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The Revenge Of A System Entertainment Queen

The Revenge Of A System Entertainment Queen

Auteur: The Alpha Writer

En cours

Realistic Urban

The Revenge Of A System Entertainment Queen PDF Free Download


Si Wan has made a lot of mistakes in her past life, signing off the companies share to the enemy, causing her father's death even making her family homeless in quick succession following one innocent night. She had been given the opportunity to work as a system and successfully help individuals from different parallel universes achieve their goals, to get a chance to correct her wrong doings in her own reality. "It is now time to return and take back all that had been taken from me." She smiled her eyes holding deep secrets. "This time I will make no mistakes and will crush anyone who stands in my way!" Follow me here on novel cat for mass updates! ^_^

Chapter 1

  Chapter 1

  Finally Free

  { Congratulations, You have become King of Makeup!}

  {Host's Final Stats

  Name: Kelechi Umunna

  Planet: Earth

  G/Species: Homo Sapien

  Level- 50/50

  Charm: 100/100

  Stamina: 86/100

  Time management: Excellent+

  Accuracy: 99/100

  Mass Trust:100/100

  Important Rivals Beaten: 1600/1600


  ‹ Main Skill: Deceptive Facial Makeup ›

  ‹ Others: Professional Face lift

  Lips of persuasion

  Effective Skin product insights

  Master of body paint

  Inventor of ideal facial accessories ›


  -King of Makeup

  -Most Trusted Makeup Influencer

  -The Transformer

  -Richest Makeup Influencer

  International Popularity: 100/100

  Stat Points Available: 0 }

  A bittersweet smile found its way to the lips of a young man sitting by the Olympic sized pool at the top of a ginormous villa. He didn't know if he should feel happy now that he had successfully reached his life goal or mourn the fact that his golden finger was leaving.

  Looking back at his life, compared to how miserable he had been before getting the system, when he had nothing but his whimsical dream of being a makeup artist and the daily torturous words of his African parents constantly reminding him of how shameful it was for a man to wear makeup like a girl or even consider taking it as a profession. His parents just didn't understand that not everyone was meant to be a doctor, a lawyer, a genius engineer or an overachieving scholar.

  When he told them he wanted to pursue such a profession they had threatened to disown him, which in the long run they actually did. The stigma that followed the sudden change of identity frightened him a bit, but fortunately it changed to the driving force for him to prove how wrong they were. It wasn't easy being a male makeup artist in Africa, constantly being reprimanded by peers and the public, this venture was doomed to fail. After working so hard for years trying to set up a studio, it flopped miserably sending him straight into debt.

  He could remember like it happened yesterday, the day his life changed drastically. On that fateful day, the day he decided to end to end it all, he stood at the top of the third mainland bridge, Lagos.

  His eyes filled with salty liquid threatening to fall at any time. Once the first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. His lungs rummaged for oxygen, and his sobbing had the same force of someone who had been pepper sprayed.The flesh under his ribcage throbbed, his cheeks burned, and his mind created memories and scenarios that made the tears continue in a never ending stream.

  No one had seen it wise, to prevent him from jumping off to his demise rather they pulled up their phones and recorded the once in a lifetime drama unfold.




  "If only I listened... maybe, I would have gotten a better life"He muttered with a shaky voice as he jumped off the bridge, with a warm smile on his face at long last he was free. A collective yell from the audience was heard as he took off, lazily falling into the hungry ocean.

  He felt a sharp pain at his chest area as his body collided with the surface of the water due to poor diving. Seconds later, as he fell deeper and deeper, engulfed in the hands of the ice cold water as bubbles of air escaped his lungs, just as he was about to give up his last breath. He could have sworn he heard a bored sigh, and something quietly clearing its throat.


  King Of Makeup System Booting...

  Match Requirements Found!

  Planet- Earth

  Potential Host's Status: Near-Death

  Do you choose to become this System's host and be led to be the King Of Makeup?

