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Royal Bloods Are Holy Sinners

Royal Bloods Are Holy Sinners

Auteur: ThoseBigNerdyGlasses

En cours


Royal Bloods Are Holy Sinners PDF Free Download


"So this is my brother's choice!" Ailine uttered holding Karoline's chin up tight to look at her face properly. An angry tear escaped Karoline's eyes as she shook her head out of the hold of Ailine but her body was forcefully held at one place unable to move any inch and raise a protest against the situation. She was tied up in a chair. She was kidnapped. "Who are you?" Karoline shouted while wiggling around on the hold of tight ropes in order to break off free and watching her struggling in that manner, Ailine glared at her. "Move not, Aiden doesn't like any marks on his stuff!" She warned strictly referring how her continuous struggles were creating marks on her arms and wrist. Ailine seemed threatening with her words. Karoline's eyes teared up angrily and jaw clenched tightened while looking at the woman in front of her in extreme rage. "I am nobody's stuff." She exclaimed while looking straight up without any fear meanwhile hearing her, Ailine chuckled with no surprise. Leaning ahead a little to Karoline's level, she traced her fingers over Karoline's long hair in a careful manner before soon grabbing a handful of her hair to pull her head back painfully and making her wince loudly by the effect. "Little girl, I cannot let you believe that anymore because the moment my brother laid his eyes on you more than one minute, I knew I had to get you for him." Ailine uttered when suddenly the other minute she heard a loud masculine voice growling at her action. "AILINE HURT HER NOT." Aiden walked in with his eyes, strict causing his sister to draw her hand back immediately. "Untie her, right now."

Chapter 1

"Come on shawty, don't play too hard to get with me. Know your worth."

With a dirty smirk decorated over his rough and tough features, the man with ripped body played with his phone on his fingers while staring deadly at the woman in uniform in front of him.

She was busy working her hands on pouring him a liquor which he ordered just a minute ago.

His stare hinted obvious lust as he checked her out from head to toe yet again.

Strangely, she was not reacting to his approaches at all.

It's been another day of him coming for her in the same club in row of a tough week, she never even looked at him properly... let alone talk to him or accept his offer to sleep with him.

She swirled the scooper on the ice bucket professionally and got some out before charmingly dropping two or more cubes on his drink, readying it to serve it to him then.

Karoline Smith was her name.

An absolute charming woman with lots of secrets hidden underneath her features, her cold attitude was indeed one mask to fool people to them toy with her in easy way.

She acted tough always.

A immaculate definition of beauty with her strict chocolate eyes, never for once she bothered to reply the man with tattooed arm, knowing it's been an entire week now him approaching her continuously without any care for her continuous rejections.

He was still sitting on the stool while staring at her hungrily, he knew his visits bothered her at some point yet she always acted tough enough in front of him.

He has been behind her for days now, it did creeped her out to be honest but strangely the man seemed to take permissions and not cause any sort of disturbance in her business at all.

He always limited his wish to have her within her reach.

He always asked her permission to get laid.

Karoline soon blankly served the drink towards his side before moving to another customer beside him.

Again ignoring his whole existence.

Aiden Louis, the ruthless name leading the biggest real estate company in USA, let alone him being the only brother of the famous tycoon Ailine Louis who remains on the headlines every alternative day.

Both siblings were heavy personalities to mess with. Powerfully rich and stubborn names were both in the entire USA.

Explains why Aiden was one man of heavy ego.

He became dumbstruck at the woman's ignorance yet again, Karoline blankly nodded to the other's customers order while busying herself again in serving others as he kept staring at her boldness.

Her audacity to ignore him obviously offended Aiden a lot. He glared at her then...

"Got it right that you are expensive, just name the amount and come with me. I want to celebrate with you tonight!"

The further conversation took an unexpectedly ugly turn when Aiden Louis felt his anger taking over his head, he clenched his hand over the glass feeling insult fuming in his guts.

He wanted that woman, only her.

He had been disturbed by her since last week, strangely her rejection leaded him to be this determined.

How could she? How dare she?

He wasn't any normal man to approach easily for any other woman and there he was getting rejecting by her over and over again like every other dumb fool desperate to get laid.

Exactly not the question about getting laid was limited now, the question was about her.

He wanted her to satisfy his ego and he wanted it to be just once then let go but there the woman was still showcasing her attitude making him look like a fool behind her.

This wasn't any decent action of her to keep him hanging for her, Aiden felt.

