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Auteur: Tema G.M





(Royal Beta Brum and Dragon Princess Zisealer’s story) A dragon king’s first child should be a son, if not, that child is killed. My mother said no when the men came with their sharp swords to butcher me alive and she paid with her life. I am a warrior, I can fight my wars but not this one. My younger brother wants me dead because I am a threat when it comes to the throne and to protect me, my father forces me to mate with a werewolf royal beta. One look at him and I know nothing but heartache awaits me. He looks at me but doesn’t see me. It seems he doesn’t even see the world. His dark haunted eyes are dead with nothing but dread and such coldness pouring from him. There is no one I hate more than him—the sexy, cold and heartless Beta who dominates my dreams and leaves me burning with want and need for him. Fate has other plans for us as I wake up on a mountain having been brutally gutted to death. The grim reaper wracks havoc in our lives, a war breaks out and blood is all that flaws. This is book 3 in the ‘Royally screwed’ series. Book 1: The Royally Screwed Luna Book 2: The Royally Screwed Queen

Chapter 1


Many years ago, three species dominated the area deep in the forests unknown to human, namely dragons, vampires, and werewolves. The vampires and werewolves had long been in strife, but the story of the dragons was rarely heard.

In fact, the dragons and vampires always had a blood relationship, and they were pretty close to each other.

Due to their friendship, although the dragons claimed to be neutral on the surface, the Princess Zisealer in Dragon Kingdom, secretly did many things for the vampires. For example, she burnt the territory of the wolves, as well as killed wolves randomly.

She thought her actions were in secret, but the Royal Beta Brum in the Royal Pack of Werewolf Kingdom had long known about what she had done to werewolves.

He was reluctant to reveal her evil deeds just because of a secret he tried to hide from the public...

Time changes, species were now seeking friendly alliances. Even the werewolves and vampires, who had an old grudge, no longer provoked war...


At the Royal Palace of Werewolf Kingdom.

"The vampire king and queen made an alliance with the dragons twenty-three months ago." Queen Areli sat there stating the potential threat.

"We should also reach out to the dragons but we still won't have a strong alliance with the dragons. Apparently, the vampire king has dragon blood and is related to the dragon royals. We can never compete with blood, the dragon princess was just there when the Vampire crown prince was born and the vampires also have their own dragons now which their queen gave birth to." King Conri said out, him moving the report to beta Brum who was less interested.

"It's scary how you know all that my love." Queen Areli pointed out, the room getting hotter for her with her mate getting irresistible with each passing second.

"While the vampires were rebuilding, I was making connections and securing spies in there. They are building a whole industrial city in their land and I won't lie, I am kind of impressed." Conri nodded his head, hating it but he was impressed. His relationship with the vampires would never be mended. There were just some things that could not be forgotten nor forgiven. The way the vampires made him feel, he hated them for that. He hated them for how they slaughtered his people. He would never forgive, not in this lifetime.

"I will go to the dragon kingdom." Beta Brum suddenly said, the first words he spoke to them for weeks. Their jaws were on the floor, so many shocking factors there.

"And?" Conri asked after snapping out of it. His heart was drumming hard because as hard as he tried to hide it, seeing his cousin try to sacrifice for their pack killed him.

"Mate with their princess."