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Billionaires' Temptation

Billionaires' Temptation

Auteur: Lil Empress



Billionaires' Temptation PDF Free Download


Roxanne Guillermo who was married to billionaire, Denver Williams got the biggest shock of her life when she found out that her once loving and caring husband was cheating on her and even filed a divorce which she was forced to sign. Three years later, she came back to the city as the assistant of another billionaire, Zayden Flynn who was a playboy. He didn't like Roxanne but was always there when he sensed she needed it, but it seems that her ex husband, Denver, still had some feelings for her Who would win her heart?

Chapter 1


The smell of disinfectant filled the hair. Roxanne came out from the doctor's office excitedly with her lab results in her hands.

She hated the smell of hospitals but she had been here a lot of times so she involuntarily got used to it.

Her phone rang just when she was about to make a phone call and when she picked up, she heard her uncle say..

"Roxanne, is everything alright between you and Denver recently?"

"Yes, uncle what is the problem?" She asked.

"You sure there haven't been any conflict?"

Roxanne didn't answer that, instead she said

"Spit it out, uncle!"

"I heard Denver had been taking a woman for prenatal checkup at the hospital, he also took her day before yesterday....

Roxanne bursted into laughter, confusing her uncle even more.

"You think Denver had been cheating on me? With another woman?" She asked finally.


"Don't worry,uncle, Denver would be the last person to cheat on me!" She replied.

After she hung up with her uncle, she dialled Denver Williams number. However, he only picked up after the third try.

"I'm very busy, don't call me if it's nothing important!" He said with a cold and unemotional voice, then hung up on her before she could say anything.

Roxanne's hope and excitement crumbled at that moment and she stood frozen on her spot holding her lab results to her chest.

Three years ago when she and Denver had just married, he was so gentle and loving to her but recently, he had been so cold and didn't even have time to spare for her anymore, picking her calls had even become a problem.

While Roxanne was drowned in her thoughts, a young lady came out with a middle aged woman behind her.

"Sis" She called with a gentle voice.

Roxanne snapped out of her thoughts and stared at Vivien Brooks, who was the daughter of a mistress with disgust and contempt.

"Mind your words, I am the only daughter my mother gave birth to!" Roxanne replied.

Instead of getting angry, Vivien Brooks smiled and asked.

"Are you here for your infertility tests again?"

"That is none of your business" Roxanne replied curtly, irritation clearly visible in her tone.

"Anyway, won't you ask me what I am doing in the pregnancy area?" Vivien asked smirking.

Roxanne scoffed and was about to reply when Vivien looked her in the eyes provocatively.

"I'm pregnant with Denver Williams' child" she smiled.

"What?" Roxanne blurted out without realizing it.

"Three months ago, Denver and I had a little thing after dark, he was such a beast and was at it all night, I've been pregnant since then" Vivien announced.

Roxanne just stared at her funnily.

"Did you really think I'll believe you? Are you out of your senses?" She asked.

Vivien gasped dramatically and asked

"You don't believe me? Then take a look at this" She said and held the lab results for Roxanne to see.

Roxanne gasped when she saw Denver's signature and name on the results. She couldn't believe her eyes, she knew Vivien had always eyed her husband even before their marriage and took any little effort to show that but what she didn't expect was that Denver could actually do this to her. She thought he loved her. Despite the little problem in their marriage and his indifference towards her, she didn't think he could actually cheat on her. Oh, how she trusted him.

Vivien noticed her shock and went on..

"He loves this child so much and asked me to keep it, he took all responsibility. I'm not in a hurry, so you can take your time to pack your things after my baby is born" She said and caressed her little baby bump which Roxanne just noticed.

"You b*tch!" Roxanne cursed and trembling with rage, she gave Vivien a hot slap on her cheeks.

Vivien fell down immediately as if she had been anticipating it.

"Ouch, my stomach" she screamed.

Although, Roxanne only slapped her, red crimson blood began to ooze out of Vivien trousers. Roxanne could hardly believe her eyes as she stared at Vivien in shock.

