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Our Secret Alliance

Our Secret Alliance


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Quinn is the opposite of her twin sister, Hanna. Hanna is kind, pure and innocent with a lot of friends while Quinn is the Evil, seductive bitch. That's why Quinn can't help but to envy her little sister. Because she can have anything and everything she wants. Until one tournament day, Quinn was about to confess her feelings towards Finn, the boy next door. But her heart completely shattered when she saw her little sister having a sweet moment with Finn! That's why she have an encounter with the Devil Lucifer, Finn's younger brother, to form an secret alliance. And the main goal is to Quinn to have Finn and Lucifer to have Hanna. that what Lucifer really want to happen?

Chapter 1

"wow, Devine sister are really pretty, right?" You can see admiration in Asher's eyes as they look at Devine sisters' whose having a rest in their garden. "You look like a perverted pedophile. Stop it." Archer shake his head while trying to hush down his friend.

"Tch! I prefer Hanna, the younger one over the older sister Quinn." Lucifer arrogantly voice out making them to look at him with amazement and confusion. Finn look at the twin and back to his younger brother. "How can you identify who's who and who? They are mirror twin Daimon."

Lucifer look at him with the usual frown in his face. "The younger one have an angelic face while the older have a mean face." All of them look back at the twin sisters. "...she always look like she's ready to have a fight." Lucifer whispered while glaring at Quinn.

"Wow! It amaze me how you can Identify who's Quinn amd who's Hanna!" You can read in Vernon's voice that he's really amaze by Lucifer.

Quinn suddenly look at their direction making them act as if they're having a bro to bro talk. "Shit! It looks like Quinn is the one who look at us!" Asher grimace while Archer and Vernon nodded their head.

Lucifer arrogantly rest his back on his chair while smirking at his friends. "See? The older Devine have a mean face while the second Devine have an angelic face."

"Yeah, yeah and I hope everyone is aware that you guys are talking about my sisters." Pierce said sarcastically while his eyes is still on the book that he's reading. They all look at him

"How does it feel having a sibling--- noted; twins?" Asher ask with full of curiosity. "Add up that both of them look so beautiful!" Archer countinue.

Pierce glare making them to shut their mouth. "Which one do you like?" His question makes Finn to look at him while Lucifer's gaze is still fixed on the twins.

"Ohhh--- Will you let me court your sister?" Asher ask with a hint of hesitation in his voice. Peirce's forehead knotted while Lucifer shake his head with his friends' dumbness. "Aray! Hey! That freaking hurts!" Asher grumble when Vernon smack him on his neck. "Siblings are off limits bro."

Asher roll his eyes before looking back at Peirce. "Will you let me court your sister?" He ask fearlessly making Peirce to raise a brow. "You're really gonna push this Asher?" Finn ask calmly.

Asher look at Finn with full of confidence. "Why not? I mean our age is not an issue we're just years ahead of them right?" Yes they are two years older than the twins that's why Peirce and his friends made a bro code. Family are off limits.

"We have a rule Asher. Remember? Siblings are off limits. So stop with your silliness." Vernon said in a 'remember' tone. Peirce laugh making them to look at him except Lucifer who's sending glare to the Devine sisters.

"You can try. That's why I'm asking you who among my two sisters do you want to court?" He have their attention in him because of the question he just asked.

"The older one." Asher answer. Finally! Lucifer's attention had already gone to their conversation which Finn and Peirce noticed.

Peirce raise a brow. "You meant that?" Asher nodded his head making Peirce to smirk. "Well, you can try."

They heard a loud shattering glass so they turned their attention to Lucifer. "Hey man, are you okay?" Vernon asked as Archer moved to take a tissue when he saw the blood flowing from his hand.

"You're holding a thin glass of wine Daimon. How can you give so much force in your hand?" Finn ask his younger brother. "You still have no control over your strength, huh?" Peirce said while cleaning up the mess. Lucifer calmly wipe the blood on his hand.

"Tsk! That's why you can't handle soft things Luci, you destroy them so easily." Asher and Lucifer's gaze met. Asher immediately act as if he zipper his mouth when he saw Lucifer's killing glare.

"Kuya what happened?" Everyone turn to look at the twins. "I'm Hanna." Introducing it with a sweet smile. Everyone nodded. They already knew that it's Hanna because of her soft voice.

"Ang shunga kasi." Quinn whispered softly as she looked at Lucifer's hand. That didn't escape the young man's hearing so he raised an arrogant look which was answered by Quinn's frowned face.

Asher wave his hand. "Hi Hairi! It's nice to see ---" Asher's enthusiastic greeting to Quinn was interrupted by her steady voice. "We're not that close for you to call me by my nickname."

Vernon and Archer reacted weakly while Finn just shook his head. A smirk appeared on Peirce's lips again as Asher grimace and lowered his hand.

"Ate Hairi, be nice to them. They are older than you and they are Kuya's friends."Hanna gracefully said to her older sister.

Quinn roll her eyes before putting a band aid on the table. "Use that. Ang tanga mo naman kasi para makabasag." Ayun lang ang sinabi nito bago umirap at mag umpisang mag marcha pabalik sa kanilang bahay.

Quinn roll her eyes before putting a band aid on the table. "Use that. You're a fool to break something so fragile with your strong grip." That's all she said before rolling her eyes and started walking away back to their house.

Hanna smiled sweetly at them before waving her hand. "Bye kuyas!." She said Kind and polite goodbye. They waved back at her. When the twins finally disappeared from their sight, Vernon burst out laughing, accompanied by Archer's teasing voice.

"Should we take that as a no?" Natatawang sabi ni Archer habang tumatawa parin si Vernon. Asher look at Peirce. "It's my first time talking to her... she's kind of rude." And then he look at the band aid and grab it. "But! I still like her." Asher smile as he was about to put the band aid on his pocket when Lucifer grab it and glare at him.

"Do you have wound?" Lucifer sarcastically ask as he put the band aid on his pocket. Asher pout and look at Peirce. He dramatically put his hand on his chest. "Here. I have a wounded heart caused by Peirce sister."

"You should take her attitude as a big no Asher. Hairi is a lot to handle." Peirce said in a matter of fact tone. But that makes Asher to look more consistent in courting his sister.

"Well, I will make sure to have her sweet yes to me." Asher smirk. Everyone shake their heads while thinking about Asher's single future.

Lucifer stand with a loud bang when his hair hit the ground. "Gotta clean my wound." Everyone stare at his back as he made his way inside their house.

"Finn, Lucifer is a grumpy and rude boy. You sure he's your brother?" Vernon ask Finn. Finn smile and look at him. "Are you sure you are his friend?"

Asher sigh. "I should stick to him now." Everyone look at him with a questioning look. Asher shrug. "Lucifer give me the same vibes as Quinn. Might as well get use to his attitude so I will come prepared once Quinn let me court her."

"Trust me Asher, Hairi is a pretty poison. Will you take a poison?" Peirce ask. They all look at Asher while waiting for his answer.
