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I’m what…princess

I’m what…princess

Auteur: Hunnii white

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I’m what…princess PDF Free Download


Nancy was just a Ordinary office worker until one night on her way home from work, she seen her father fighting a strange looking creatures that you only read or hear about in fantasy novels in their family home. she then finds out that her parents aren’t really her parents but her bodyguards from a different world. Under the orders of the king and queen of Teignland the lord of all living creatures which is one of the countries from this day the king and queen sent a message to nancy guardians that they want their princess back home with them to take her rightful place as princess and last renaming heir to Teignland but something goes wrong with her transport device and she ends up in a neighbouring country/alliance Baleton the land of the wolves where she has to disguise herself as a man and is looking for work. as she was working away as a waiter for a local pub she heard a lot of Commotion going on outside I want to check it out until a man is laying top of her hunter bale the 3rd prince of baleton and in line to the throne

Chapter 1

Yo Nancy working hard I see, have you finished them documents i sent you? Nancy’s boss Malcolm while asked standing behind her

Yeah i did ill send to you through the company email now Nancy replied, okay then Malcolm said then walked back to his desk

The day went on like any other work day she had with the odd coffee break here and there, as she was packing her things away and saying see you tomorrow to her colleagues for the day she got a text from her mother June saying ‘shes gonna be home late cook some food for your dad for us please and ill take what is leftover to work with me in the morning’

On our way home from work Nancy stopped by the local shop picked up a few bits for cooking tonight I On our way home from work Nancy stopped by the local shop picked up a few bits for cooking tonight then made a way home.Oh that she could think about was she fancied a sausage casserole lovely it’s gonna taste and also was her dad’s favourite dish, when she got off the bus and made our way down the street closer to her home she can say something weird in the window like something is moving usually her dad Issac would be in his man cave still As he was an artist she saw a shadow pass by the window hunched over like its head was touching the ceiling But as Nancy got closer and closer home she have the Santa scruffing and glass breaking then she heard a deep deep sickening voice boom out you will die nothing

Nancy stopped for a second looking her house feeling a shiver down her spine from that voice she heard but then she ran as fast as she could to the house opening the door with all her strength to see her to her horror that her dad was pinned down to the floor with a sword in hand holding to the creature Throat

The creature and Issac turned towards the door shocked Written all over his face while the creature smirked With his crooked teeth pointing out of its mouth Black eyes staring at her while saying I found you my princess then came charging at her Nans he was frozen on the spot not knowing what to do but then Isaac put the sword straight through the creatures body it heart it Whelped out in pain but Issac didn’t stop stabbing the creature again and again Until it fell to the floor where Isaac chopped his head off/hisUntil it fell to the floor where slashed its throat slashed its throat

I was it then run up to Nancy dropping his sword and putting on his hands on her Cheeks Nancy Nancy he yelled in a concerned tone worried about what his daughter just Witnessed Nancy darling look at me look at me in the eyes only focus on me nancy looked into her fathers eyes still in shock I’m sorry Isaac says before giving her a blow into the neck with his hand making her black out and carried her to bedroom