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Auteur: SPART007

En cours




Set In the early 90's in Los Angeles, California. This story takes us to Era of love, power, trust, heartbreak and soul bonding. It unveils to us an individual, Micheal reigns who had no experience whatsoever about love, because from his childhood to adulthood he has always been obsessed with love, and familiar with influence, power, wealth and control.. But his world switches when he met Rachel Sanchez , the only daughter of inspector Raphael Sanchez....

Chapter 1

Micheal pov

The day before the big finals, I lay on my my bed facing the ceilings

wishing I had a time machine to jump into

tomorrow, although it was not the first time we won the finals,

after winning it three consecutive times on a row,but it was the, excitements which came afterwards, I already arranged chilled drinks

packed up in a cooler, and some packs of cigarettes, to enjoy the moment afterwards..

For a moment I reminisced about, My love life, my ex Caroline cooker, made me despised love, she was a cold hearted b***h, she only cared about the money, attention and the fame,and it was heartbroken to see her cheat on me with my worst enemy Stefan, I hate them both, I wish I get to kick his ass tomorrow, because I will be playing against his side tomorrow...


The next morning I jumped on my Royal Enfield bullet 500 classics, motorcycle my dad shipped in from Indian, as my 20th birthday present, my Goodluck charm bring me luck today I uttered to my bike..

Before my father, interrupted I hope this good luck charm don't involve fighting, smoking and partying today, when I bought you this bike, I never thought of the cost

, the shipping charges, but I thought of you my boy, that's what I want you to do today, think!

about your mother and I

, your siblings and my goddamm!! reputation before you do anything foolish!!! good luck son...

Thanks dad, before I zoomed off....

Daniel Richard pov

I wonder what's keeping mike, o did he sleep in a bathtub filled with alcohol, I muttered to myself, oh here he comes speak of the devil, there he is champion of the moment, wow nice ride is this not the Royal Enfield bullet 500 classics,...

Yes it is!! He replied with confidence, my dad got it for me.its my good luck charm..

Wow Mr Reigns must have good taste...

Quickly let's go the match is about to begin, lead the way D.R, he always loved the initials, short for Daniel Richard's...

The match begin with my side the emirates of medicine against the pioneers of engineering, it was a tough start, but suddenly we got a chance for a goal, an assist from D, R and I smashed a dangerous shot, all effort to save by the goal keeper seems abortive, and boom in the back of the net, what a fantabulous goal from Reigns, and the crowd cheered my name rhythmically...

Done with the first half, we retired for half time break,

On the pace of second half, our opponents became more offensive, a defender from our side has just been fouled and the referee turned a blind eye, trying to explain to the referee and he signaled play on,

At this point I realized the referee had been bought by our opponent side, I picked the ball for a throw in when stefen whispered into my ears, I will make sure you I loose here just as you lost your girlfriend to me.. Looser!!

Out of anger and rage, I grabbed his shirt and throw him into the ground, and I began punching his face like a punching bag!!

Before Danny pushed me off of him, and went for the referee, I gave him a hot slap before he ran off the for me the match for over, we took the cup, and we enjoyed our drink and partyed all night....

The news of the fight, has spread like wild fire throughout campus,

The next day we were all summoned by the Dean, to his office

He took a glance at me, and a deep breath, he said, maybe nextime we'd organize, boxing or rugby or possibly wrestling, you guys can put up a good show....

Am highly disappointed at you Mike, he continued, I mean for a student of your calibre of such high level of intelligence, with no regard for discipline is heartbreaking,you have zero anger management

, in the medical profession if a man cannot control his anger, he is just a murderer with a blade in his hands, it's pretty natural to feel angry

, but you need to ignore these emotions and try to control them, with control this degree is of no use, am very disappointed with you Mike,

I interrupted, sir everything was going on well, before the referee started playing an unfair game....

Enough he intercepted,all of you will write an apology letter addressed to the sport department, and the school with immediate effect,and one month suspension to all of you, and I will get in touch with your parents also,

this will be your last warning, all of you if this menace repeats its self, consider yourself expelled,is better you all quit than tarnish the image of this great institution and also influence my younger students, now get out of my office all of you....

Mike retaliated with rage and anger, sir it's better to be justified by the truth, than fried with a lie, if this what this great institution I once believed in has turned to, where students are been robbed off their rights, their free will and their opinion, it's dehumanizing,

You talk about our younger students, which society will they live in, one like this, that has no regard for justice, and truth...

Yes!! I call me a spoilt brat, a irresponsible student, but I know is better, to be cut with a knife, than a lie, because a cut might heal up in couple of weeks, but a lie won't....

I wasn't raised to sit back and watch people trample on my rights, spit on my integrity, I'd better quit than remain in this corrupt system...

Are you out of your mind Mike, he added, you have just few years to go, are you willing to throw all that in the trash, come on I thought you were wiser....

I have made my decision and it's final, goodbye sir...

Mike, are you outta your fuc***g mind, D.R attacked me, you are not serious are you,

You heard all what he said, Mike is always the bad one, but never for once did he make any effort to investigate what happened, am always the scape goal, and then he talk about anger management, what a crack head....

Don't let him get into your head Mike, he is not worth it, so are you serious about quitting,

Yeah, am going to the register office,, wanna come????