The medical attendants immediately rushed Vivien to the operation theatre. Roxanne, afraid to leave the place also followed them at a wise pace.

After waiting outside for quite some time, she heard the footsteps of her mother in-law, Feyre Griffin.

"What happened?" She asked the moment she got closer.

"Mrs Williams pushed Vivien and now she's in the emergency room" The middle aged woman who had been following Vivien about said before Roxanne could talk.

Without thinking twice, Feyre gave Roxanne a hot slap across her face. Since, Feyre never liked Roxanne, she made sure to put a lot of her anger into the slap, Roxanne's face immediately began to swell.

Initially she didn't believe Vivien but judging by Feyre's character, it was most likely to be true. Roxanne felt light headed immediately and almost fell but she took her stand.

"You fruitless tree, you couldn't stand someone else doing what you failed to do, and not only that, you pushed her?" Feyre ranted.

Just then, a nurse came out from the operation theatre ward and announced that Vivien had lost her pregnancy. Roxanne couldn't believe her ears and her mouth fell open.

Feyre needn't hear that again before she pounced on Roxanne. She dragged Roxanne's hair and began to kick and thrash her. Almost immediately, Roxanne lost her consciousness.

When Roxanne opened her eyes, she was staring at the white ceiling in the hospital.

She wanted to get up but she couldn't due to the pain she felt around her body from the thrashing, so she just laid her back on the resthead area of the bed.

Almost immediately, a man came out holding a briefcase, eyeglasses resting on nose. He stared at her before walking towards her.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Guillermo, I'm Mr Williams lawyer!" He announced briefly.

"Lawyer?" Roxanne muttered.

"Yes,I'm Mr Williams lawyer who had been handling your divorce proceedings. I brought the divorce papers for you to sign. Please read it through and sign them"

"Divorce? Denver wants to divorce me?" She couldn't believe her ears. Not only did Denver cheat on her, he wanted to also divorce her. When did things get to this? They were a happy couple until recently...

"Pls read them and sign quickly" the lawyer said, rather impatiently.

Roxanne ignored him and picked her phone calling Denver. He didn't pick up, not even once.

"Stop trying your luck, he won't pick up" the lawyer interrupted.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Madam, pls can you sign the divorce papers, I'm rather busier than you think I may be" He replied. Usually, Roxanne was always respected as the wife of a billionaire, but now that things have gotten to this, everyone wanted to troll her like they couldn't have done. Clearly, he was acting under Denver's orders.

"I won't sign it, tell Denver to come see me first" Roxanne said adamantly.

"Mr Williams is a very busy man. He won't have time to attend such trivial matters as this one."

So he couldn't even make out time to ask for a proper divorce, for crying out loud, she was his wife. All these were so much to take in a day, her soul had been crushed and there was no use crying over spilled milk.

She sighed sadly and thought "maybe it's time for a fruitless tree like me to step down".

"Get me a pen" she said it the lawyer. He opened his briefcase and got her a pen and she signed the divorce papers. Since all the properties were initially his before they got married, they would be no division of properties.

What happened to those times when Denver would say whatever belonged to him were also hers? Now he had completely changed.

She gave the papers back to the lawyer who felt pleased and made no effort to hide that.

"Mr Williams said you can't take any of the jewelries he bought for you." He said .

Just when he thought she would object and throw a tantrum, Roxanne smiled sadly and nodded.

She had no strength to cry but the tears would not stop dropping from her eyes, Denver had hurt her deeply.

The lawyer stepped out of the ward immediately, just as he came out the hospital, a black Mercedes Benz S class pulled over.

The car window was rolled down and the face of a young incomparably handsome man was shown. The lawyer hurried over to the car and gave him the papers.

"She signed it!" He said respectfully.

"She did?" Denver asked with an unreasonable expression. The lawyer couldn't explain the look in Denver's eyes and wondered why he looked that way and even if he wanted to speak, he was at a loss of words.

Denver signed and took a brief look at the papers.

"Let's go" he spat and the car drove off.