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Wedded To The Ruthless Mafia Boss

Wedded To The Ruthless Mafia Boss

Auteur: Faithystylessz

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Wedded To The Ruthless Mafia Boss PDF Free Download


"Tell me, what was I doing to your body last night?" He gingerly kneaded his fingers around her core and a moan left her lips. He was torturing her too much, she didn't like that. "You were touching me like this,"LENA cried out when Darian thrust his fingers into her wet hole. "Like this, Darian!"She held onto the headboard, letting him take full charge of her clit. Darian stroked her gently, looking into her eyes as he moved his fingers against her clit. She cried out in pure pleasure, "Please Darian." She felt a spasm building up between her legs. Throwing her head backwards, she reached her peak in no time. "Was that how I touched you?"Darian rolled on the bed, positioning her back on the bed. - As a repayment of her father's debt, Darian Dawson asked for Lena's hand in marriage. Darian is a ruthless man, the next in line to the Dawson family mafia. Lena is a normal girl from the westside of Newyork, a fresh university graduate who is looking forward to having a good life with her best friend until Darian showed up, completely ruining her plans, possessing her and taking full control of her life.

Chapter 1

The heavy December wind struck the earth's surface, causing debris to land in different areas of New York City.

Lena had gone to get a few drugs for her dad's treatment. Now she was stuck in the pharmacy store; she sighed wearily and wished the wind would stop blowing heavily. She needed to get home to her father as soon as possible.

"Ena," Pat, the pharmacy technician, called.

"Oh, I've told you several times that my name is Lena and not Ena." She didn't sound pleasant. She glared at Pat, almost letting out a long hiss.

"Hmm, you seem mad at me. Have I done something wrong?" He asked her.

"It's so tiring that I get to correct you every time. My name is Lena, not Enaaaa." She emphasized.

"Noted, Lena." He smiled at her, but she didn't acknowledge that. She had moved out to check the weather outside. It was still a bit dark, she stretched her hand to feel the impact of the raindrops on her skin, and it was manageable.

She did a mental calculation of the pharmacy to her house and realized she would only get drenched a little bit if the intensity of the rain didn't increase. She shoved the small polythene that contained the drugs in her purse and dared to enter the rain.

"Hey Ena, Lena, hey, wait for the…" Pat ran out of the store, but all attempts to stop her were futile. He shrugged his shoulders, returning to crouch down on the stool.

The rain increased, and Lena muttered cuss words as she walked in the wrenching rain, she was now cold, and her feet were barely moving. Through gritted teeth and cold shivers, she checked around, but there was no shade to hide for safety. She walked on, hoping a miracle would happen to her.

She wasn't looking well, it was getting dark, and the street lights were not on, probably due to the heavy rain. She heard the honking sound of a car and turned away before it hit her. She halted at a standstill staring at her wet clothes and drugs; her father would scold her for not waiting for the rain to stop before returning home.

The already wet drugs were not the problem; she could get new ones with the money she'd saved over the months, but her card wasn't with her, and she would need it if she wanted to buy new drugs.

She rubbed her temples in worry. Biting her lips regretfully, she wished she had a car.

She strolled on and noticed the car that passed her earlier hadn't made a move past the place the driver halted. She walked past the vehicle but was stopped when the driver wound down the window. He smiled at her and asked if she wanted a ride.

Lena shook her head and walked swiftly, she didn't trust the men around, and there had been cases of missing bodies lately.

The car trailed behind her causing trepidation to creep into her mind. Can the day get any worse? Firstly, she was drenched in the rain, and now a black tinted windows range rover sport was following her. Was the driver trying to kidnap her? She didn't understand why he was following her, but she made sure not to wait. She walked as fast as her legs could, but unfortunately, the car caught up.

The driver wound down and stopped again.

"What the hell do you want from me!" She yelled at him.

"Chill, my boss wants to have a word with you." He smiled at her, revealing a perfect set of white teeth, "Would you wait now?"

"I don't give a fuck who you and your lame boss are. I'm drenched and need to get home!" She yelled again and walked away from the car.

"Sir, she just left. Do you want me to pursue her?" The chauffeur bowed his head slowly and looked back to ask his boss what to do.

"No, leave her be. She seemed rude and not even one of the types I want." A deep voice responded to him. He nodded his head and continued to drive slowly.

They drove past Lena, and she muttered cuss words at them. She hissed and continued walking. The raindrop was less now; she hurried before it would start again.