  Time Left Before Death- 36secs}

  A robotic nonchalant voice chanted, like it was a routine it had done a million times.

  Kelechi was scared out of his wits, if he wasn't underwater he didn't know if he could stop himself from screaming from fear. What was this? He asked himself as a blurry, blue screen hovered above his head. Though he could barely see due to all the water, he could tell it had a striking resemblance to the tab layout he sees in RPG games. Becoming King of Makeup?, What was this about?, Maybe plunging into the water, made him have hallucinations of his inner desires.

  He tensed up as he read the last sentences, how could his hallucinations be accurate as to know what time he was going to die. Suddenly fear overwhelmed him, yes… now that he had realised just how close he is to dying he couldn't help but think of how valuable life was, and how foolish it was to end his own life. Maybe he should have begged his parents to take him back, maybe….

  {Time Left before death: 7secs}

  The system said in a loud voice forcing Kelechi to cut his thoughts off. It wouldn't hurt to click yes, would it? he was going to die anyway, it's better to die thinking you accomplished your dreams than to die with lingering regret. His hands swam upwards and clicked the 'YES' button.

  {Congratulations you have been granted the KING OF MAKEUP SYSTEM







  Merge succesf…}

  He hears the system say before he blacked out.

  Since then his life has improved in leaps and bounds. Now that he was at the Pinnacle of his life, with everything he wanted within his reach, he couldn't help but think 'what if he wasn't so opportuned to have the system?'

  He brushed the thought off, it wasn't healthy to dwell in the past. He bites his lips in frustration."So… you are leaving now?"

  'Are you through with your pitiful thoughts?' A young woman in a pretty, white and blue hanfu dress hovered above him in a spirit-like form, responded with a question of her own, with no signs of relating to his mood.

  Kelechi smiled wearily, even at this moment she hadn't changed a bit with her raw, nonchalant attitude. In contrast to my view of the situation, she even seemed rather eager to leave.

  He grimaced,"You are leaving. How could I not be sad? If you are gone how useless I would become". Staring at the beautiful woman hovering around him, he couldn't help but think about how much he would miss her company and notoriously scornful advice, which had led him for two years to sweet victory.

  She shrugged, spilling the harsh truth 'Your future is in your hands now, just because you are successful now doesn't mean you should get lazy. In fact I'd consider you very stupid if your business flopped in the future, with the advantage you have now, you can only be the best second to none, out of reach of your competitors.'

  "Little lucky," He called out fondly, "you don't need to be so mean"

  "Don't forget you still owe me 5000 points you wasted on a taste package. How do you plan the reimbursement?" Kelechi added with a smirk, he had her now.

  'He he he ….' She laughed awkwardly, I thought we've settled that, besides my mission here is complete there is no way I could fish it out anymore.'

  Earlier, she had taken a bold decision to purchase a taste package without permission making him to suffer losses a bit, as she had been tempted watching Kelechi eat delicious, strange food daily,

  After he had purchased the optional, generally system care package that allowed her to manifest herself outside physically only to his eyes, instead of just talking into his head. It was his fault for torturing her with his dream-like expressions each time he ate.

  In recent times the system had been updated, in such a way that he could file a complaint to its superior once in a lifetime. He hadn't done so before, so she got afraid he might do it now.

  'Don't forget I have already served my punishment," She snapped, her eyes twitched in horror as she recalled her experience "You made me learn to cook, and forced me to cook for you daily for two months!'

  "Yeah let's not do that again, you were a terrible cook!" He frowned while speaking "But you owe it to me, you are a thousand times better than what you were then."

  *This is what I get for having a foodie as a host!* She thought regretfully.

  'That aside, I need to leave soon, or I will be late for…' She stopped in her tracks, she had almost told him her confidential schedule.

  "If you wish to keep memories of me, after I leave,you can't tell anyone, you had a system even when not sober, else suffer a huge loss in business and bad luck in anything you ever try to start up"She added sternly.

  'We also offer a full memory wipe, of my existence of course, without any conditions. Which do you choose?'

