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Alpha Vs I

Alpha Vs I

Auteur: Maryamwrites

En cours


Alpha Vs I PDF Free Download


She was to choose between her mate and her kind. At the same time juggle the responsibilities of ruling her now kingdom and stop a war... A war that might threaten their existence. There will only be one winner... Werewolves or witches?.

Chapter 1

Nothing came easy in a Azeera's live especially having to cope with the witch life. After all, it wasn't all spells and potions...well, part of it was but you had to earn the right to use magic.

Azeera at the age; of eighteen with any other eighteen year-old witch around the world were going to be tested.

The test was to determine whether your capable of using magic the good way.

The rule was made by a set of twelve powerful magic possessors referred to as the 'elders' and one of them being her mother.

The rule as she has always been told was to make sure magic didn't end up in the hands of power-hungry folks. There are at least a thousand rules for the kind but the one she was currently battling with was the test she was obligated to pass.

she had, for hours been fixated in one place going through the contents of the large book trying to pick out the important things on the history of magic.

she was having a hard time though trying to grasp the reason for so much battles between their kind and the werewolves.

It had been almost six thousand decades when the bloodbath of war took place and it was safe to say that there was no longer even a single species of werewolf working on earth... At least that's what's written in the book.

Witches with the help of all of their connections which consisted of vampires and fay manage to clean out all the generations of werewolf.

Azeera on reaching that sentence rolled her eyes. "Werewolves and their egos." She muttered to herself. From the stories she's been told about werewolves, I was pretty obvious that they had pretty big egos and never did bother to gather an alliance with another specie other than theirs which was a pretty stupid decision on their side and probably one of the biggest reasons why they are now extinct.

Yes, she was told how much of a great and powerful species they were but even the greatest and powerful didn't have a chance against a witches and wizards powerful possession of magic especially if they were at least a thousand of them.

Confusion settled in her. This book with two thousand pages was supposed to possess all the answers yet after flipping through them, she couldn't find the one answer to the question that hasn't stopped bugging her.

And that was the reason behind such a long battle. What happened between her kind and theirs?.

Her thoughts came to an abrupt end when her little sister barged into the room.

The sixteen year old on seek Azeera still on the same position she had left her and hour and half ago let out a frustrating groan.

She immediately sets her mind to snatching the big book from Azeera and maybe throw it or hid it... If possible even burn it but unfortunately the book is magic itself and couldn't be destroyed by mere fire.

So with a determined look, Viere marches over to the table and launches her hands to grab the book alas, Azeera must have had an idea of what she wanted to do and grabbed the book before her sister did sending; her a warning glare.

"What... I want you to pass this test and all but come on this is unhealthy!" She raises her hands in defnce trying to save herself from Azeera's penetrating glares.

On hearing Viere's words, Azeera's eyes often as she let out a sigh.

"Your right but the test is in seven days and I need to be prepared, no one knows how the elders test you." Azeera frowns. Pressure is on her.

Pressure to pass and most importantly,pressure to impress her mother which now that she is thinking, is an impossible task. She would like to think that her mother is hard on them because she want the best for her daughter's.


Even she knows that wasn't it. It was more like she's hard on them because of what shows was forced to become at such a young age. Their mother, Sizila was gifted beyond imagined and forced at such a young age to be apart of the council and there was no doubt that Sizila is I'll... Mentally.

Azeera never really wanted to think of how twisted things are. Few years to come and her mother will be passing over her powers to the eldest daughter which is her. She didn't want those powers. She didn't want to become like her mother but that wasn't up for debate.

"How about this... Let's go on a trip!." Viere squeaks in excitement.

"Oh Viere that's a great idea... Maybe while we're at it,let's miss my test." Azeera's sarcasm didn't go unnoticed but Viere divided not to comment on it.

"It could be for just two days... Three days tops and the we can come back. You'll have few more days to get ready." Azeera was silent. She tried looking for a loophole in Viere's well thought out plan but found none. It sounded reasonable and fullproof enough for it to actually work.

" Yes... But I don't think mother will approve of it." Azeera sent her sister a knowing look.

Viere's grin was instantly wiped off of her face for a millisecond before it reappeared.

"Remember the time I was away for a whole week and mother had no idea?."

"Yes I remember, I had to do all your work. You owe me for that." Viere waves it off and goes over to sit on the bed.

"What i am trying to say is if mother didn't notice me gone, What's it to say she will notice this one too?." Viere explained in an obvious tone.

"I don't know... Maybe when she comes to check on me studying." Azeera couldn't count how man time Sizila hadcome to check up on her reading. So etching Sizila did not because she cared whether she passed but because she cared about her own advantage if her daughter passes.

"Relax... I overheard her talking and she's going to be busy for a few days- probably arranging for the upcoming test- and probably wouldn't have the time of day to check up on you. Any other problems you want to voice out to escape the is 'awesome' trip your loving sister planned?." Viere's smirk only widens when Azeera doesn't open her mouth to oppose.

"Well then it's settled... First thing at dawn, we're going to hit the road." With a final glance, Viere ballet's her way out of Azeera's too but not before giving her a simple command.

"Pack something sexy."