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Forbidden Thoughts

Forbidden Thoughts

Auteur: HaileyMarie

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Forbidden Thoughts PDF Free Download


Olivia Holton used to have a secret crush on her brothers bestfriend, that is until he changed. Once they had gotten into high-school his entire personality changed. He forgot that he used to wear braces, and was a nerd before working out two summers ago constantly. He worked out until he was built like a god, got rid of the braces and suddenly popular girls were falling at his feet. It also doesn't hurt when he wears that black leather jacket, has brown shaggy hair and dark green hazel eyes. Jesus the boy is gorgeous but she couldn't can't stand him now. Her secret crushed faded when she realized it was never going to happen with Sean Walker. She gave up on getting her brothers best friend to notice her a long time ago and she wants to move on. She needs to move on but as soon as she started dating a boy, Sean had problems with it.

Chapter 1

Olivia's P.O.V

I'm sitting in my bedroom on a Friday night trying my hardest to ignore the loud music blasting through the speakers from outside our home. I told my brother we shouldn't throw a party, well he shouldn't throw it because our parents actually trust us to behave while they are away visiting my moms sister for the weekend.

I told my brother I needed to study, and I couldn't seem to focus on the words because the music was just too loud. I don't even know how the neighbors haven't called the cops for disturbing the peace yet, I can't even hear myself talk.

Sighing loudly, rubbing my tired eyes and slamming my history book shut, I walked towards the window. I peeked through my bedroom window blind.

I watched as the students from our school laughing and drinking around the bonfire, my brother Jason and his best friend Sean had started before the party animals started to arrive.

As I'm looking through the blinds, I noticed all my brothers friends having a good time, empty beer cans covering our grass, and even a few in my mom's flower bed.

He better make sure he picks all that up because my parents will flip out, and my mom loves her flower bed and will not be happy about the trash surrounding her beautiful flowers.

She worked hard all summer before school started replanting and decorating. My dad even added a beautiful concrete bird bath in the center.

She would crap a golden egg if she would happen to come home right now and see that. He would surely be grounded.

A girl from school is currently sitting in my bothers lap, grinning and running her manicured fingers through my brother short black hair, while his hands gripped her ass over her small jean shorts.


I have never been the one to go against my parents' rules, and throwing a party is definitely against the rules, and my older brother definitely knows that he just doesn't care.

Our parents even specifically told us no parties this weekend, and he didn't even wait until they were gone an hour before calling Sean and set up everything for the party.

The music is blaring through my window even though it's closed. With an irritated growl, I stormed out of my bedroom. I won't be able to study like this, not with the people and the music being so freaking loud.

My brother may not be concerned with his grades because he is working on getting a football scholarship, but I have to make sure I maintain a decent gpa average in order to receive my own scholarship.

Do they need to really be this loud? It's a bon fire party. Shouldn't they just be sitting around the fire, talking and chilling?

In just my pajamas, I quickly rush down the stairs and make my way towards the back patio, and throw open the door, my cheeks growing hot as everyone turned their attention onto me. I know I look a mess right now, with having no make up on, my hair up in a messy bun and wearing my pajama pants and my tank top shirt that just so happens to match my pajama bottoms.

They are cute and definitely not the sexy kind. In fact, the silk fabric has little coffee cups and books scattered all over it.

Jason raised his eyebrows as soon as he saw me waving my hands towards the loud music speaker on the ground next to him. Telling him silently that I wanted him to turn it off without speaking a word because it's not like he would even be able to hear a word I said anyway.

My brother rolls his eyes but leans to the side and turns the music off. " Yes, Olivia?" He asked an annoyed frown, forming on his lips.

"I'm trying to study, and I can't focus with how loud the music is, Jason," I informed him. Then I suddenly realized how much of a nerd I actually sounded like. A few girls snicker and giggle around me, and I'm now feeling embarrassed and a little self-conscious.

My cheeks start to blaze hot, and I quickly look down at my bare feet.

"Why don't you have a drink? Maybe then you wouldn't be trying to bring down my party," my big brother sighed, annoyed.

Miley, the girl who was currently occupying my brother's lap, laughed and covered her mouth with her one hand and the other grabbing onto his shoulder to keep from falling off his lap.

She has been following my brother around, hoping to catch his attention, and now that she finally is getting it, she thinks she won the lottery. I got sad news for her. She is giving a bone to the wrong dog. He won't stay with her. He never stays with any of them.

