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Professor's Little Girl

Professor's Little Girl


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The night that Giovanni spends with Allison is the best one of his life. He wants to repeat it over and over again with her. But Allison is too eager to cut ties with him as soon as the night they shared together is over. And what Allison wants actually happened. Because she ran away and forgot the night they shared. Months past by and Allison is finally entering her first year of being in college. She wanted it to be perfect. And it was perfect! Not until one day, Giovanni showed up in her school claiming to be their professor for a semester. She doesn't know if Professor Giovanni has completely forgotten about her or he's just pretending. Allison was relieved not until she saw a shiny ring hanging around his neck. It was her purity ring that she used to wear all the time. But after losing her virginity, she found herself losing it too. And she found herself staring at the ring around her professor's neck. "Wanna know who owns it?" His deep voice sends shivers to Allison. Slowly, she raises her gaze to see her professor's burning stare towards her. Allison breathed out. "Fuck." All this time, he's fucking aware.

Chapter 1


Summer is almost over. And I should also be over with that jerk. "Let me just remind you again. Never come back to that fuckin guy who keep on lying right into your face." It was Reign's harsh words.

We are currently inside a café having a girls day. And currently, I am the topic. Why? Because I keep on letting a jerk fool me over and over again.

I roll my eyes and sip on my blueberry smoothie. "I'm not Rhianna so I don't love the way he lies. I already blocked him on my social media accounts."

I earn a slow clap from Sky as she looks at me with her sarcastic proud smile. "Finally! And what if he finds a way to contact you again, what will you say?" She asks with a weird smile on her lips.

I smile innocently at them as I open my arms as if I'm waiting for someone to come and accept my hug and say, "Come here and let me clean you up for playing with trash?"

Reign laughs as Sky turns red with frustration towards me. "Maria Allison freaking Nierva! You freaking girl with a fragile heart! How can you accept a man who keeps on breaking your trust and heart?!"

I raised my arms as if I'm surrendering to them. "Chill out. Why do you think I agreed to be in a bar? Of course to totally forget him and get wasted."

I roll my eyes. "I'm done being a play toy to them. I'm done with their bullshit." Because it always happens. I will love them but they will just use me.

Sky points her bread knife at me."Good for you. Because the next time you'll pick me up will be inside the prison."

I raise a brow and look at her questioning and she just rolls her eyes. "Because I'll be there to kill your ex." That makes me release a small laugh.

"Are we good to go now?" Reign asked boredly. I shake my head. "Are you that eager to start being a wild wolf?"

Reign rests her chin and smiles at me. "Darling I'm dry as fuck." Sky and I made a disgusted face that made Reign laugh. As we made our way to the parking lot, My phone suddenly rang and it was my mother who was now calling me. I sigh and answer it

"Yes, Ms. Allison?" It was how I called her even though she's my mother. I got her name as my second name. And I'm being friendly with my Mom.

"Where are you right now?" She asked and I remembered that I did not ask for her permission as I went out with my friends.

"I'm with Reign and Sky. We will go to the seven eleven store." Sky and Reign suppressed their laugh and I smirk.

"Kay. Take care." And that's the last thing I heard from my mother before she hung up. "Bitch! You fucking lying bitch!" Sky laughed her ass out.

I giggle and shrug. "What? It's true. We are going to seven eleven." Reign rolls her eyes as she opens her car.

"And yeah. Seven eleven on the outside but a bar on the inside." Reign shakes her head and we laugh. My mother doesn't know that her daughter is a wild bitch. They all think that I'm the good daughter who will not do bar hopping.

But I'm not that bad tho. I don't do things that will harm me.

But most of the time, I'm starving to do things that can make me feel alive…

As soon as we walked inside the club, their eyes started to wonder whom to make up to. We waited for our drinks to start the night and for me, I looked around the club looking over to the crowded dance floor and my eyes wandered up to the Vip room. I saw a glimpse of someone's body up the glass window—

"Come on Alli! Take another shot!" Reign shout. Without any words. I take the shot without a break. I hear them cheer for me— even the bartender.

After taking the shot, I looked up again at the window. With the help of some lights, I got a glimpse of his face. He catches me staring at him as he stares back at me. I know he's staring at me. Even with the club light… I can feel it.

For some time, he finally closed the curtains as he completely disappeared from my sight. I shrug as we started having fun. We dance and dance until the three of us find our own spaces in the club.

I close my eyes as I start swaying my hips with the loud music inside the club. I keep on swaying my hips back and forth without caring about anyone. And probably the two bitches are already making up with some boys.

As I was having my precious time with myself, A big hand grabbed my waist and started swaying along with me. I can smell a strong arousing expensive perfume coming from the man behind me. My body tenses as I felt his buddy touching my back. I gasped as I enjoyed having his warm body behind me.

I can't help but to moan as I lay my head where his neck and shoulder meets, I close my eyes as I enjoy his presence at my back. No words coming from us. But I'm sure we are enjoying each other's company. I feel so hot. And as soon as the club started going wild once again with the sexy music. My eyes find a pole. Disappearing from the crowded dance floor, I made my way towards the pole. I was just enjoying myself as I danced around the pole. Even heard some cheering from guys. I don't give a fuck. I was completely enjoying myself. I opened my eyes to find a pair of eyes staring at me.


I feel so hot. I turn around to find the restroom, I keep on walking until I find a hallway with neon lights. I don't know where it will lead me but I just keep on walking until I find a strong hand pushing me towards one of the closest doors.

I gasped when the stranger managed to put me inside the dark room with him.

No words were left to say from both of us. I tried to see who the stranger was. But the familiar scent tells me who he is. It was the same stranger from the dance floor.