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The Boy I'd Love To Hate

The Boy I'd Love To Hate

Auteur: Sammielee

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Moving to another state and new school is never easy especially for Lynnea Green, a shy girl from Chicago. Meeting Colton Mills on the first day of school is one of the best days of Lynnea's life since she moved to Daytona. " I think you're beautiful Lynnea." "I've never been kissed before Colton."

Chapter 1

We need to talk Nea, is something that I'm not ready for, just like I haven't been for the past month. " Nea, please talk to me, I want you to understand what happened four years ago please." I motion him to sit on my bed, I get this tingling feeling in between my legs, my stomach is full of butterflies, my heart is racing, he is sitting so close to me.

"Nea when dad and I abruptly left in the middle of the night, it's not because of what you think." What does he think I know. " What is it that I think happened?" He sighs. " You think I left because mom

and dad got a divorce, that isn't the whole truth." Why does he do that, why does he have to beat around the bush. " What's your truth then Colton? Do tell?" He puts his hands on mine. " Mom miscarried a year prior to us moving, I didn't understand at that time what was going on with my parents, they were happy then all of a sudden they were constantly fighting, mom turned to pills and alcohol to help her with the pain, it eventually destroyed her and she ended up in a mental institution where she ended up committing suicide." He catches his breath. " Dad decided on a whim that he needed to get out of Illinois because everything reminded him of her, One

night he came into my room and told me to pack a bag we are leaving, I didn't find out for a couple of years why dad did what he did, your parents were a huge help to my dad, got the whole house packed up and moved everything down here, before you woke up the next morning." I start crying immediately Avery was like a second mom to me, I can't believe this happened and my parents kept it from me. "Nea, I'm sorry babe I never meant to make you cry." He pulls me in for a hug and we sit there for what feels like hours, I slowly pull away still in his arms, I look up at him " You are beautiful Nea, very beautiful." He lifts my chin up and he kisses me, this is only the second time that we ever kissed, I thought the first time was magical but this time it's like heaven, he caresses my face and nudges my mouth open with his tongue, I've never been kissed like this before so I don't know if I'm doing this right, until I hear a moan coming from his mouth, we continue this for a few more minutes until he breaks the kiss and we're both breathing heavily, I miss him already. " Why did you kiss me Colton?" I shut my eyes waiting for him to respond. " I've been waiting for four years to kiss you again Nea, four years I've loved you, four years I've wanted to be with you, four years I've been waiting to do this." There's a knock on my door. "Lynnea sweetheart we have decided to go out to dinner with James and Lannie tonight, we are giving you kids a chance to catch up more without any interpretations I'm leaving you your debit card to order pizza." I huff " I know I know you don't like spending any mine and your father's money, it's your money too sweetheart, I will see in the morning, I love you." I sigh. " I love you too mama." I hear her walking away and Colton just looks at me. " You really don't like spending your parents money huh?" "No I don't, I don't feel like it's mine to spend even though I'm still living with my parents." I start to think about what kind of pizza we should order and who Lannie is. "So what kind of pizza should we get?" I look over at Colton, who is just staring at me., I'm only in my panties, I don't know when that happened, I'm completely exposed to him, I take a peak over at Colton, he is only in his boxer briefs, he is beautiful, his sunkissed skin matching his light brown hair, just beautiful, my eyes travel down to his chiseled chest and stomach, my eyes betray me when I look down even farther, I can make out the outline of his penis, it looks big, I bring my eyes back up to his face and he is just smiling at me, I call out to him. "Earth to Colton" I giggle to myself. Then all of a sudden I'm being gently pushed down into my bed, not understanding what Colton is doing, " I've been wanting to this for a while now, I've always wanted you Nea, it's always been you." He starts kissing me all over, he cups my breast into his hand and takes it into his mouth and sucks on it gently, he goes to the other does the same thing, I feel wetness between my legs, what he is doing feels amazing I don't want him to stop, he starts kissing me down my body and stops when he gets to the top of my panties, he takes my panties off, I let out a soft moan and then another louder this time while he inserts his finger inside me, then two. " You're so wet Nea, so wet for me, I'm going to make love to you now baby" I can't believe this is actually happening, am I about to let Colton take my virginity, yes I am because I love him. " Take me Colton I'm your's" I gasp when I feel his cock start to gently go inside me, I feel tears rolling down my because of the pain. " Nea, shit your so tight are you a virgin?" I shake my head up and down, he thrusts into me and faster, I feel my lower abdomen start to tingle and my walls tighten around his cock and I let the orgasm take over my body, I scream out his name as he places his lips on mine, I feel his hot cum spill inside me. " That was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced, especially with you Nea, Thank you for giving me your most precious gift." I can't believe that just happened, I'm soar down there, it hurts to move but I manage, I go to stand but I feel his strong arms wrap around me.

" We need to change your sheets my love." I look down at my light pink sheets, I see blood on them, I gasp and try to move away from him feeling embarrassed. " I started my period this is so embarrassing I'm sorry." I'm about to stand up again and Colton stops me. " Nea my love, you didn't start your period you bleed a little when you lose your virginity." How does he know so much about this, I wonder so I ask " How many virgins have you slept with Colton?" I feel dumb for asking, but I wanted to know. " Only two Nea, you and one other girl my ex girlfriend, we broke up our freshman year of high school, her and her family moved away to Colorado to live with her grandparents." I feel even more bad for asking now, "I'm such an idiot, what the hell was I thinking dammit." Oh my word I just said that out loud, judging by the confused look on Colton's face.

