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Winning Back The Heiress

Winning Back The Heiress



Winning Back The Heiress PDF Free Download


Losing the memory of who you were growing up sucks. Trying to find a job after graduating college in a bad economy sucks even more. For Esmeralda Griffin, being offered a job as a secretary to the CEO of the biggest company in the continent is a once in a lifetime opportunity she's going to grab with both hands even if she has never heard nothing good about him. When the CEO turns out to be a man she has been previously seeing a younger version of in her dreams, she is confused. When he starts to claim that she's his lost fiance, things get crazy. For the heir to the stone empire, life has no meaning since he failed in protecting his one and only love. Work, one night stands and alcohol define his very existence but when his new assistant Esmeralda comes into the picture, a new hope sets in. Could she be the one he has been searching for years?

Chapter 1


"Miss Griffin, Mr Stone will see you now" the receptionist says smiling at me after putting the phone back in it's position.

I exhale nervously and smoothen the imaginary crease in my shirt before standing up and moving towards the direction of the door to the CEO's office.

Esme, calm down, He's just a man. An ordinary man with the reputation of a dragon. You can do this.

I give myself more internal pep talk before going inside.

I become confused when I enter the office and see no one. The chair at the desk was empty.

Where is the infamous 'Mr. Stone'? The legendary man who has built the group of companies he inherited into the biggest empire. The man whose name rule every single headline about success and magazines about the hottest men ever.

God Esme you're so stupid. You should have done some research about him or at least searched for a picture of him on the internet. If only I was someone that keeps up with the news and magazines. But no, I'd rather have my head buried between a book.

"Miss Griffin" A husky voice says from behind me and I literally jump two feet in the air and drop my bag.

I quickly spin around holding my hand to my chest. When I set my eyes on the person that just almost scared me to death, the breath I'm trying to catch leaves me in a second.


That's the only world that springs to mind. He is so handsome, I feel like I have to pay a certain fee before being allowed to look at him. When I finally lift my face to his, an involuntary shudder travels down my spine. His smoldering hazel eyes are assessing me curiously. I quickly turn my eyes to the floor unable to hold his intense gaze. I pick up my bag from the floor but I'm still unable to lift my eyes to his.

He looks.........familiar. A little bit like someone I've been repeatedly seeing in my dreams.

Nah, that's nonsense. Get your wild imagination in check Esme!

I feel a hand move under my chin and lift it up and I see that he has moved a bit closer but there's still an appropriate space between us. His gaze becomes more probing and then his hands cup my cheek gently caressing it.

"Daisy, is it really you?" He mutters his voice deeper than when he first spoke.


Who is Daisy?

"I—I'm..." I reply stammering unable to think straight.

For God's sake Esme, at least talk like someone who went to school.

He moves closer and rests his forehead against mine. His other hand join the first one in caressing my face.

"Why did you leave me? Where have you been? I've missed you so much angel" he says his breath fanning my face. Tingles run through my while body even though I have no idea about what he's saying. If I tilt my head up, my lips will touch his. He's affecting me in a weird way. My mind doesn't even feel like it's mine anymore. What is wrong with me?

All of a sudden, he retracts his hand and close his eyes for a brief second before opening them and placing his hand in his pocket. His expression back to the business man look.

"Pardon me, Miss. Griffin. I thought you were someone else" he apologises noncommittally before walking past me to his chair and then he takes his seat.

A stupid part of me almost wants to claim to be the person he mistook me for so he can touch me again. I kill that stupid part as soon as it rears it's head.

"Umm...yes, It's fine. It can happen to anyone. I mean there was this one time I mistakenly carried another baby home from the park instead of my brother. It was when I finally got home that I noticed and I had to go to the park and search for Bastien before my parents came back from work because they would have my head if they know I lost my own sibling just because I was too busy reading a story. I finally found him after one hour of searching and panicking with an old Lady who was later employed as his nanny and....." I trail off and internally slap myself very hard.

Jesus Christ Esme, he only apologised not ask for your life story.

I laugh nervously and take a seat then spring up immediately.

"C—can I take a seat?" I ask and bite my cheek inside in embarrassment. I am so not getting this job.

"Please" he answers gesturing to the chair and I finally seat down.

"I've gone through your CV and you graduated with a first class in business management. Why do you want to work as an assistant when you can get any job you want?" He asks his face not revealing anything.

I laugh again and punch myself internally over and over again. He asked a question not tell a joke.

I clear my throat "Well, it's extremely difficult to get a good job in this economy and this company is the best place to get the best experience in business" I answer trying to remember everything I've practiced saying in front of the mirror a million times.

The only difference is that when I was practicing in front of the mirror, I wasn't gawking at it like it's the reincarnation of all the Greek gods combined.

"Hmmm" he nods then stands up and picks up his keys.

"I have somewhere to be in a few minutes. Mrs. White will be in touch with you" he says referring to the receptionist.

Now I'm definitely sure I've lost this job.

I nod miserably and stand up and make a move to walk out of the office.

As I open the office door, I come face to face with someone and my brain goes blank for a moment. It's like my brain is trying to remember something.

Why can't I get my memories back?

"Daisy" the person asks in shock before hugging me tightly.

Who is this Daisy person?