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The Gift of Forbidden Love

The Gift of Forbidden Love

Auteur: Badblood



The Gift of Forbidden Love PDF Free Download


After three long years, Amanda and Liam were finally going to have a baby. Maybe this time, her mother-in-law would finally accept her, and Liam would no longer need to have a hard time getting in between them. She can't wait to tell him the good news, but when she opened the door of their bedroom, she caught Liam and a woman in bed! Liam, the man who loved and cared for her much over the past three years, now just like changed into another person. "Abort that baby." He coldly ordered her.

Chapter 1

"Congratulations, you are going to be a mom." Hearing the news, Amanda's eyes glistened with happiness. She was still in disbelief that inside her was a new life.

After three long years, she and Liam were finally going to have a baby. Maybe this time, her mother-in-law would finally accept her. And Liam would no longer need to have a hard time getting in between them.

Amanda's hand instinctively went to her stomach and caressed it like a protective mother. The tears of joy tumble down from her cheeks, making her face glow. The euphoria of becoming a mother made her unable to control her emotions. After calming down a little and rubbing the tears away, she thanked the doctor and left for home.

Amanda couldn't wait for a second to tell Liam about it. Just thinking about his reaction made her face beam with delight.

“Finally, something that will bring a smile to his face as he only knows how to frown.” She muttered while gently caressing her belly.

She did not doubt if there was a contest on frowning, he would win it without any effort.

Amanda sat in her driving seat and chuckled, thinking about her first meeting with him that was no different than a dreamy one.

After her parent's death, she had to work at a cafe to make ends meet. It was there that she met him. Just the first sight and they both knew it was meant to be. Meeting him brought back the lost colors of her world. The monotonous life she had after her parent's death changed as if spring came back after a long cold winter.

From there, one thing led to another, and now they were here, having a baby. Starting the car and she drove home while trying to keep her happiness contained. After all, the joy was too big to be spoiled easily.

‘How should I break the news to him? Should I tease him a bit?’ She amused herself while thinking about how to deliver this news to Liam.

Upon reaching home, She got out of the car and excitedly ran inside, still trying to be careful so as not to ruin the surprise. Amanda soothed herself before walking inside the house, but to her surprise, someone unexpected sat on the sofa, sipping tea.

"H-Helena?" Amanda stuttered in fear, on seeing her mother-in-law there. Amanda's eyes instinctively went around, hoping Liam was in the house. She didn't want to be left alone with her.

"You have grown some feathers now, haven't you?" Helena sipped on her tea, stealing a sharp glance over Amanda. A gaze of disgust that Amanda could never ignore.

Helena got up from her comfortable seat, "Where have you been? What happened to the chores I gave up?" Helena interrogated with a voice of discontent.

Amanda gulped in fear, not daring to look up at her eyes. She knew that Helena never liked her. No, like would be the wrong word. She despised her.

Amanda was everything Helena despised in a girl. Poor, timid, and weak. With no idea how the world of the rich works. She was a Cinderella who married the prince charming of Ridgeville. It was a fairytale, but unlike the story, the queen never accepted her. She got the prince but no one told her what happens in that happily ever after.

Helena sneered and got up from her place and walked closer to Amanda, face filled with mockery for her. Seeing her sudden advance, Amanda slinked back in fear.

Amanda swallowed. Just one look at Helena made her tremble with fear. Amanda wanted to get out of her sight quickly. Although she had been with her mother-in-law for three years, it still took a lot of courage to face Helena alone. And she wants to tell Liam the good news as fast as she can.

"I-I am sorry, ma'am…"

Just the destitute facade of Amanda acts like an eyesore for Helena’s eyes. How can someone beggarly like her get her son was everything opposite of her? To make matters worse, she was even barren. Women like Amanda don't deserve her perfect son and she will make sure Amanda leaves.

Helena glanced at Amanda, who had her eyes down and trembling in fear. She walked closer to her. After all, this would be the last time she will see Amanda. After today no more Amanda in their lives.

"Looking for Liam?" Helena scanned her from head to toe. Amanda stole a glance before giving a small nod to it. Helena couldn't help but scoff.

"He is in the bedroom. Go on." Helena moved away to give her space to go. Amanda was a bit off by Helena's sudden change in behavior but she shook it off and focused on breaking the news to Liam. She excitedly rushed upstairs without wasting another glance at Helena.

If only Ananda turned her head and looked back at Helena and noticed the cunning plan she was brewing.

Helena smirked and followed her upstairs. She couldn't miss the drama she directed.

Amanda grasped onto the doorknob, and it didn't take long for the muffled voice of a man and woman to land on her ears. For a brief moment, her body halted.

Her eyes popped out, hands trembling in fear. She must have heard wrong. There was no way Liam would do something like that. Amanda refused to believe that the guy who loved her so much would do something like that.

Helena followed her, and Amanda’s hesitation was crystal clear to her. She strolled up to her in a lofty manner and asked frivolously.

"Why? Scared now? Open the door or should I help you?" Helena continued, scoffing," I told you to leave before embarrassing yourself, right? "

Amanda bit her lower lips at her remarks, trying to ignore them, but her words were like sharp blades, cutting her heart with each stroke. Her eyes swelled up with tears, but she shook her head.

‘No, I need to trust Liam. He loves me and would never betray me.’

Mustering up the courage, she burst open the door. Everything came to light upon entering the room, and SHE WAS WRONG.

The man she never doubted a bit, was now in the same bed with a stranger. Amanda couldn't believe her eyes, she took a step back in shock. Her fear came true yet her heart still refused to believe that the man in the bed with another woman was Liam.