  Kelechi had already made his decision. He was keeping his memories. He was really grateful, no matter what happens, he always wanted to know who or what his savior was.

  "I'd go for the first." He put quite simply, clicking on the first option.

  *Foolish, allowing yourself to be ruled by sentimentality, a business person should always cut out the part that guarantees great loss even with a small mistake…* She thought with a neutral face.

  "Goodbye little lucky, don't worry I won't disappoint you" He clenched his fists in resolution.

  She smiled in response, fading into nothingness.


  In a vast metropolis like-world a million times better than anything you could possibly imagine. It was an isolated world created by the superiors/God for the numerous systems to reside when they aren't called upon by their hosts. Each system has its own soul space where they always watch over what's happening with their hosts through a big screen, and also talk to them when needed.

  This concept is a little ambiguous to clarify, so comes the explanation systems always told to their hosts 'I am in your head'.

  In front of a building whose height seemed endless from below, Si Wan had just returned, with a completion pass on her hands and was greeted with a blood curdling scream from a person coming out of the building.

  "System 1068, you are late!!!" A woman who seemed to have ethereal beauty, generously curved in the right places, ran up towards her with her voluptuous Jade peaks bouncing up her down with each step. Her extremely long red hair stayed completely still in all the hubbub.

  "What took you so long, it's closed already" She pouted giving Si Wan a big Knock on the head.

  "Big sis Jin Ae, stop it!" Si wan protested trying to evade her lethal hits. "It took a while to get away from my host, that slow bastard."

  "Is that so?," Jin Ae asked looking at her suspiciously, "Well I won't do you any favours today, you have to come back tomorrow to check in that pass."

  Seeing that Jin Ae had calmed a bit, Si Wan let her guard down,"I know, Big sis can't help but be mad at me right now. I won't bother you today, but I will be back tomorrow". She looked around Jin Ae and let out a frown "Zhang Wei isn't with you?"

  "No he had something to do in his system space, he should be finishing up with his host right about now" She replies as a timer popped up in the air.

  "Looks like I am not the only one late today," Si Wan remarked in a jolly tone.

  The air glitched as a tall figure faded in, holding a small white tablet. A young man manifested out of the occurrence, he had flawless white skin which matched exceptionally with his silky brown hair in a neatly packed samurai bun. With his lean sexy body frame and God-like facial features, he was surrounded with abundant pheromones, which could make any female in a small world get butterflies with a glance.

  He looked towards their direction and let out a warm smile, proceeding with an approach. As he came closer one couldn't help but notice the refined atmosphere he brought with him.

  "Ah Big sis Jin Ae, Si wan, you are here already!" He exclaimed with a smile.He took a step back as he saw the little bump on Si Wan's head.

  "System 352, you are late!!!" Jin Ae bawled, dragging him down by the ear to hit him as she was way shorter than he was. It was a routine for her to discipline them whenever they did wrong and she caught sight of it. Afterall she was a Manager Entertainment niche systems.

  "Ow ow ooooow," He shrieked in pain,"Sister Jin Ae be gentle!"

  Si Wan almost burst out laughing at facing this scene. It was always funny when she wasn't the one at the receiving end. Seeing the pitiful look on the victims face, she proceeded to reason with Jin Ae.

  "Calm a bit Big Sis, it would be tomorrow in literally minutes, if things go on like this, I am pretty sure Zhang Wei wouldn't live to be able to make it in one piece tomorrow"

  Time is a bit complicated to explain in this world, it didn't exist and at the same time it did.

  She let him go, adjusting her sleeves" You are quite lucky %#@......" She cursed enough to make one's ears bleed.

  Zhang Wei shot a grateful look at Si Wan, simultaneously moving far from Jin Ae's reach.

  "Ah Wan'er, I forgot to ask what option would you choose after ending your contract" He asked, concerned about her decision.

  "The second option" Si Wan replied in a determined tone.

  "What!!!!" Zhang Wei and Jin Ae yelled collectively.