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Daddy's Billionaire Boss

Daddy's Billionaire Boss

Auteur: Dream_maker



Daddy's Billionaire Boss PDF Free Download


Jake stood above me while staring down at me with a pleasing smirk on his handsome face. "Your lips taste of strawberries just as they were before princess. Now I want you to be a good little girl and maybe, just maybe I'll give you what your body has been craving for and more." ******* "Do you like that princess?" Jake thirstily questioned between our kiss once again. "Y..yes." I managed to moan out before he cruelly removed himself. Jake stood above me while staring down at me with a pleasing smirk on his handsome face. "Your lips taste of strawberries just as they were before princess. Now I want you to be a good little girl and maybe, just maybe I'll give you what your body has been craving for and more."

Chapter 1

"Dad!" I jumped in my father's arms happy to see the one and only man in my life and the bestest father there is.

"My dear Avery!" He greeted eagerly hugging me tightly to his chest.

After spending eight years away from my father to spend time with my mom in California I was finally back in New York to complete my last year of high school.

But mostly to spend time with my father as I haven't seen him in a long time. It was true what they said about time away makes the heart grow fonder.

"You've grown up so much since the last time I saw you. Look at you. I can't tell whether your a child or an adult." My father teased pulling me towards his car while taking my heavy luggages.

"Your hair is now long dark and tall, big beautiful grey eyes just like your mom's, rosy cheeks. You've even gotten tanned and certainly lost a lot of weight, you look just like a supermodel." My Dad added like we hadn't video chatted before and he hadn't seen any pictures of me.

"Well I'm a soon to be adult in just a month which means that I'm no longer a child Dad." I reminded him while entering his car.

"Don't remind me. I wish I could have you stay seventeen for the rest of your life so that I can keep you close to me." He teased making me laugh.

"I'll always be close to you dad." I assured him.

"So how's things been going? Have you found a girlfriend and been scared of tell me?" I asked to which he immediately objected.

"I've been so busy lately working for Ortega financial group that I haven't been able to find someone for myself." My father made up an excuse.

Now that's a name I would never ever forget. The Ortega financial group was run by Jake Ortega. A handsomely gorgeous billionaire tycoon that I've had a crush on since I was eight years old.

Not to mention my past neighbor and the one that took my first ever kiss. He was all that and more. Ever since I left to go to California I've never been able to forget him.

Even with my numbskull head of an ex-boyfriend who wanted to use me, not even him could get me to forget Jake. Infact I truly hoped to see him when I came back.

I wondered if it was destiny playing a rule in us meeting once again. The last time we met I was ten and he was eighteen.

Now Jake was twenty-five while I was seventeen about to turn eighteen next month.

"And how's things between you and mom?.... what about her and Liam?" Dad interrupted my thoughts to question.

"Things are going great. Things between her and Liam is moving moderately along." I stopped it there knowing after all this time apart Dad still had strong feelings for mom.

I knew it was wrong having him think things weren't going so great between Mom and her boyfriend so that he could still keep hope of one day getting back together.

But it was kinda true, things between Mom and her boyfriend Liam were kinda rocky and I think he was the biggest loser there is, always stealing mom's things instead of getting himself a job and having the audacity to blame there tumbling relationship on me.

Leaving and not having to see Liam plus getting to see my Dad was great. I just hope that mom dumps Liam soon.

The reason why my Dad and Mom got divorced was because Dad decided to spend too much time with his job back then and less with mom as she pleaded with him continuously which lead to multiple argument and frictions between the two for about three years until mom could no longer take it anymore.

So you could say neglect and a lack of romance played a big role in there separation and that's how I ended up in California with mom.

"Well I think your going to like it here back in New York and I'm really happy that your here to spend time with your Dad." My Dad smiled.

Little did I know I was gonna absolutely love it here due to a certain person I was also looking forward to meet.

That day I reached home, had a beautiful dinner with my father and headed off to bed where I woke up for school the next day, something I wasn't too happy about even though no one is ever too excited on starting there first day at school at a new school.

I wished my Dad a goodbye after he dropped me off at school and decided to quickly find the administrations office.

The rest of the day consisted of a whole lot of class introductions that I would just like to forget when the second best part of the day came.


The best part was always hearing the dismissal bell blare.

I made my way to the cafeteria spotting an empty table to sit at for lunch to which I got a few stares and snickers from the other students.

"You're new here aren't you?" A lone girl from a nearby table whispered to me.

"I guess you could say so." Was it that obvious?

"I think you should find somewhere else sit quickly before the school's mean dweebs get here." She warned.

Hearing her words I quickly got up not wanting to be on the wrong end of the shitty stick after just my first day of starting school and sat next to her.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

I analyzed the girl who had just saved me now seeing the popular students take there seats at the table I was just at.

She sat alone while her hair was tied up into a ponytail. She wore black lipstick and grey matching clothing's. Her facial features were cute leaving me to think that she was likely an emo rather than a nerd, geek or a social butterfly etc.

"Aren't you done assessing me?" She peered up at me after taking a bite into her sandwich.

"Sorry for staring, my name's Avery Reeves." I introduced myself.

"Claire Walters." She flatly spoke without interest showing she cared little about me introducing myself.

Definitely emo.

"I couldn't help but think why would someone like you be sitting here.... alone?"

"Someone like me?" She perked up.

"Yes, although you don't seem like someone who would have tuns of friends, you do seem like you'd have guys flocking you." Claire snickered hearing my assumption.

"More like run away. Your the first one daring enough to come and sit next to me. Do you see these chopsticks in my hair? The dimwits here think I'm going to kill them with it." She smirked.

"Would you though?"

"Maybe." She teased making us both laugh out loud.

Maybe highschool here wouldn't be so bad at all.