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Wanted By The Alphas

Wanted By The Alphas



Wanted By The Alphas PDF Free Download


"It has something to do with your pack right?". "Yes, I have been thinking about it for so long trying to suppress my emotions but I felt weak when you mentioned it the other night.... I couldn't do any other thing than to run away from my emotions......just like always" His head sagged as he tried not to let the images haunt him. "I'm so sorry for being so insensitive, let me try to make it up for it". "How do you plan on doing that?". "How about I give you a good reason to rest?" I crawled on to his sexy body and started caressing his chest trailing my hands down to his ripped abs. He let out a small groan as I grabbed his erection from his ragged shorts. "What are you doing?" He whispered harshly as I stroked it from his shorts, I didn't give him a reply I just unzipped his shorts and brought out his massive rod, it was well over 8 inches and the veins on it throbbed as I stroked it gently. Ever since Elena watched Michael phases into his wolf form on his balcony

Chapter 1

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice made everything stop as I turned around to see Troy Luther my boy best friend running towards me with a bag that resembled mine.

"Oh my gosh how could I forget my bag?" I said with a long groan, Troy chuckled as I fumbled through the bag checking if my stuffs were complete.

"Elena, you're way too forgetful for a history student" He reprimanded me playfully.

"Hey, I don't wanna be late for Mr Roy's class, you know how he treats late comers".

"That's why you better run along then, aren't you forgetting something? Again!" He said as I was about to go.

"What is that? Oh! Thanks sweetie" I planted a kiss on his cheek before running off again.

My dark hair flipped in the wind as I ran through bodies of students muttering "excuse me" as I pushed my way around trying to get to class under fifteen minutes. As I barged in the class everybody turned their heads around to the door I just waltzed in from.

"Errrrhhheemmmm!" Mr Roy looked at me sternly from the podium, History 103 had started thirty minutes ago. I'm so late.

"I can explain—" I started but Mr Roy cut me short.

"No need for that, you'll have all the time in the world to explain to the dean of students".

"But sir—".

"No buts! Now look for seat before I send you out" I moved quickly and located my female friend Chelsea quite easily because her blonde hair and blue eyes are easy to spot.

"Why are you so late?" She asked in a harsh whisper.

"I had a long night" I said with a yawn.

"Wow, that's the first".

"C'mon, give me a break" As soon as I said that I got a whiff of a scent that have been haunting me ever since I arrived on campus, not just any scent...... His scent. My head spun towards the direction the scent and I saw him staring back at me before he looked away with a small smirk.

"Woah" I said unconsciously.

"Woah what? Woah who?" Chelsea said trying to find who or what was taking my attention.

"It's Michael, he was staring at me just now I swear it".

"Really? Your obsession with this guy is going to get you in trouble one day".

"For him any trouble is good trouble" I had been talking too loud unconsciously and that brought me Mr Roy's attention.

"What was the last thing I said Miss George?" Mr Roy asked.

"Uhhhmmm.......Abraham Lincoln?" I said sheepishly and the whole class burst out laughing, I saw Michael shake his head momentarily.

"I see you are not ready for today's lecture Miss George. Take your things and kindly leave my class" Mr Roy pointed at the door through which I came in.

"Oh man! But I just got here" I said making the class laugh again and this time Michael actually smiled.



"You have turned this lecture into a comedy show! PLEASE LEAVE NOW!!" Mr Roy shouted making everybody silent at once, I quickly grabbed my bag and headed towards the door.

"Don't forget to wait for me at the dean's office! ".

"Okay old man, sheeesh" I slammed the door with a loud bang, as I moved away from the lecture room I could still hear the laughter I caused with my abrupt exit.

I couldn't stop thinking of Michael, what did that stare mean?. Technically it could mean an other thing but my mind kept telling me there was something special about that moment we had a few minutes ago, the way his hazel eyes penetrated my soul as if he was searching for something, but what? I couldn't tell.

As I walked towards the dean office I saw someone who made all my hopes with Michael shatter, Shirley Kinston a "do—good" brunette with a stunning figure

She had an impressive body

, she was the president of the campus book club, she graduated as a valedictorian in her high school so she's continuing her perfect record. Apart from being an annoying overachiever she's also Michael's girlfriend, and now she was approaching me with a smile and a flyer.

"Hello Elena, how are you doing today?" She displayed her perfect whites.

'Ughhhhhh I hate her so much'.

"I'm doing well thank you for asking, where are you headed?" I asked faking a smile to match hers.

"I'm headed to the book club, we have a meeting today and I think I might be late already. Please can you do me a favour".

"Sure" As long it doesn't involve attending the book club though.

"Can you please take these flyers to Michael? I think he's almost done with his class now so he would want them now and I really need to run off to join the rest of the club".

"Yes, sure I can" I said taking the flyers from her, a chance to escape the deans wrath? A chance to talk to Michael? Of course I am grabbing the opportunity.

"Thank you so much! You are a life saver. Please tell him I will explain things better later" She said running off, I looked at her one last time before scanning through the flyer's content.





I couldn't believe my eyes, I read through it again and other than the excessive use of exclamation marks and the pictures of girls in bikinis the flyer was quite plain and simple.

'A party at Michael's place? No his beach house, this seems like the perfect opportunity to get him to notice me or you know...... Make out at least' My cheeks turned red as I thought of the things Michael and I could do, I didn't even see him coming and I bumped into his rock hard chest.

