "Mrs Katie, I'll leave now I have so much work to do" I wasn't expecting a good reply, was I?

"Come back early to make dinner Samantha." She said and I smiled nodding. That was all. I picked my bag from the couch it was on in her smallish living room before heading out.

My house isn't far from here but I practically stay with her all week because I have to take care of her. She's sick. I stay with her weekdays and I only get to spend the weekend just one weekend with my husband and the next day I'm running back to her.

I had no clothes since today was the weekend and I had already sent my clothes for laundry. I got home and pushed the door open , I had a spare key. Just realizing this , I looked down to the ground and I noticed a beautiful pair of block heel by the lobby, I never wear heels and if I did it wouldn't be this high so who owned this?

Does Damon have visitors?

I took a few steps into the house when the slight voice of a woman moaning startled me.

I gripped my heart tight hoping all I was hearing was my dreams.

I heard Damon laugh and I heard the woman chuckle seconds after that it was moaning. I walked slowly and steadily trying my best not to make any noise, my hand was shaking and my lips were shaking too. I was feeling breathless thinking about it.

There at the slightly opened door I saw my husband. I wasn't mistaken it was Damon.

I saw him in bed with a woman, he was on her and it made it hard for me to see her face. But I saw her hair, she had very curly brown hair.

My heart broke into a million pieces when I saw this.

I stretched to look at the lady. Wasn't this Annie?

Annie, my roommate back in college?

What was happening? Was I hallucinating?

Just then as I stared keenly, Annie's fore eyes met with my eyes, I was watching, pain and anger filling my body, hate and loathe for this woman I was thought to be my good friend.

She smirked a little then held Damons cheeks.

"Hunny I want you to pick, who do you love? Me or Samantha?"

"What?"Damon asked.

"Tell me hunny? Is it me or Samantha, tell me so I know. Else."

"Oh Annie, of course it's you, I'll pick you a million times, what is Samantha?" Seeing them on the bed was painful but what hurt the most was when he chose her. He chose Annie over me.

Was I mistaken, was I dreaming?

How hilarious? I was seeing this unfold in front of my eyes and I was asking if I was dreaming.

I wanted to yell at him but when I forcefully pushed the door open, I found myself stuttering, I found myself asking him slowly. I saw myself calling him slowly.

"Damon? Damon tell me I'm dreaming." He was frightened when the door suddenly burst open and he turned to face me.

"Sam? What are you doing here?"

"Was this the question to ask? Huh? Tell me was this the question to ask? What is all this Damon?" I was finally able to get my voice when I realized this wasn't a dream and I had finally lost everything."

"What do you mean? Don't you see, I'm here with Annie and we are getting a divorce tomorrow." He shouted back at me and the word divorce broke me a million times.

I cringed at the word and flinched too.

I couldn't handle the sight, it would just be better if I left. I don't think there's any need to fight for love. When I've been doing it for years and he's here doing the worst, he's cheating.

Was I glad we would be getting divorced?


I turned around swiftly with my aching and bleeding heart in my chest. I ran out heading to God knows where.

I first got a new dress for the mall before vanishing for some hours to cool my head and prepare myself for the mental and emotional damage this would cause me. I don't want the damage to be much. I might die because I love Damon so much.

I don't know what I did to ever deserve this. I don't ask him for money, I'm not demanding and I'm always there for him, I'm always giving my support so how did all this happen. Damon has never supported me mentally, emotionally or physically but I loved him, he never even got me clothes or things and I never worried about that, he kept telling me he would once he got a raise in his salary. He didn't. He never got me anything.


Hours later I realised that it was late and I needed to get home, I needed to go back home to make dinner for Mrs Katie.

I stood from the grass in the park before walking out to the main road, taking a cab straight to Mrs Katie's house.

When I got in, I threw my bag on the chair and the next second she was yelling at me.

"Samantha why did you return this late? Do you know how hungry I am? Do you want to kill me?" She rasped, raising her very disgusting voice up at me.

I sighed, this is what I get.

"Didn't Damon tell you?" I asked and she kept yelling.

"Go into the kitchen and make food for me Samantha!"The first time I'm back home late, she didn't ask what the problem was and why I returned late, if there was any problem. She was angry because I wasn't home to make dinner for her.

How unfortunate!

I sighed loudly and walked out of the living room heading to the kitchen so I could prepare food.

I wanted to cry some more but my eyes were already so big and red from crying so much.

I wonder how she didn't observe it or wasn't she just concerned about it?

I walked into the kitchen and began preparing dinner for her. I didn't want any more problems, maybe after the divorce I'll leave.

While chopping the vegetable I was using to prepare the food I sent the knife slicing my hand. I didn't even know how it happened but I cut myself and my hand was bleeding.

I sighed taking the pain in before walking to Katie's room to get the first aid box.

Getting to her room I noticed she wasn't in her room. She was probably on the balcony, she liked staying there so the cool air could perch her. I walked to the drawer where the first aid box is kept and picked it up, just then I heard her utter my name from the small balcony where she was.

She was really about me?

Why? I moved slowly to the door of the balcony to listen, I know it's not a good thing to eavesdrop but I couldn't help it