Seeing Amanda, Liam got out of the bed, put on the white shirt, and looked toward her. All his actions seemed natural as if there was nothing wrong.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked, his face frowning on seeing her. His voice showed his dissatisfaction with her suddenly interrupting them.

Amanda walked up to him, hoping he would explain that it was not what it looked like. She held onto his hands, "It's not true, right? It must be a misunderstanding?" She looked at him, eyes begging him to say what she wanted to hear.

Liam didn't even want to look at her. He snapped her hand in disgust and opened the drawer. Amanda was left perplexed, waiting for him to say something.

And right next second, a pile of photos was thrown at her face. Amanda couldn't believe the vile pictures of her naked with a stranger in a bed. She couldn't believe any of it. None of that made sense to her.

"This… " she stammered, trying to process everything. She was left in shock, it was definitely photoshopped by someone. How could he believe such nonsense? Did he not trust her at all?

"Yes, your photos with your lover in bed. Just like you found another guy I found my soulmate too. Let's end this marriage and go separate ways." Liam coldly replied with no sense of guilt or remorse.

Bitter tears rolled down her skin. The guy standing in front of her was no better than a stranger now. He was not what she used to know. Her husband was gentle and caring to her. She remembered him saying that he trusted her more than he trusted himself but now… he believed these fake pictures without even asking her.

Her eyes tried to find some emotions on his face, but Liam never looked at her.

"It's not true, you know that. How could you… " She couldn't finish her sentence, her heart was on the brink of collapsing. Out of everything she never expected him to be like this to her.

After three years of marriage and love, not even once did Amanda doubt him and even now she was hoping this was not true.

She thought their love was eternal but NO! Just some photoshopped photo of her and a man and he believed it without a doubt. He didn't even ask her once if it was true or not. Amanda couldn't help but doubt now if he ever even loved her?

"See. I told you, son. She was never good for you. Now we finally saw her true face." Helena snorted, catching Amanda and Liam's attention. Helena walked up closer, standing beside Liam. Her arms crossed on her chest, her eyes looking at Amanda with disregard.

"Son, I think it's time you divorce her. After all, you got a better woman for yourself." Helena gaslights the situation more with her words.

On hearing Helena's word, the woman on the bed finally got out and walked closer to Liam. She instinctively linked her hand with Liam's arm, looking down at Amanda scoffing.

Amanda looked at the trio standing in front of her. She couldn't accept the fact. In the blink of an eye, her dream turned into a nightmare. The guy she loved didn't trust her nor thought about asking her first. Instead, he chose to move on without knowing the truth.

Amanda still wanted to give it one last try. She knew if he was the guy she loved, he would be happiest knowing she was pregnant. She rubbed away the tears and looked at him.

"Liam, I am pregnant." She broke the news with a silvery voice, hoping this might bring some familiar emotions back to his face.

Unlike what she expected, his face scowled in disgust. His gaze at her stomach was not only filled with disgust but pure hatred. His expression said the words he didn't speak out clearly. Amanda put her hand on her belly. It ached her heart. How could he?

She didn't need any words to understand his expression. Enough to say that he hates their child and doesn't want any connection with that.

"You are pregnant?!" Helena questioned in astonishment. She eyed first at Amanda's belly then at her.

"Whose bastard are you carrying? Who knows how many men you slept with?" Helena scoffed.

"I am sure it's not my son's." She snorted, glancing at Liam to check his expression. Noticing his eyes only had contempt for Amanda, Helena felt more confident in her words.

Now that Helena knows, her son believes her words, there was no more chasing. She will drive her away. And it was final, no matter what.

Amanda didn't refute Helena. Her focus was not even on Helena. Amanda rigged her nails onto her palm, her eyes fixated on his face. She didn't want to miss even the slightest hinge of expression on his face. Her tears dried but his face still remained cold like nothing.

Suddenly a peal of cold laughter broke out in the room. Liam and others were left in confusion by Amanda's sudden eccentric laughter.

"Did you go crazy?" Helena yelled, afraid of the crazy behavior. She went closer to her son, scared Amanda may do something.

"I am!" Amanda shouted back at Helena with a loud and clear voice. She was nothing like the girl they knew as if possessed by a ghost.

She finally broke her silence of three years. It was the limit for her. She can accept if it was her but her child, she will never.

"For three years, I listened to whatever you said. I apologized for mistakes I didn't make!"

Amanda said out clearly, pointing her fingers at Helena. "I…I did everything. I took care of you two and did everything you told me. Didn't even say anything when you insulted me and my upbringing." Amanda continued with her words breaking down as tears filled her eyes again.

She rubbed away her eyes and looked at Liam with a hateful glance," And you. You just believed some stupid photos and didn't even think of asking me ever once? How could you be so cruel to me? If that is not enough, you let your mother blame me for adulting based on just photos?" Amanda let out a bitter smile.

She waited for him to speak to her. Even now if he just said it was all just a misunderstanding she would believe him. Just a few words.

Seeing Liam clinging to silence, Amanda caressed her abdomen like a protective mother. Did all these years, he was pretending to her? Fooling with her? Did he never love her, not even once?

No. She denies believing that he was fooling her. It must be Helena who imperiled him and forced him to say this. If he feels their baby inside her belly, he will not act like this anymore. She still hoped that he was the Liam she knew.

"Liam…" Amanda went closer to him, to let him feel the baby. But, Liam snapped her hand away in disgust, breaking the last bit of hope she had.

"Abort that baby." He coldly ordered her.