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Lucifer's Redemption

Lucifer's Redemption

Auteur: Red butterfly

En cours


Lucifer's Redemption PDF Free Download


Crystal of doom That one word was enough to send the heavens and earth on a turmoil. Sophia,the destined crystal breaker and the devil's mate saves the world after successfully breaking the crystal. But what happens afterwards after her soul gets scattered after her mission? Will she be able to come back and reunite with her mate, Lucifer?

Chapter 1

The last thing she remembers was her car colliding head to head with a truck and was rushed to the hospital.

Before closing her eyes and loosing consciousness,she saw people dressed in white robes hovering above her.

" hurry,we are loosing her." that was the last thing she heard before her world drifted to darkness.


Sophia opened her eyes slowly adjusting to the sudden invasion of light which assaulted her eyes. She felt pain all over a body like she was hit by a truck.

she couldn't help but curse.

" damn it! my body hurts like hell! " she cursed softly

she tried sitting up but her body hurt.

she closed her eyes and decided to rest for a while to regain her energy.

"welcome to hell my queen" said a girl while she bowed slightly and moved towards Sophia.

" let me help you my queen." she added helping Sofia sit up. she then proceeded to put a soft pillow behind her back for support.

" queen?" Sophia couldn't help but wonder why the girl would refer Her as the Queen.

what queen? is this a joke or something? even if she was lucky enough to marry the country's president, she should be called the first lady right?

" Yes my queen. You have been sleeping for ten years and I have always stayed by your side to take care of you." The girl patiently explained to Sofia.

" huh?" Sofia was confused.

Asleep for ten years? this must be some sort of funny joke if not then this woman must be crazy.

But then, the place seemed totally different. This was definitely not her room back home nor was she in an hospital where her last memory was.

" Where am I?" Sofia softly asked.

" My queen,do you mean you have totally forgotten everything?" she asked but then

"Am sorry for my lack of manners, let me introduce myself. call me Rizia,at your service my queen." she said bowing her head

What the fuck!

Sofia was confused.

' what's happening?' she couldn't help but wonder inwardly.

Rizia saw that the queen was really clueless about anything since she did not Grant her permission to stand up.

she walked towards the queen and held her hand.

"It seems you really forgot everything. don't worry my queen, you will be able to remember it and if not,you'll just have to learn it all over again." she said beaming a smile

" Thank you Rizia." Sofia said offering the little girl a smile.

" How old are you?" Sofia was curious of her age. she appeared to be in her early thirties.

" I am five hundred years old my queen." she was among the young ones in the kingdom.

"whaaat?" Sofia shrieked her mouth opening wide.

even dinosaurs shown in the museum couldn't be considered that old.

" you think am young my queen? The king appointed me as your Maid when I attained legal maturity age." Rizia said.

one could see she was very proud of her young age as they called it.

" hahahaha." Sofia laughed awkwardly." Yes,you are very young." sarcasm deeply laced in her words.

Young? ptffff! is she was young then what name would her age be called. Sofia was 24 years old this year. she was at the age where ladies started to settle down and form their families.

" so how old am I?" Sofia asked. she really wanted to know how many millennium has she existed. she knew the answer will be ridiculous but then she was curious.

" My queen,it is said that you were married to the king at the age of six hundred years. after sleeping for ten years you are supposed to be six hundred and ten years old."

just as she expected.

Hurried footsteps could be heard coming their way and a man emerged from the door. He walked straight to the bed and scooped Sofia in one swift move and twirled her around. A pleasant laugh coming from his vocals

" You are finally back to me,my love" He said planting a kiss on her forehead.

Rizia was dumbfounded. The king,the devil himself and the queen never had a harmonious relationship. The queen hated the king for separating her from her beloved but according to the mating bond,she was the chosen mate for the devil.

The devil on the other hand loved his chosen one and did not Force her to anything apart from the forced marriage.

it seems that the king's love to their queen was genuine.

She wondered what will happen now that the queen has already forgotten about her past.

After taking the death poison,the queen was on the verge of dying was it not for the devil who almost drained himself of his blood to keep her heart beating.

It was said that the blood of your mate could save the other when death came knocking.

Whoever died from unnatural means,his soul would would not rest instead if would wander around the river of unforgetfulness.

True to her expectations,the queen did not push him away,she quietly let him embrace her. she even seemed to enjoy the hug

hehehehe Rizia smirked inwardly.

it was about time the queen and the king had their sweet moments.

Sofia's mind was moving a hundred rounds a second. Nested in his embrace,she felt warmth sip to every corner of her body warming her heart.

The man was so beautiful. calling him handsome was an understatement. His body smelt of Earth's soil after rain. It was very natural and enticing. she wished she could be nuzzled in his warm arms forever.

huh! why kind of shameless thoughts was she having? she couldn't believe herself.

" Are you okay my love?" she was drawn from her trance when his melodious voice rang in her ears.

" huh?"

The king smiled. His mate seemed different after waking up, she was very docile and adorable.

" how do you feel?" he softly asked gazing her with loving eyes.

" am fine." she replied. the intensity of his gaze was drawing her and seemed to drown her.

" Am glad you are fine."

" And who are you?" she asked.

Raphael was taken aback. yes Raphael was his Human name. That's the name he would use when roaming around the world tempting humans to join his kingdom.

" you don't remember me?" he asked his eyes darkening.

" I don't remember anything." Sofia replied meekly.

Looking at her, Raphael thought she looked more of a adorable puppy. she was harmless.

Thinking about it,it was better this way. With her loosing her memories,it meant that his nightmare was no longer. She won't remember that man anymore and Incase she does recover her memories,he would have already made her fall in love with him. Now that a chance was presented to him go reunite with his mate,he was going to make maximum use of it.

" it's okay if you don't remember,we will make new happy memories together." he replied softly, lovingly caressing her cheeks.

Sofia found herself nodding. she found the sound of that very pleasant.

" I am your husband,you can call me Raphael. Together,we will rule out kingdom and Make it prosper." he said hugging Sofia in his arms.

Rizia who had been forgotten like she never existed could only shake her head. The king was really taking advantage of the queen's loss of memory to entrap her.

The two just met after a long time and they were busy displaying their affection for each other. The single dogs were being fed dog food .

But it was fine as long as the king was happy. The king happy meant a happy, prosperous and harmonious kingdom. Afterall that's what the citizens loved.

Although their kingdom was known for entertaining all evil,they also loved a peaceful kingdom.

" Rizia,go call the doctor so that she could check on your Queen." the king instructed.

" right away my King." she gave a bow and hurriedly left the queen's chambers.

" lie down and rest, it's good for your health." Raphael said to his mate.

" alright." she obediently lied and he covered her with a blanket.

He decided to go and order something for her to eat.

" lie down with me." she softly tugged the hem of his shirt.

" so clingy." he said flashing her one of his killer smiles.

he proceeded to lie next to her and scooped her in his arms.

Lying in his warm embrace accompanied by his pleasant scent,she drifted off to sleep.

Raphael decided to accompany her till she falls asleep but he didn't know when he himself ended up sleeping.

he felt warm, happy and content having her in his hands.she was his happiness,his life ,his companion,his mate .

she belonged to him and him alone. She will always remain by his side, this time he will make sure of that. Nothing would ever separate the two of them.

with those thoughts he slept.