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Auteur: Mystical Rose

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I HAVE A MATE PDF Free Download


"Mine, my mate" he growled. Did I hear him right? He called me his mate. Star has a difficult life of abuse since she can remember, she believes that she would grow old alone in this pack which she couldn't still bring herself to call home. Will her Belief change? Or will she really live a miserable life? When she came towards the clearing and he's eyes met her, "Mine" they whispered. And he was beautiful too.

Chapter 1


"Star, Baby come here", six year old me with large Brown eyes and Brown hair ran out to my mother wearing a flair blue dress and cotton candy in my hands. I was as cheerful as always. Mum was Beautiful and had a melodious voice, you could never tell when she was hurting with that smile that was always on her face. She was Dad's Mistress

mated with Dad after her true mate died from blood cancer and Dad had not found his mate yet

but I'm sure a six year old like me doesn't understand that word. Mistress

I ran over to where she sat, "Mummy, why you crying?" I'm sure my innocent voice was what made her chuckle.

"I'll miss you Star. Never forget Mommy loves you no matter what happens", she said amidst sobs. I didn't understand anything but I started to cry as she was crying but then she hugged me to her and wiped away the tears with her thumb.

"Are you going somewhere Mommy?, Can I go with you?", I pouted.

"No Baby, it's your Journey not Mine". I started to cry again and only stopped when I was engulfed in a large warm hug. Mum was crying too.

                      \*   \*    \*


"She's too young to go without her mother. She hasn't had her first shift yet, please don't take my baby from me, I'll do anything." I could hear Mum and Dad arguing. I couldn't understand a word. I only heard him some minutes later as he was beating her and she was begging till she fainted . A tear fell on my pillow I was crying.

My door was roughly flung open and I whimpered staring at the Man who was my Father. The Alpha of Moon falls pack, Alpha Alonso. He looked at me with distaste and in his Alpha voice "let's go at once, your mum is waiting". I was happy to hear the word, mum. I hurriedly put on my slippers and followed my Dad hoping to hug mummy till she stopped crying.

We weren't close since I was born and I yearned for the closeness that's why I was very happy when he placed his hands on mine, it was a harsh grip but I didn't mind at all. I skipped alongside him happily as we headed towards the northern border of our pack.

I then looked up from the floor as we had halted and saw four big men in black and the aura I got from them wasn't entertaining to me instead it frightened me so I started to cry and tugged at my Dad's arm a little saying "Mum isn't here, can we go back, they look scary", I was pleading with him. He only scoffed and continued leading me towards the werewolves at our border. When we got there, my Dad threw me at them and left. I had started crying already.

They bowed to him as he turned to leave saying, "Glad doing Business with you, Alpha" what business were they talking about, I was sobbing silently wishing for my mummy.

Alonso replied "Do as you wish, I don't want to ever see her, I hope our packs can be allies from henceforth as long as you keep to that part of the bargain" then he left without another glance my way

It dawned on the little me then that I had been sold. I was in between tears as they picked me up and carried me to the car. I remembered my Mum's favorite words to me,  "Anytime you feel sad or down my lovely, always remember that Mummy loves you and you are a a light that's why I named you Starlight Baby, you'll always shine Bright and no one will ever change that."  I started to cry, how could he be so heartless, I'm his daughter. what about Mum, I miss her, she was all I ever had. Was this what she meant? did she know? I thought before I let the darkness cloud my vision as I fell asleep on the long journey to my new Home. I didn't even know where home is anymore.

Chapter 1

Tears streamed down my face as I remembered that day I was sold. I was brought here to the Soul Lifting Pack. Ten years had passed and I still remembered it like it happened yesterday.

I have been abused in this pack everyday since I came here I wasn't raped thankfully. A little girl I was, started scrubbing the floors and eating only leftovers from the table.

I was introduced to them

the pack

as the Pack house slave but in due time, I became a slave for the entire pack community. of course I didn't get a room of my own. *I slept in the basement without a bed just rags and old blankets thrown away, there was a mini bathroom in the basement luckily for me and that's where I took my bath and tidied up myself.

Years went by... till ten years were completely passed and I had a mini property of thrown out goods which I found useful for myself*.