She regretted not coming out with some cash and her card; she got home in a few seconds.

As she approached her house, something caught her attention —the car that stopped her earlier, or was it something that looked like it? Of course, a car wasn't made for one person. Even though it wasn't for the man who stopped her earlier, who could be the owner? She lived alone with her father in that house, and he hardly came home with friends. Different thoughts ran through her mind as she walked closer to the doorstep, she flung the door open, and to her chagrin, the driver who stopped her earlier was right there standing close to a man she was yet to see his face.

"You again?" She pointed an accusing finger at the skinny man with dirty blonde hair. He smiled at her —surprised to see her as well. Lena walked to where her father sat, looking weak and feeble.

"Dad?" She called, and at that moment, her eyes met with the most handsome face she would ever see.

His skin was whiter than hers, though only his face was visible. All other parts of his body were clad, but she could easily make out his perfectly built body from the blue t-shirt that hugged his body.

His face had a dull expression that she couldn't read, and he had his hair packed backwards. She was impressed how a man could keep such long hair. A cigarette was between his long lean fingers, and he slowly took a drag. He didn't spare her a glance; she wasn't even sure if he knew she was there. She was the one doing the body survey. He didn't care about her presence.

"Dad," She stopped gawking at the young man and turned to her father. He fidgeted and held his daughter with his weak cold hands.

Lena was sad. She didn't know how to tell him that the drugs were wet and she needed to get new ones for him.

"Is that your daughter?" The strange man who had refused to spare her a glance asked.

Lena looked at him, and his eyes were on her. She wondered why he asked that question from him.

"Yes, I'm his daughter." She stared back at him; his eyes were blue and very beautiful. How can a man be this flawless? His voice sent cold shudders down her crest —deep, charming, and soothing to the ears.

"Then I think the bait is done!" Blue eyes man crossed his long legs and let out a small smile that didn't look genuine.

"How's that?" Lena was confused. She would still ask her father who they were, maybe when they were gone.

"I think I would need you," He gently took a drag of the cigarette in his hand and sent a puff to the dilapidated ceiling. "You look like someone who would know how to do something right." He laughed; Lena was now getting scared. "Since your father refused to train you properly. How about I marry you to teach you ethics?" He looked at his chauffeur. "What do you think, Jay?"

"That would be a perfect decision, boss!" Jay replied, "A Valid one!"

Lena was lost. She stared at them like they were acting in a movie.

"Gavin Johnson, I want my money now." Darian, the blue-eyed man turned to her father with a fierce look. He grinned, "I will send you to jail if you don't provide my money at this very moment." The way he spoke his words was reserved, he had a calm voice, but his words were wicked. "But you do have options here." He relaxed on the tattered couch, giggling as his eyes ogled Lena.

"Darian, I beg you for some time." Gavin finally spoke up. Lena held her father. She didn't understand what was happening between those two.

Where did her father know such a man?

"Dad?" she called, but he ignored her.

"Please, I will pay you. I promise to pay you once I have my job back."

"Pay me? Where do you intend to even get that money from?" He chuckled and shook his head. "I need my money now." Darian puffed the smoke out of the cigarette again. "And If you don't provide it, you'd be jailed."

"Who are you, and why are you frustrating my sick father?" Lena flew up angrily; she placed her hands on her thighs and tapped her feet on the marble floor.

Darian gawked at her, pitifully shaking his head. "Did your father not teach you to mind the first words you say to strangers?"

Her father pinched her hard when she sat back. She winced in pain and stared at him. "Who is he?" She whispered in his ears.

"Let's break it down for the little girl," He chuckled again. "Your father here, Gavin, came to borrow some huge amount of money he spent on gambling!" He laughed and retook a drag. "Been over three years, and he still hasn't paid half the money. He even had the guts to challenge me to a game! Well, I won it, and the price was huge. He thought he could win over me, but a master would always be your master." Darian straightened up and looked at Lena. "Your daughter is ripe enough for marriage," he lapped his lips against each other. "You either pay my money, or you give her to me. You have twenty-four hours to decide if you will go to jail, or I will be planning a wedding in my crib!" Darian intoned, flouncing out of the small living room before Gavin could give a response.

His driver followed behind him, slamming the door shut as they walked out.

Lena exchanged a knowing glance with her father; he sure had a lot of explaining to do. But before then, she hurried to her room to get her card. She dashed out of the house to get new drugs for her dad before he asked about the ones she had gone to buy before.