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My Life Line

My Life Line

Auteur: Althea28

En cours


My Life Line PDF Free Download


King Enterprise has been the number one company around the world. Steven King is the behold CEO the King Enterprise. He was is the true epitome of the word king. But he was never seen by the Media let alone no picture has been taken. Some speculations that he was so handsome and ageless. They said he is already early fourties but he looks early thirties. Everyone is very curious about him but hell no one knows the truth. Only his family, close employees and friends know that he is a vampire. Akane Yori is a very vibrant young, beautiful woman but has a secret. She is a ware-pires. Half warewolf and half vampire. Her mother was a warewolf and his father is a vampire. With a tragedy she has to leave Japan and move to New York. This is a love story of a powerful vampire CEO and a young Hybrid ware-pires. See how they overcome the obstacles and differences through their love for each other.

Chapter 1

"Mama!!! Mama!!" I scream for my mother. Our house was so dark. I went out of my room. I was shook to see a white werewolf full of blood. It was her mother ! "Mama!!"

The werewolf came nack to it's human form. "Mama, what happen?"

"Baby you have to go and leave. You know that it was a forbidden for me a werewolf to unite with vampire like your father. My old troops were hunting me once again. Your father was there outside protecting us. I'm sorry that I can't leave your father. I can't leave him alone this fight. "

I was crying. My mama is crying too. " Andrew please take care of my daughter. Baby, no one has to know that you are a hybrid especially werewolf. They will come after you. Mama and papa will come after you after this battle."

"Mama, I don't want to leave you and papa. Please let me fight with you." I cried. My heart was tearing apart to see my family look like this.

My father came inside. He hugged me and mama. "Baby, you have to leave. Mama and Papa will go to Europe and you'll go to New York. We have to keep you safe my love. If they find out that we have a daughter they will go after you. Believe me. We will be together again. We have to lure the enemies. Lets go! We didn't have much time. They will come soon. "

We hugged each other one last time.

" Be strong our baby. Mama and papa love you so much! Andrew go! " with a flash we Andrew and I were inside the car. He was driving fast to the airport.

Andrew is the right hand of my father. He is a vampire. My father and mother will go to Russia and I don't know when will we see each other again.

I'll miss them very much. We have lived peacefully for a very long time. I am 23 years old. Yes, I am young adult but mama always takes care of me. I have never had a boyfriend or close friends. I have done home schooling because my father was so afraid for my safetiness.

It's my first time to leave alone and seperate with my parents. I wanted to cry but papa believed in my strength.

We arrived at the airport and soon after ling ours of travel we reached New York. The busiest City in the world.

A car came to fetch us and we went straight to an old apartment.

A young caretaker welcome us. She's a human. I looked at Andrew. I knew that she was not so vegetarian.

"Welcome home Madam, I'm Angel. I am your helper here."

"Hi Angel! Just call me Akane."

"Angel show Ms. Akane her room. Miss Akane, please take a rest, I know you're very tired."

I came to my room and see that it was like my room in Kyoto. I started to cry when I saw the pictures of my parents on the side table.

"Mama, Papa I'll be strong. I'll never let you down. I promise, one day we will see each other again."

I slept with tears on my eyes.

I dreamt about my childhood.

My family...

My mama...

MY papa...

The tragedy that happened to my family...

From then on I have nightmares. The picture of mama that was full of blood and papa who was wounded. I have to be safe until the time comes that me and my family will reunite.