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Strenght of little girl

Strenght of little girl

Auteur: Vish

En cours


Strenght of little girl PDF Free Download


1 dec 1994 in some where town a girl born name gloom ..she is a daughter of james and garce . Grace is wife a soldier. They belongs to middle class family who are happy in their life with each. With the passage of time their life also get change .

Chapter 1

On 1 dec 1994 a girl born name gloom in some where town . She is a daughter of grace and james. Grace is very gentle and kind hearted womean on other hand james is a one of the soldier .This family belongs to middle class but living very good life .

Gloom born with very cute beautiful eyes and rosy lips with fair skin. This girl living a very beautiful live with their parents . After 3 years is brother born name jaze.He is also very charming and sensible boy from.birth.

However with the passage of time days get change gloom turn into young lady and his brother into master.

Gloom is now 16th year old girl which is very passionate about his idea and her freedom. But from birth gloom have hobby to look low profile very beautiful but due her low profile look student try to make a distance from.her.

Some girls always try humilate her or bully her...but she always igoner them.

She always kept hereself busy into differnt activites like sports , cycling racing, painting and most in designing.

She is in high school in this year where people always tease her it is turning point of her life.

Today she was called by principal in to his office With message that she is not paid her school fees so she collect his suspesion letter from the principal.

However it is in impossible that she has not paid the school fees so she went to his principal office.

Bow in respest to his principal by saying good morning as soon as his principal heard her voice .

Principal raise his head and look her and ask her ' what i can help you ? Miss!

Gloom said '' sir, you want to see me"

Mrs nancy has passed your notice to me ...regarding my suspension letter due non payment of my school fees.

But sir it is not possibe because i have always my fees on time you can check my school passbook ..after saying this gloom pass over her school passbook which is stamp by account deptarment to paid off .

Now his principal look her passbook and find she is right .

After reading all the details principal read her last name where they found the loophole of all Situation.

Miss your last is cheng and but the notice we have pass for gloom xio.

Now both the party realize where is the miss understanding ...actually their is also a girl in her classmate which name is gloom xio.

So everyrhing is clear now to gloom cheng

This time she report his principal that gloom xia is her classmate .

Principal said so ,Miss ! Please leave and notify to Miss Xio to report to me.

After listining to his principal make a execuse and left towards her class