"Slave", I heard the familiar voice of the Alpha, Darlington tell in his Alpha tone it jolted me from my thoughts, I scurried to his office in fear not because the Alpha voice affected me

I obviously had Alpha blood in me but no one in this pack knew or the other pack because it was to be kept secret so my Father wasn't put to shame

but because I was afraid of being beaten again today.

Everyone in the pack had taken to calling me 'slave' even the Omegas who were supposed to do the work in the pack

they're the weakest of course

but it didn't bother me at all as long as no one hit me but they still insulted me on my looks at most because of how unkept I looked.

I knocked and heard a gruff "Come in" command before I pushed the door open bowing my head to the Alpha and his mate, Luna Chrystal who was adjusting her dress

I must have interrupted their heated make out session


"Make lunch for my Beta and I", he voiced

"Yes Alpha but what do I make", and I was instantly rewarded with a slap as reply. I hadn't fully realized myself before my other cheek was swatted again and this time it was almost deafening. I looked up to see a stupid smirk on Chrystal's face. she slapped me and if anyone asked now I don't know why.

"You pesky pest, your father and pack rejected you, our pack had decided to accept you, giving you a home and you dare question us?, Tell me you don't have a death wish she ranted... But then I zoned out to that horrible day which I was ripped away from my mother's side replaying every detail and fresh hot tears threatened to spill, clouding my vision.

"Quick make spag and meatballs, don't dare tasting from it" she commanded jolting me from my thoughts.

I nodded and hurried out the door not before sparing a glance at Alpha Darlington as he snickered before pulling his mate to his lap attacking her face in a kiss.

will I ever get experience that kind of Romance?

Coming back to take comfort in the kitchen felt so right, I had faint memories of mum cooking and that's how I knew how to cook what I could.

I put the spag to boil and started to chop and cut the ingredients for the sauce, once I was done I took two meatball packs and fried them

it's bought the same way you buy frozen meat

. Just as I was mixing the Spag with the sauce, I felt a flick at the back of my neck.  .  . I froze in place

Turning to Beta Bright, I bowed slightly but I couldn't ignore the gleam in his eyes, this idiot was in a good mood and I was happy about it because that meant that I wasn't receiving much Bully from any pack member tonight, once the Beta is happy, it meant good news.

I watched him stride to the Alpha office and knew then that I should start to set the table.

Several minutes passed, Darlington and Bright came out of the office with Chrystal following suit, they were all happy... To say I felt relieved would be an understatement.

After they had taken their seats, I started to dish the food out alongside their favorite drinks to accompany the food while they continued their merry discussion.

After serving the food, I started to leave the kitchen and their premises. I heard the word Soul Lifting Ceremony.

                 *     *      *

Let me brief you on the Soul Lifting Pack and this Ceremony.

When I first got here, I was shoved into the pack house by one of the men who I came to figure out was Beta Bright, along with the Gamma known as Lutha.

As days turned into weeks and months went by, I started to notice that once in every six months, they performed a ceremony where other interested packs attended and the women would shift and run under the full moon while the men did the same but not after sparring with each other in human form.

As you have guessed, the ceremony only took place on a full moon. At first, I was enstranged to their customs but I soon got used to it because I was beaten after the ceremony ended and it lasted for five days.

During this ceremony, I got new thrown out clothes and other accessories, just to make me look presentable as a maid to the external packs. Then I was ordered to go back to my room after I had set the tables. None of the external pack members who attended ever saw me.

I remembered one Time when I had spoken to the Alpha to let me  wander around just to be familiar, I was beaten to a pup with kicks and punches. I usually had bruises around my eye and neck with a burst lip as evidence.

I made mental notes with myself never to ask or request anything from the Alpha because I was just a slave in their eyes.

During the Soul Lifting Ceremony every time, I was reminded of the fact that I wouldn't ever find my mate as I was always locked away.  I would probably live a very bitter life forever, never meeting my mother or finding a mate.

As you have guessed, I started vigorous cleaning of the house and washing after the ceremony was announced officially.  It just meant more work for me.

I went about my work, humming my mother's favorite words to me as a song. Even though I had forgotten how they looked like

my parents

or the road back home.   .   .

'you are a a light

that's why I named you Starlight Baby,

you'll always shine Bright

and no one will ever change that'

.  .  . thus, I have never forgotten my name. After these words.