"You can't see where you are going now huh?" His hot breath brushed past my face and I momentarily quivered.

"Uh.... Uh.... I.... Um..." I stuttered as I helplessly try to recollect my thoughts.

"Come on, you can do it. Uh..... Uh... I.... Um.... " He mocked me as if I was a toddler learning how to speak.

"Hahaha very funny" I said sarcastically.

"What are you doing with my flyers?" His voice became commanding making my legs shake.

"Shirley gave them to me so I can give them to you" I defended myself.

"Where is Shirley?" He asked looking left and right for his all too perfect brunette.

"She went to her book club".

"Book club this, book club that UGHHH" He said in irritation, he took the flyers from me without a "thank you". As he was moving away he turned around suddenly.

"Hey, you wanna escape Mr Roy's wrath?" He asked with an evil smile.


"Then come help me share these flyers".

"I don't think Shirley would like that".

"You better make up your mind soon because here comes Mr Roy" I looked round me and I saw Mr Roy coming with a flock of students bombarding him with questions.

"Fine, I'll come with you" I said going after Michael who was already passing out flyers to nearby students, I took some from him and started passing too.

At close proximity his scent was stronger and I could see his features clearer, dark hair, well tones biceps that strained his T shirt begging to be loose, he stood well over 6 feet with broad shoulders that can carry a small cheerleader on each. I knew he was a werewolf but I don't know which rank he was or which pack he belonged to and I couldn't dare to ask him.

"Are you okay?" His smooth voice woke me from my slutty thoughts. I had been staring at him for too long.

"Uh? Yes I am, I was just.... Uh...... Thinking about the party" I lied.

"Really? What about it?" He raised a brow at me.

"Well, it's just that I don't know what to wear".

'Come to think of it I really don't know what to wear' I noted mentally.

"Better wear something sexy unless you want to be sent back home".

"By who?".

"By me of course!" He said sternly, barring his teeth for emphasis.

"Okay, Okay sheeesh...." I couldn't continue because he had already started laughing at my scared face.

"Yeah, laugh it off, scare a girl then laugh about it" I said with sarcasm.

"I told you, better wear something sexy otherwise you would be the only plain Jane at the party" His cockiness was both annoying and alluring.

"There's nothing plain about this Jane" I said trying to sound cool.

"You can do better than that I'm sure" He shook his head at my feeble attempt.

After we finished sharing the flyers we sat in the campus cafe to buy something to eat, I couldn't peel my eyes off him for a minute, I was scared he might disappear if I stare too long. I was running out of conversation Ideas so I decided to ask him about his family.

"Are you from this city?"I asked as we devoured the buttery scones we bought.

"No, I'm not" His answer was bland and straightforward.

"Mom and dad?".

"Just me".

"Wow, that must be pretty lonely".

"You'll get used to it when you become an outcast".

"Outcast? I don't think I can understand" I was as confused as an acorn.

"That's right, you don't need to. Just accept it as it is" He said standing up.

"Where are you going?" I asked with puppy eyes, hoping that it would be enough to make him stay.

"I think Shirley is done with her whatever, I've got to go now. Bye girl that I don't know her name" He walked off briskly, leaving me to gape at his huge shadow.

"If you don't close your mouth a fly will make it it's home" The store keeper said laughing, I gathered my things

which were few

then walked out hoping to find Chelsea so I could tell her about the latest development. I found her in a group of girls revising some questions.

"Hey Elle" Chelsea squealed as soon as she saw me coming.


"Okay, I know it's my fault you got kicked out of class and I'm really sorry for it".

"Save your apologies for someone that needs it...... It was a good thing I got sent out" I said smiling, Chelsea couldn't hide her look of confusion.

"Wait, what? How?".

I told her everything that happened, from Shirley handing over the flyers, bumping into Michael's hot body, sharing the flyers together and the sexy invitation he gave me.

"Something sexy huh? We'll give him sexy" Chelsea said chuckling evilly.

"When he said sexy I'm sure he meant not over the top too" Chelsea was a girl who loved going the extra mile so I had to be wary around her else I'll be showing up to the party in a half naked costume.

"Relax, I got this".

"Whenever you "got" something, it doesn't usually end well Chelsea".

"Oh ye of little faith".

"Cut the crap, you know what I'm talking about" I said to her sternly, I was still a bit mad that she got me in trouble even though things happened in my favour.

"Okay fine, I won't pick anything for you...... But you better come with me to the mall or else—".

"Of course I'm going with you to the mall silly".

"Good, that's what I thought. Well I need to change out of these rags then I'll be at your dorm in let's say........ An hour and half" Chelsea said checking her watch, I told her a quick good bye and went back to my dorm, I entered to see my roommate/bestie waiting for me.

"Someone is in a good mood today" Troy said as he noticed the beaming smile I had on.

"I had a wonderful day".

"That's not the usual response you give after Mr Roy's class".

"Apparently I got sent out because of my lateness".

"Damn, sorry".

"It's okay because after I got sent out of class I got an invitation to a beach party".

"Really!? Where?" Troy said with his eyes shining, this was a surprise because he wasn't the least interested in parties. I gave him the flyer and I watched his countenance change as he read through it.

"I'm coming with you" He said after being silent for a while.


"You heard me, I said I am coming too".