He doesn't do girlfriends.

My older brother is a year ahead of me, and so is everyone sitting around the bonfire. He is one of the popular boys in the school, captain of the football team, and someone who has girls tripping over each other to have him just smile at them. It's pathetic. I don't walk around in the same social circle as my big brother. I'm not very social and would rather stay home on the weekends reading a book or watching horror movies with my best friend Sarah.

"Olivia has always been a nerd Sean," his best friend since they were babies in diapers decided to add his unwanted comment into our conversation. "A bore."

If anyone annoyed me more than my brother did, it would be his best friend Sean Walker.

His hazel green eyes danced around with laughter as he looked me over.

Co-captian of the schools football team, local man whore who can't keep his dick inside his pants, all of those things apply to my brothers best friend. He is so full of himself that he makes my blood boil.

I decided it was best to ignore Sean's unnecessary comment. I turned my focus back towards my brother. "I'm not asking you to turn it off Jason, just lower it a little."

"Why can't you just stop being such a bore for one night Olivia," Sean growled, the girl sitting in his lap bit her lip to keep her drunken giggle to herself. I watched as Sean spread his muscular thighs further apart, and leaned back into his chair, smirked while my brother drunkenly laughed at his comment.

I try to ignore the fact that Sean's lap looks so comfortable to sit in and close my eyes for a second, trying to gather my now scattered thoughts.

When I reopen them, I see that I'm not the only girl at this party who was thinking that. The girl that was sitting on the edge of his lap scooted up and wrapped her skinny arm around his neck.

Just because I think Sean is a complete asshole doesn't mean I'm blind. I'm a young girl and know a good-looking boy when I see one and Sean is about as good-looking as they come.

I definitely can understand why girls at our school and even the girls around town are quick to throw themselves in his path.

His brown shaggy hair and beautiful green eyes glow against the bright fire.

He must have caught me looking at his lap because that smirk grew bigger and patted his other thigh. "Want to join?" He asked.

That is exactly the reason I will never be interested in trying to form any kind of friendship with the man who was now openly mocking me in front of their friends.

"Bro, that's my sister," Jason warned him, which caused Sean to laugh loudly and hearing his laughter had my belly twisting up in sharp, tight knots.

"Like I'd actually go for Oliva. Don't worry, Jase, I was just kidding with her," Sean said, his eyes never leaving mine. "She is like my sister."

What a freaking asshole.

I stand in front of my brother and his bestfriend both speechless and embarrassed at what they have both said, and tightly ball my hands into fists wanting nothing more than to punch both of the smirks off their stupid faces.

I quickly turned around, slammed the patio door open, and rushed back inside the safety of the house. I locked the patio door, my form of revenge for those comments.

They can have fun finding their drunken way inside. I'll be asleep anyway.

How dare Sean say those things to me. How did he forget so fast that he used to not be as popular as he is now. Girls only fall for his looks because he hit the gym hard and grew into his body.

He used to be lanky and awkward, and the sad part is, I used to have a crush on that Sean. The person he is now, I can't stand him.

Once I made it back up into my bedroom, I'm still buzzing with rage as I quickly made my way back to my window and peeked through the blinds once more. Sean was still sitting in his chair, legs still spread apart with Heather sitting on his lap, and I couldn't help but notice the bulge now forming inside his pants. He is wearing grey sweatpants tonight, and it's very clearly seen that something has turned him on.

His head suddenly snapped up, like he could feel my eyes on him. He looked straight up towards my bedroom and grinned. I don't know if he saw me looking through my blinds are not but I quickly felt nervous that he maybe caught me staring at him and quickly closed my blind.

I can't believe he called me a bore in front of their friends. Was that really necessary? I never did a thing wrong to that boy. In fact, as I said already, I used to have a big crush on my brother's best friend. He was much kinder when he was younger and would allow me to follow around behind them even when my brother would try to make me leave them alone. Sean had already defended me and made my brother leave me alone, but now it seems he is happy with embarrassing me in front of our classmates.

I'm not even a bore. I have fun. I have girl nights with my best friend, and we always watch the newest horror movies. Her and I can sit down, enjoy, and watch scary things without being dramatic about it like those girls that are currently sitting in their laps would be.

That counts as fun.