Mike you need to think this through, think about your father, your mom and most importantly grandma, please don't do this...

There's nothing to think about, we'll I guess I will do this myself see ya later.....


Mike I think you should have a re-think about this, I mean quitting along the way to success, is disastrous especially coming From a student like you, whom many younger students see's as an inspiration,the registrar said to convince me, but I already made up my mind.....

Well since that's all you want, sign here, the dean is in a management board meeting currently, you can come back later for his signature she added......

Okay ma'am thanks, I will be back later..


---------STEFEN POV_____

Wow!! finally that fool is finally quitting school, I can wait, no one will be able to oppose me again, he said bodily to Caroline, I'd always known Mike for many things, but I never knew he was such a big looser, first he lost his girl to me, and now this school will be under my grasp, wow!! What a feeling.....

What you did was unfair, Caroline countered him, it was suppose to be a free and fair game, and you took advantage of his weakness, and I hope you're happy about the outcome, Mike will always be a better man than you are, I broke his heart in ways I can never forgive myself.....

You broke his heart because of your selfishness, because all you think about is yourself, and the next time you pick his side over mine, am gonna break your fuc***g face, b****h,you belong to me alone now get that into your thick and empty skull....

******Mike pov****

Outside the school cafeteria I was sitting on my bike patiently

, waiting for the Dean, but the meeting was taking longer than I expected, suddenly my phone rang, it was my elder brother,oscar,

Hey!! So how did the match go, hope you won again, cos if you lost, don't bother coming back home again you hear me...

We won with a fight, the referee was bought over, Stefen got on my nerve, I broke his nose, and now the dean thinks am useless,and foolish, but the good news is am quitting school....

What the hell, why did you let that good for nothing fellow, Rob you off your reputation, that's one thing with you Mike you never think, you just do whatever it is that you do, without thinking about the consequences!!!

How do you expect me to explain this to father, how about mom, most especially grandma,and did I just hear you say quit,oh boy, I'm highly disappointed at you right now, I thought you had brains,guess I was so so wrong......

Mike intercepted, I have made up my mind, don't worry about me I'd explain everything to dad, I believe he will understand and respect my decision, bye later, he hurriedly hung up.,

And takes a deep breathe,, and mutters to himself, oh boy that boy is just like his father....

Hey man,,.Danny interrupted, still waiting for the dean signature,

Yeah I guess so!!!!!!

So what do you wanna do now,he added

Well I guess I will take one of my dad offers in the Company, or maybe just go to our ranch uptown and spend some quality time with me, myself and I, and some booze I replied....

How about your dream, you always talk about, of been the best medical doctor in the world, man huh!!!

Don't tell me all of that was a joke Mike, you know I was always jealous of you, your kind of person your brains,

but now I just pity you......

Enough Dan, this is my life and I can choose how I want to spend it, enough of all of you trying to tell me how to live my life get it, am a full ass grown man,,

please I don't wanna hear another word from you, concerning this issue ever again....

Okay man he replied....

It was time for recess, And students were already, crowding the cafeteria, Dan called my attention, want anything for lunch he asked,

Nope am good, I replied.

Alright then, I will be back shortly, let me grab some big bites,

Dan said hurriedly as he approached the canteen...

My attention, focus, was carted away..

It was a feeling I'd never felt before, maybe like a break in transmission, I was lost for a minute,

Who is she???

I muttered to myself, I have never been graced by such beauty before,

She was all dressed in white, moving like an angel, like she was catwalking, because I could count her footsteps, her face glowing like the morning sun,

She seems shy, and definitely a fresher I guessed,

Wow!!!!, what a blessed day, I think I have found a reason to keep on moving, to hell with with quitting he declared, beating his chest!!!!

Before Daniel Richard interrupted


What's the excitement and the fuss all about...

Daniel , I think I just saw an angel, there dressed in white, and I think it's a sign not to quit anymore....

Hahaha haha!!!

, Dan laugh uncontrollably, since when did you become a believer, seriously so who's this angel,

There she is, holding Dan head closer to his, and pointing out to the crowd.....

Wow!!! Indeed she's an angel man,

Danny confirmed....

Danny do me a favour

Make a pronouncement to all students around and outside the campus,and to all the departments!!!!!

nobody goes close to her

, anyone who does,, has me to contend with and will surely face my wrath,

I want her name, her department, I want to know everything about her,

She's different men, I can feel it, please do this for me...

Daniel replied with a smile, does that mean you're staying,

Hell yeah!! He boasted as he tore his withdrawal form into pieces!!!!

That's the Mike Davies,

I know, that's the spirit man, Don't worry I gat your back man!!!!!


Dan wanted to make fun of him, pointing to the deans office, Mike look the dean you have been waiting for have finally arrived...

They both laughed and hugged each other,

Nice joke Dan......

Meanwhile, some senior students came, and was trying to smuggle themselves, to front of the line at the canteen....

Mike saw them, and he shouted at the top of his voice,

all of you get back to your line now,

It was like a military parade, they all obeyed quietly, and muttered within themselves, is Mike still in school, I thought he'd quit....

Is was like Mike could read the expression all over their faces, well sorry to dissapoint you lads, am still sticking around for a long ride....
