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Heiress's Haunted Heart

Heiress's Haunted Heart

Auteur: Sarah Raymond



Heiress's Haunted Heart PDF Free Download


Adrienne is a woman who has it all - brains, beauty, money, power and a heart that's been closed off for years. Adrienne's past has left her crippled emotionally, and the only constants in her life are her successful business and personal assistant, Daniel. But when Ryan, the heir to a conglomerate, enters her life, she feels a spark of curiosity, not love or infatuation. As their relationship develops, Adrienne is confronted with the painful reality of her past and the people responsible for it. She's faced with a choice: to follow her heart or seek revenge. Will she find peace or further heartbreak? This thrilling story will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Chapter 1

Adrienne made her way downstairs to the kitchen, feeling famished after her bath. She hadn't even bothered with clothes and was completely nude. Hurriedly, she went to the fridge and grabbed a can of cola which she promptly polished off in a minute. As she was making her way back upstairs, the door opened and Daniel walked in.

"Really? Every day, naked?" Daniel asked incredulously, shaking his head.

Adrienne smirked, "Morning, baby."

Daniel rolled his eyes, "You're always either half-naked outside or completely naked inside."

Adrienne shrugged, "So? This isn't the first time you've seen me without clothes."

"Exactly! What if I brought a friend in here?" Daniel argued.

"I'd say hi and head upstairs," she responded dismissively.

"Regardless, we're running late. I thought you'd be ready by now," Daniel said, pursing his lips.

"What do you mean, late?" Adrienne asked, confused.

"We're supposed to leave in an hour to catch our flight, and you're still naked without hair and makeup done. I even suggested we stay at a hotel nearby, but you refused," Daniel grumbled.

Adrienne rolled her eyes, "My stylist will be here in thirty minutes."

"Thirty minutes? You told them thirty minutes?" Daniel reached for his phone. "I'll call them now."

"Get your ass out of my sight and get dressed," he ordered, exasperated.

"Tch!" Adrienne clicked her tongue and made her way upstairs.

Adrienne descended the stairs a few minutes later in a provocative, transparent bodycon dress that revealed her undergarments, leaving Daniel exasperated.

"There's no time to change, you can wear whatever you like," Daniel said as he called the makeup artist, Sarah.

"I wouldn't have changed even if I had the time," Adrienne stubbornly replied to Daniel's suggestion.

Despite Sarah's greeting, Adrienne chose to ignore her and remained glued to her phone as Joshua, the hair stylist, arrived ten seconds later. Daniel gave them both strict time limits, with Joshua having ten minutes to fix Adrienne's hair while she scrolled through her phone.

After twenty-five minutes, Adrienne was finally ready, and they left the house, arm in arm. Daniel was dressed in a simple tuxedo.

Upon seeing the awaiting helicopter, Adrienne expressed her displeasure.

"Why the helicopter? You know I don't like it. I prefer the jet," she grumbled.

Daniel explained the practical necessity of the helicopter, citing traffic and time constraints.

"Whatever," Adrienne said and walked to the helicopter.

As Adrienne elegantly walked towards the helicopter door, Daniel couldn't help but take notice of her swaying behind.

"What are you staring at?" Adrienne asked coyly, smirking at him.

"Your dress is too provocative. You can't wear something so revealing to the event," Daniel warned.

"Why not? Are you afraid someone might steal me away?" Adrienne teased.

Daniel rolled his eyes. "It's not about that. It's about showing respect to the important guests attending today. You don't want to be criticized for your attire."

Adrienne shrugged. "I'm sure they'll survive seeing a little skin."

Daniel shook his head, knowing he couldn't convince her otherwise.

"Many d*cks will stand today. Can't wait to get them all in me," she said with a smirk.

"Let me arrange a jacket for you when we get there. And please buckle up," Daniel instructed as they boarded the helicopter.

After an hour in the air, they arrived at their destination. It was the opening of Adrienne's free school for children, catering to those aged zero to ten years old. The school was located in Abuja and was the largest of its kind, with the capacity to serve up to a thousand and five hundred students.

After some convincing from Daniel, Adrienne reluctantly agreed to wear the black 'coat-like' jacket provided for her. She arrived late, apologized half-heartedly, and cut the ribbon to officially open the school. A tour of the facilities followed, and the guests eventually settled in the hall for food and music.

Adrienne took to the podium to deliver her thank-you speech. As she removed the jacket from her shoulders, Daniel couldn't help but curse under his breath. All eyes were now on Adrienne's form-fitting, transparent dress, which accentuated her curves. Some loved the sight, while others criticized her for her choice of attire. Regardless of what others thought, Adrienne relished the attention she was receiving.

"Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us here today. I appreciate your presence and support. I am proud to announce the completion of our very first project. This school is the first of many that my foundation will implement successfully. There are more projects in the works, but I will touch on that another day. I extend a special thank you to the Minister of Education for accepting my invitation and gracing us with your presence today.

Education is a basic necessity for every child, yet many kids roam the streets without access to it. This is due to unplanned pregnancies or a lack of resources. Many young girls and women who were unable to control their sexual desires fall in this category. Personally, I encourage ab*rtion but, whatever," she paused for a second and the people murmured amongst themselves.

She continued,

"It breaks my heart to see this. Therefore, I have established this free school where children can acquire an education while their guardians work to provide food and shelter.

I am glad to say that this project has created over a thousand jobs, and every worker is paid for their services. I have invested billions into the school's treasury to ensure that the needs of the establishment are met for years to come.

Once again, thank you for your support, and I would like to conclude by showing you a video showcasing the entire school, both inside and out."

The audience erupted in applause as she finished her speech and ended with a message of gratitude.

As Adrienne watched the video, she felt immense pride in her accomplishment. She caught Daniel's eye, and he winked at her, causing her to giggle.

"Weirdo," she playfully muttered to herself.

As they exited the hall, Daniel commended her achievement, albeit with a caveat. "That was seventy percent impressive," he said.

Adrienne, confident in her success, retorted, "What happened to the remaining thirty? I believe it was one hundred percent impressive."

Daniel reminded her of the negative press comments to expect, disapproving of her provocative outfit and vocal support of abortion. Adrienne brushed it off and got into her awaiting vehicle, refusing to take the helicopter.

"I am going to the mansion. I invited some friends over," Adrienne said as she settled into the car.

Daniel reminded her that she should have told him first, but Adrienne confidently replied, "It's my house."

He questioned her plans, prompting her to express excitement to remove her dress and enjoy the cool air.

"Get in. You're coming with me," Adrienne exclaimed. "I'll drive," Daniel replied, taking the keys and dismissing the driver.

Adrienne had already stripped down to her black underwear once they were in the car. "Just focus on the road. It's pool party time, baby!" she exclaimed, leaving a flustered Daniel to concentrate on driving.


Thanks for reading.

To be continued...