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Entanglement Of Fate

Entanglement Of Fate

Auteur: Celestial creature

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Entanglement Of Fate PDF Free Download


What's love? What's fate? Aren't they all made by people? In truth, there is no love, no destiny, just harsh reality trying to crush you and love is just an escape route. Ivy, a brilliant and ruthless lieutenant general who doesn't believe in love. Until fate made her cross path with a younger guy who was outgoing, carefree, and a little immature guy, Aidan. At first, she took it as a coincidence, but can coincidence be forever or it was the red string of fate making them entangled with one another. While for Aidan, he fell for her on their first meeting, but he didn't dare to say out his love knowing she would not bait an eye before rejecting him. Instead, he tried to pursue her by first getting close to her. Can cold Ivy feel his warmth? Can Aiden be able to melt her heart, along with a series of turmoil and dark past of their own? Excerpt~ "Don't fall for me? I am not interested in kids." Ivy warned him, chucking his chin. She looked at his eyes. Aidan gulped on his saliva, even though her eyes gave the warning vibe, but he can only think of her being hot and sexy. He knew he was playing with fire, but his urge got bigger and bigger. "Noona." He called out her name, and in the next moment, his lips were on hers, kissing her passionately. Ivy was surprised that she stayed stoned to place her eyes about to pop out. Did he just kiss her? ~~~~~ "Ivy? Faithfulness. So that means you will be faithful to me?" Aidan looks at her with an ear-to-ear smile. "No. My full name is poison ivy which means don't mess around me or you will regret it." She replied to him back, with a warming smile. And saying her words she left him alone in the room. After she left he immediately turned serious, his face colder than ever," Noona, poison ivy has many meanings like your different appearance. Which one are you?" He questioned the cold room, his hands clasped into fists.

Chapter 1

  "What?! You want to have ONS?" A woman shrieked in the middle of the crowd. She didn't care about what others think. Right now, she was more shocked by what the girl sitting against her said.

  She knows her friend was always crazy and sassy but isn't it way too much. The girl who never even bats an eye on guys suddenly wants to have a one-night stand.

  "Ivy, are you serious?" She tried to confirm it again if she heard it right.

  Ivy took a sip from her cocktail calmly, not even caring about the stares she was getting after her friend told the whole world what she wanted.

  "Yeah. I want a hot, rough night that doesn't make me regret losing my e-card." She responded to her, shrugging her shoulder and continued to sip her drink.

  "What's wrong with you? You didn't even have a boyfriend your whole life nor you liked someone. Are you drunk?" Amber will never believe that a girl like her would want a one-night stand. She always flirted with guys she showed interest in but never dated any or even let them go past the lips. Was she thinking about the past again?

  "Ivy…" Amber sat down beside her, and gathered her courage to ask it out, "Are those nightmares back?" She blurted it out without waiting for a second.

  Ivy stayed stagnant in her place for a second. Nightmares? Can they be called nightmares not dreams? She can only see him in there, still young like before, smiling at her like usual.

  "No. I am just bored." She answered back, looking at her smiling. She gulped down the leftover drink in one go.

  "I need to go to the bathroom." She excused herself from her and walked to the bathroom.

  She looked up in the mirror in the washroom, "Looks like you are enjoying my pain from there." She uttered pointing at the mirror. She took out one of her heels and started to hit the mirror continuously.

  People in the bathroom didn't want to mess with a drunkard like her, so they left the washroom quietly without disturbing her. After seeing the mirror is shattered, she put back her heels and tried to walk out of the toilet acting as nothing happened.

  She opened the door and walked out when she suddenly twisted her ankle and broke her heels. She took the help of the wall to stand still and remove her heels. It was not the first time she got hurt like that, being in the military for so long she was already immune to pain.

  She tried to walk back to her friend but after a few steps, she lost her balance and was about to fall when a hand grabbed her waist from behind.

  Her eyes met his, a second she felt she was being sucked by those black orbs, 'So handsome.' Her heart couldn't stop saying it.

  The guy raised his brow, and asked her, "Are you okay?"

  Ivy came out of her thoughts and got up from his arms, she cleared her throat and thanked him.

  "No worries. Princesses are born to be weak." He walked closer to her and muttered in her ears.

  Weak? Ivy scoffed hearing his word. Which age are they even in? It's more like an insult than flirting.

  "Really? Then sorry to disappoint you. I am not weak nor a princess." She replied and walked away like nothing ever happened.

  She went back to her seat and saw her friend nowhere, she tried to look around but there was no sign of her.

  She sighed and mumbled under again, "She ditch me again." Ivy was not at all surprised at being ditched, her friend was a real party animal, it was not surprising she left her behind for a new guy. Sigh, she wants to know how much longer she will be with him this time.

  She took her things and was ready to leave when suddenly the guy from the bathroom approached her and held her from behind the waist. Ivy was taken back in surprise and pushed him away.

  "What the hell are you doing?" She blurted out looking back at him. "What?" The guy just shrugged his shoulder not knowing what he did wrong.

  Ivy couldn't take this anymore, she took a deep breath, before kicking at his egg mercilessly. The man ended up groaning in pain and kneeling.

  "F**ker." She said before walking out, not realizing that someone saw her doing out. He couldn't help but clap at her. He has never seen any woman to be brave enough hit someone in the crowd and even not caring about the consequences. Mostly, women would try to ignore it or say stop the person and say she is not comfortable but this girl was savage, she didn't even think for a second before kicking him.

  He needs to get her number, she was his ideal type. He ran behind her to talk to her but when reaching the alley he saw a group of men blocking her way. It was the same guy from before who harassed her.