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Fall For The Devil's Angel

Fall For The Devil's Angel

Auteur: Cloverl

En cours


Fall For The Devil's Angel PDF Free Download


The demon and Angel's Prophecy. A meteor grazed the atmosphere, giving special powers and ability to the human being. Those who inhales it's particles generate powers. Darkness tried to rule the entire planet by it self. The Gods disciple "Angel's" in heaven who were in a mission to save the world, rain down to the entire earth. She was born to be the last and endured Oracle in A Prophecy. Before that, the world crumbled and the darkness devoured countless of people's lives. People with amazing abilities joined forces to stop the darkness from spreading. In order to save all the living life, she went out on a quest with her chosen custodians to save the Earth. They were both awkward since first, but after they've known each other. They became close friends 'till they reached the point where they loved one another. The darkness has been put to sleep for a very long time and is about to awaken. What should they do when this happens?