Feeling the anger reflecting through his tone, Karoline clenched her jaw tightly while pausing her actions for a bit.

"I have been saying this since day one, no it is. Stop bothering me, it's humiliating now!"

Karoline uttered those words in her professional tone without even locking her eyes with him for once which caused, Aiden to tightened his jaw at her audacity yet again.

She never even looked at him properly, such disrespect was not tolerated by Aiden at all.

Was he that degraded to even look at for her?

From almost more than a week, he have been coming to the very same club only to approach her to lead her to his bed.

He asked to her for just once. Then he will never bother her again.

But Karoline was always making it hard for him, she kept on denying his offers with absolutely no hesitation.

It wasn't like his offers were any easy. He promised many luxuries to her but she never got affected by any.


She did interest Aiden to such heavy extend not only because she was charmingly gorgeous, owned an attractive body or had her captivating chocolates eyes which drawn him towards her madly.

She held a bold personality too which caused Aiden to be much more determined to have her only.

Aiden felt the need to have her, he wanted her desperately but today seemingly he was losing his patience, he was losing his control over himself tonight. Mainly his ego was reacting now at her continuous denial!

He couldn't bear this ongoing rejection anyone.

It was truly humiliating for him as she just said.

"All you do is bartending old drunkards here and look at your fucking attitude... aren't you too over the top for that? I can get any girl here, throwing handful bundles in a minute!"

Aiden uttered those words angrily glaring at the very woman who have been interesting him for such long days.

It was now getting out of his hands now, Karoline's denial was testing Aiden's every possible arrogance now.

And he couldn't stand it anymore to be honest.

Meanwhile hearing his statement, the busy Karoline paused her work only to look at his face for the very first time then.

Moving her lashes up she matched her chocolate eyes with his blue pair of eyes coldly.

That was when Aiden saw her giving him her whole attention finally.

After a week of continuous approaches she finally looked at him for the very first time.

Karoline blankly glared at Aiden for a minute without any word, not being much affected or intimidated by his anger.

This sure took Aiden by another huge surprise, none ever dared to be so bold to look at him directly in his eyes with so much dare before.

She was sure one gutful woman.

Soon she decided to speak up.

"Gladly do that then and leave me alone. I am not interested in sleeping with you for your handful bundles!"

Karoline's words were like fuel to Aiden's burning rage for her.

Gritting his teeth at her blank unaffected look, Aiden then scoffed at her final and strict denial before nodding his head bitterly.

His aura became dangerous the same minute.

"You are one brave meat!"

Aiden sided his head a little to the right while smirking in dangerous passion, grabbing the glass of rich liquor which she served him a minute ago, he then chucked it down his throat without even flinching at the bitterness of the drink.

His eyes were arrogant and way too angered as he slammed the same empty glass on the desk, right in front of her while again eyeing her who still stared at him with her eyes blank and unaffected.

She was the very first woman who drawn him to such extends, Karoline's confident rejection was burning Aiden to no limits!

Never any woman he have encountered before gutted to reject him this badly.

Aiden felt humiliated in every manner. 

"I will remember this."

Laughing bitterly the other moment, while repeating his own very words Aiden's tone hinted threat.

Next he took his wallet out and slipped one big dollar bill from it before carelessly slamming it on the same desk in front of Karoline, paying for the drink and tipping her the rest big dollars.

Glaring at Karoline for the last very time, who never for even once took her eyes down in submission in front of Aiden, she still seemed too confident and prideful with her decision which very specifically made him more angered.

Her cold attitude towards him pinched his ego.

Aiden then got up from his seat as he breathed out wildly, wanting to leave the scene at the same minute but as he was about to do that his angry eyes caught something which caused his anger to cross every limits.

The two mid age men on the seats beside him were checking out Karoline in a lustful way, almost undressing her with their eyes as Aiden immediately bursted out scaring the two with his alpha tone.

"Eyes down bastards before I pull them out!"

Aiden growled at both the men who seemingly flinched at his sudden angry guts.

He seemed someone to not mess up either, hence both the men preferred to do as Aiden commanded.

Obeying the same, those men quietly looked away awkwardly not intending to get into any fight with him, knowing well who he was.

He was not any easy name to get involved with.

Aiden then walked out of the club with his dark and gloomy aura with another rejection of her, he didn't turn back for once as Karoline finally took an angry breath calming her senses down as well.