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My Great Forbidden Love

My Great Forbidden Love

Auteur: Lhancien

En cours


My Great Forbidden Love PDF Free Download


Vanessa Garcia’s life Isn’t easy, growing up in the Philippines she didn’t have everything. She had to work to help her mom at a young age. When she turned 18 she was offered a job as an entertainer in Japan, where she crossed paths with Jay, Raffy and Carl the three man are American Soldiers stationed in Okinawa Japan at that time. Her life will change drastically, she fell in love with Raffy who is a caring and generous. As a fighter jet pilot, Raffy always goes to other base for training or temporary duty orders. Whenever Raffy is gone Jay as his best friend is there to help Vanessa with anything she needed. A forbidden relationship and love developed between Vanessa and Jay. Vanessa tried everything to avoid her husbands best friend. What is she going to do and how is she going to explain this with her husband? Carl find out about Vanessa’s and Jay’s secret. He has secretly loved Vanessa for a very long time ever since he first met her. She supposed to be his! Now is his chance and he won’t let her slip off his fingers again. He has a plan... follow my story to find out how their story intertwined and life unfolds.

Chapter 1

  “I love you Vanessa!” We kissed passionately and he walked away. I can’t really see his face clearly. All I can see is that he is tall, blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. My heart is beating so fast and I am crying. I am hurting inside. My heart is broken.

  Knocked, knocked.

  “Ness, come on wake up. It's 6am, you're going to be late for school if you don’t get up now.” Mom called out from the kitchen that’s just directly out my bedroom door.

  I was awakened from a dream that seemed so real I didn’t realize I was actually crying. My heart feels so heavy. Why do I feel like these? It’s just a dream!

  I was working on my homework so late last night and I fell asleep with my books and notepads all over my bed.

  Oh no... I still got to shower and get my school stuff ready. School starts at 7:30am. It’s 20min walking distance if I speed walk.

  I have an exam on my first period today, so I can’t be late. I rushed to get up. “Anak, breakfast is getting cold.” My mom called out again.

  I know she’s not mad yet, she’s not calling me by my full name yet. .

  “Coming ma!” I answered as I am getting my backpack to place all my books and notepads.

  I sat my school backpack on the couch right behind me and sat down to eat.

  My three younger siblings are about to get out the door to go to school as well.

  “Bye Ate! Good luck with your exam! Have a good day at work later too!” They all said at the same time and gave me and mom a hug and started to go.

  They all walk to school as well.

  They leave earlier than me since their school is further.

  They like to walk with the other kids in the neighborhood.

  I graduated elementary at the same school, now I am in my senior year in High School.

  I took a swig of my coffee, I was recapping my dream in my head. Thinking that was a crazy dream.

  I seem to know the guy in my dream but now I can’t remember ever knowing that person. That kissed... I’ve never been kissed by a man before in my life! It was so intense.

  “Vanessa! Come on don’t just stare at your food! You’re going to be late for school!” My mom said. She was starting to get irritated as I was running late but not moving fast enough.

  I didn’t realize I was daydreaming.

  I was staring at nothing with my cup barely touching my lips. “Sorry ma.” I said then I started eating faster than The Flash. I was jogging and running.

  I can’t be late today.

  I didn’t care if people were staring at me. I needed to get to school on time.

  I had five minutes before class started when I got to school.

  I decided to review a little more while I was waiting for class to start, mainly to distract myself from thinking about that dream.

  But my mind keeps wandering back to it.

  Finally, I gave in.

  I Closed my reviewer and put it back in my backpack.

  I am only 16yrs old, I have never seen that man before.

  He is light skinned, blue eyes and blonde?

  Where in the hell will I meet that kind of man here in Malolos, Bulacan?

  Ahhh it probably doesn't mean anything.

  I must have been watching a lot of Hollywood movies lately to dream of a foreigner. “Good morning class. Everyone get ready for the exam.” Teacher said.

  I didn't even notice that she’s already here.

  Okay, Vanessa time to focus!

  You need good grades to get; for scholarships, for your mom, siblings, and your dad’s attention.

  You got this!

  Me, giving myself a pep-talk like I always do.

  The exam was easy. I finished before everyone else did.

  The school year is almost over.

  We're graduating in mid April.

  I can't wait to work fulltime for the summer, so I can help mom with expenses at home.

  At lunch time me and my friends went to the cafeteria. Everyone ordered their favorite food and snacks.

  As for me; I will be eating my rice with boiled eggs from our chickens, some veggies from our garden, and just water to drink that I brought from home that mom packed for me.

  She also packed some Suman, to share with my friends.

  We don’t have a lot of money, mom tries to save as much as possible and stretch the budget. Dad rarely comes home now.

  He barely gives mom money to support us.

  Mom does whatever work she can just to provide for us.

  She cleans houses & washes clothes for other people, sells cleaning supplies, make up, extra veggies from our garden, and also sells local delicacies that we make such as; Suman and Cassava cakes.

  I love my mom.

  She’s the reason why I want to succeed.

  I want to get a scholarship to finish college.

  I want to get a good paying job so she won’t have to work so hard anymore.

  “Ohhhh my favorite! Tita makes the best Suman” My best friend Anne said, as soon as she saw Suman.

