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Resisting The Billionaire

Resisting The Billionaire

Auteur: Rimuru Tempest



Resisting The Billionaire PDF Free Download


He wants her in his bed, and he will make her want him. However, she's not falling for his playboy charm and wants to keep far away from him as she can. of course, it isn't easy getting away from someone you constantly bump into, much less when the person you'd rather not talk to much less see around is your damn boss!!

Chapter 1


Berry, my butler hands me my towel to dry off my hair. I just took a swim to clear my head and that didn't really work. My marketing team had been stressing me out lately and i swear to God i'm firing them if this goes on for too long, they keep screwing up and i think at this point its like they are provoking me. The board of directors have been annoying too. i see my phone but i choose to ignore it already knowing who's calling me. Father's been more annoying than usual lately. he keeps droning on and on about how i should be grateful that he want me to inherit his company. Don't get me wrong, the walker kings hotel chain was a family business that was known throughout the global sphere. the money it generated was nothing to scoff at, far from it actually. it was ranked second best when it came to customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, working under my Father was an idea i didn't want to even entertain. Apart from it being annoying, working for someone, much less my Father was not very appealing to me. He wasn't exactly role model material for any of us growing up.

i finish drying off and walk take the elevator to my floor. Berry walks in after me carrying my stuff. I needed to get ready for a meeting in Paris soon. Before that though, i needed to find a way to get rid of this built up tension.

Twelve hours later, i throw away the used condom and I pick up the clothes of the chic lying wasted on my bed and toss them to her, " I'm giving you five minutes to get dressed and leave. i have shit to do" I don't bother being polite. Fera knows she's just a fuck toy. I need sex I call her. Well, i slept with other women too just incase she started getting any ideas about us. i was clear with my intentions from the start though, and she clearly agreed to my terms and even when she comes running while I'm not in the mood, she settles with me shoving my cock down her throat and she sucks me off. The day she felt that i wasn't being fair, she was free to leave. I didn't do relationships and i made this clear the day she came onto me wanting my dick.

She catches her clothes and a small frown etches onto her face. She bites her lip nervously which is a habit of hers when she has something to say. Jesus i can't believe I'm noticing stuff about her, i have to get a new fuck toy, this one's lasted long enough. The paparazzi even started asking questions. They wanted to know if "one of New York's finest bachelors" as they put it, was off the market. Most of the time i managed to ignore them and stop the media from publishing bullshit. I don't like people in my business pretending they know everything there is to know about me. it pisses me off.

"out with it. i don't have all day" i bark at her. she looks startled by my outburst but talks anyway, "Damon I.. I.' she takes a deep breath, " I was thinking we should take this to the next level? we have been seeing each other for a year, this was bound to happen right?"

i sigh and try to reel in my irritation, " where you aiming for this from the start?"

she shakes her head in jerky motions, "No! i was just thinking right now.." i cut her off before she gets a chance to finish, "Listen Faith.." i deliberately mess up her name just for the hell of it.

"it's Fera. who the hell is Faith?" she get up shakily.

" my other fuck toy. what? You clearly knew you weren't anything special. so i hope you didn't get all these little delusions in your little head."

tears well up in your eyes and she sniffles. Great, now I have a crying female on my hands. I should have stopped these charades a long time ago. i admit Fera is a good looking woman but honestly i can't stand her voice and she's clingy as hell. As i turn to leave the room, she grabs my arm to stop me from leaving and says the stupidest shit ever, " I love you Damon." i sigh in exasperation and wrench arm away, " Well the that's your problem now isn't it?" i answer smoothly. I need a drink. A strong one.


That lying piece of shit. I get out of Mark's apartment and run to my car as fast as i could. How could he? Fucking hell, I suspected he was cheating on me. I just didn't expect to find him balls deep into my sister's cunt.

" Polly wait!" Mark chases after me wearing only his boxers. " Oh no you don't, you don't get to lie to me. I know what I saw. How could you? you told me you couldn't meet up today because you weren't feeling well. Well i guess her pussy was your fucking medicine huh?"

I was seething, but Mark looked at me with pleading eyes, " Come on Lilly don't be like that. it was an accident. We can move on from this. Talk about it."

" AN ACCIDENT!? did you trip into her vagina then? oh my, that must have been so shocking of an experience for you. Does your cheating ass need therapy from the trauma as well? Fuck you! and don't call me that, you know how much i hate that stupid nickname." i have no idea how this dumbass though Polly and Lilly where similar names, it doesn't even qualify as a nickname. Chelsea choses that time to appear in the doorway with the bedding wrapped loosely around her, wearing a smirk on her face.

At this point, I should have known better than to let my sister find out about my boyfriends. She was the good looking sister. Long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and a perfect slender body. While i was the brunet curvier sister. I tried going on a diet. Didn't work out by the way. I got picked on in school, and being compared to your and being called the uglier sister hit my self esteem real hard.. Men always asked why i didn't look like my sister or literally tell me to my face that i was lucky they met me before they met her. so it didn't come as a surprise to me when they cheated.

"Oh come on Sis don't be such a prude, we were just having a little fun weren't we Mark?" she shot me a mocking smile.

i had enough as i could tolerate from this two , "You know what? you can have each other." i get in the car and drive off.

Men are pricks. And i'm never going to let anyone hurt me again.