" Do you regret having sex with me Lynnea?" Oh no he never calls me that, I have to fix this and now. " Colton no I don't regret what we did, never in a million years, I regret asking you about your sex life, I noticed that you had hurt in your eyes briefly when you were talking about your ex, I'm so sorry for even asking you about it." The worried look on his face is gone and he brightens it with a smile. " You had me worried there for a second, Talking about my ex doesn't hurt that much anymore, the hurt you saw in my eyes was because I saw the hurt in yours when I was talking about it." I didn't realize that I was the one who was hurting when he was talking about his past, I guess a part of me felt the love he had for her and then lost her, this is all becoming to much for me, I need to change the subject, that's when my stomach starts to grumble. " So on a different note, I'm starving should we order that pizza now?" I grab my phone off the night stand and start looking up pizza places that are around me, I pick a place and put the order in. " The pizza will be here in 15-20 minutes" I get out of bed and go get ready for the party, I go into the bathroom to take a quick shower, I step out and wrap a towel around me and head back into my room, Colton looks at me "Do you feel better gorgeous?" I blush. " I do feel better, thank you for asking." I walk towards the side of bed where my discarded clothes are to put them in the hamper, I then make my way to my walk in closet to pick out a new outfit to put on. " Why don't you just stay like that? I'm definitely enjoying the view that is in front of me." I start to blush again, the things this boy does to me. " I can't I was invited to a party at the lake tonight that I'm going to, hey why don't you come with me and we can ride together?" I ask with a huge smile on my face. " Yeah I'll go with you, it's my party after all, I'm going to go home and get changed I'll be back in less than five minutes." It's Colton's party! Someone could have at least told me. "Colton? How come I'm just finding out that this is your party? And just how close do you live to me?" I just couldn't stop talking, it was like the questions were just rolling of the tongue. "Slow down Nea and breathe, to answer your question, I didn't think you would've came if you knew that it was my party since it seemed like you were avoiding me like the plague, for your second question, I live right next door to you, you just never noticed Nea." I never even paid attention to the house next to me, he is right I wouldn't have gone if I knew earlier that it was his party in fear of bumping into him, since I have been avoiding him for the past month, now though I'm happy that it is his party and that he lives next door to me " I'll be back Nea, I'm just grabbing a change of clothes and coming right back." I get on my tippy toes and give Colton a kiss before he goes, he embraces me and kisses me back, he walks out of my room, I follow behind him and make it to the front door with him, I then walk to the kitchen and grab two plates and two sodas and set them on the table, the pizza should be here soon, I check my phone to see if I missed anything, I have an unread text from my mom " Lynnea sweetheart, we all decided we are going to go away for the weekend, Colton is just next door if you get bored honey" I hope they have fun they deserve it, another text comes through "Dearie have fun at the party tonight Colton will be there to keep you safe, if you need anything use your debit card, if there is an emergency then call us, we love you Dearie and enjoy your weekend." My dad needs to definitely needs stop watching TV it's becoming to much when he uses words from shows, there's a knock on the door, I check the monitor to see who it is, it's Colton and he is holding the pizza, he is the best, I answer the door and let him in and take the pizza from him and place it on the table. " Our parents are going to be gone all weekend." I say with a smile " I know babe, dad called and told me, I also told him about the party too." Ah, that's how my parents found out about it, I was going to tell them about it, I guess they feel better about it since it's Colton's party. " Let's eat so we can get to the party." Colton sits down next me and grabs a slice. " Why don't you stay with me this weekend" I say to Colton, I don't know where all this confidence is coming from all of a sudden, I like it though. " of course I'll stay with you Nea, where else would I want to be" I blush and smile, he wants to be with me, I can't believe this is all happening, I tried hating him, the past four years were hard on me, I missed my best friend I wondered where he was and if he was ok, if he thought of me too, he was the boy I'd love to hate and now, he is here in my house eating pizza with me. " Hey, where did you just go?" I take a bite of my pizza and just look at him, he looks at me with a smile and shakes his head. " I'm glad that you stopped trying to hate me Nea" I look at him my eyes wide, how did he know that. " You were talking out loud again, I heard everything you said, yes Nea I missed the hell out of you." He missed me he really did. "We should get going, you don't want to be late to your own party Colton" I saw with a grin on my face, as he is shoving more pizza in his mouth. "Where are your keys Nea? I'm driving" I grab my keys off the hook and hand them to him.

We get into my car and head to the lake, it's fifteen minutes away from my house, we park and get out, I start walking towards the crowd of people when I feel a hand in mine it's his. " What are you doing?" He looks down at me and whispers in my ear " I want to hold your hand, I want to kiss you in public, I want you to be mine" I feel a blush creep up on my face, I look up at him " Let's keep this between us for the moment, since I don't know what this is between us yet." He agrees, and drops my hand, it feels weird not holding it anymore. " LYNNEA! YOUR FINALLY HERE" I hear Regina yell for me, she runs over to me and hugs me.