  “Yes she does!” Our other friends Gina, Mary and Becky said in unison.

  We all share our food with each other and sometimes they all intentionally buy extra food for me.

  Some days, I go to school without lunch or money to buy lunch. So they have really been a blessing for us.

  I am so lucky to have them.

  Not everyone in our circle knows my life story, they all know I am not well off.

  They’ve met my mom and they all call her Tita.

  We all have met each other’s family.

  They are all from rich families, needless to say, I am the only poor one.

  I got into this private school through scholarship grants, not because we can afford it.

  I am just a charity case to most kids here, they don’t really pay much attention to me.

  I keep to myself. After 4yrs here, I’m surprised to have four friends and I am about to graduate now.

  I don’t want everyone to know what kind of family I came from. I’m not embarrassed of our civil status, it’s our family drama. My parents originally broke up when I was 3yrs old.

  I was their only child then.

  They got back together when I was 6yrs old.

  He comes back whenever he wants and my mom always takes him back then ends up pregnant.

  So now there’s 4 of us.

  Everyone who knows us calls her martyr and stupid.

  “Vanessa, are you still with us?” Gina asked.

  “Sorry G, what was that?” I answered as soon as I came back to my senses.

  “I was asking if you can go hang out with us after school? We’re going to the coffee shop in front of your work.” Gina replied, with a cute and pitiful look that can make anyone say yes.

  Anne, Mary and Becky are all giving me puffy eyes with their hands signing please, begging me to go with them as well.

  “Will all get dropped off by my driver. It’s My treat! Please come hang out, you don’t have to work till 6pm anyway right?” Anne stated.

  “Hmmm... Okay, I guess I can join you guys, it’ll save me some jeepney money too.” I said. I was a little hesitant. I really don’t feel comptable getting treated for expensive snacks.

  “Don’t be shy, Nessy. We got you okay?” Becky added as she can see my hesitation.

  “Yes girl, We’re like your sister. No need to be shy.” Mary chimed in with a super sazzy tune.

  I am deeply touched by these girls' genuine friendship. I don’t know how I would survive High School without them.

  I gave them a shy smile and nodded my head.

  “Our boyfriends are all coming with us, along with Andy.” Anne said with a giddy expression.

  Andy is the smartest boy in our class. Tall, dark and super cute!

  My crush!

  My friends know about that.

  I’m more excited to hang out with them after class now!

  At the coffee shop, Andy and I are sitting across each other.

  As we talked, I realized we have a lot in common.

  We watch the same shows.

  We’re in a lot of clubs together at school.

  We’ve been in school competition together before but never really had the chance to talk.

  I guess I am liking this boy even more.

  “I gotta get going. Sorry I have to be at work in 15 minutes.” I told him.

  As much as I want to hangout some more.

  I really have to work.

  “I’ll walk you over. If you don’t mind?” He got up and took my backpack and books off the chair next to me.

  “Sure, thank you” I replied with a big smile on my face.

  My work is just directly across the street from the coffee shop. He was holding my arms, guiding me to cross the busy street. I’m getting butterflies and all the giddy feeling.

  He is a perfect gentleman.

  When we got to the entrance of my work, Anthony was giving us a sharp look.

  Anthony is my overbearing manager and owner of this convenient store.

  He doesn't really have to be here at all since there’s another manager here at all times.

  I feel like he is just here to harass me.

  He follows me around and intentionally rubs his chest on me.

  He has expressed his intentions to me multiple times and I also have rejected him multiple times.

  He’s 10 years older than me.

  I get that there are women that are into older men, there is nothing wrong with that. It's just not for me.

  Five years older than me would be my max.

  He’s not ugly.

  Just not my type.

  To me, he always looks like a predator.

  “Is that the owner?” Andy whispered in my ear.

  “Yes.” I replied back in a whisper.

  “I don’t like the way he looks at you.” He added.

  “Me too.” I admitted to him.

  “What time do you get off?” He asked.

  “11pm.” I respond.

  “You have 2 minutes till your shift starts!” Anthony yelled from across the store. Still giving us a deadly stare.

  There's no customer in the store at the moment.

  “Thank you. I gotta get to work. I’ll see you at school.”

  Andy just nodded and walked out.

  “Come with me to the storage room. We’ll organize and do inventory.” Anthony said.

  I followed.

  Soon after we got in the storage room, he closed the door.

  I backed up as he started to walk towards me backing me in the corner. “You’ve been a bad girl, tease!” He grabbed my shoulders.

  Confused, I was about to ask what he was talking about, out of nowhere he kissed me so aggressively.

  His tongue forced my mouth to open wider.

  He ripped my blouse and grabbed my boobs with the other hand while the other hand held my hand tight.

  He pinned me harder to the corner.

  He's too strong.

  Think, Vanessa! You need to get out of here alive!

  I bit him hard and kneed his balls with all my strength. He let go of me and screamed with pain. I run so fast without looking back.

  I almost lost my balance then a man caught my waist.

  “Let go of me!” I said hysterically.

  “It's me, what happened?” Andy asked full of concern.

  My face covered in tears, I didn't recognize him till he spoked.

  I cried harder, he held me thigh, covered me with his polo and carried me out of there.