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Her Ultimate Destroyer

Her Ultimate Destroyer

Auteur: Brownie

En cours


Her Ultimate Destroyer PDF Free Download


After mysteriously getting pregnant, Leona loses her job and gets thrown out to the street by her stepmom who never liked her. Then passing out in the rain in front of a billionaire's car, she wakes up and decides to take control of her life. Even that, situations readily worked against her, leading her into the dangerous arms of a ruthless gang leader. He traveled her out of the country and ultimately trained her to become a part of his gang. Years later, Leona is back, stronger than before but now a criminal and with a cute son. She met the billionaire again and even though he recognizes her, she doesn't. A steamy affair stirred between the duo and just as Leona was about to embrace her new life, not only her secret dark life stands in the way but Suarez whom she has managed to escape from appeared to take her back hook or crook. His obsession for her won't let her go. He comes after her like a shadow, only that this shadow seeks to haunt, take or destroy. Dave who is convinced that what he feels for her is way powerful than a mere infatuation realized he could kill for her and is tempted to fight her battles. Two powerful men, a billionaire, and a dangerous gang leader. When they collided, it was like storms boiling fiercely. They are after just one thing. Her.  Amid the bloody brawl, it's up to Leona to succumb to save the life of her dear ones or protest and get destroyed. What happens when sworn enemies turn out to be siblings? And will Leona ever find the father of her son?

Chapter 1


"And our Valedictorian for this year 2019 goes to.." the emcee paused as he smiled mockingly at us.

He has us, especially me, right where he wanted. In between his tight gripping suspense.

My heart hammered furiously against my ribcage as I exchanged looks with my best friend. She smiled nervously at me then her gaze went back to the man at the podium who in no time will be declaring the hero of this year.

It's the best student award. Valedictory, to be precise. At the end of the day, a student with the highest rank of the entire graduating class will leave here with a price and bragging rights.

Rhoda and I are anxious because we happen to just be one of the nerds who worked hard just to acquire the title.

For everything, I need it mostly for the money and the juicy offer that comes with it but for my friend, she seems to have the silver spoon already glistening in her mouth so surely, it's for the bragging rights. Whatever reason we both have, it's certainly going to make us happy.

Clearly, It was the day of graduation, and I'm just as excited as everyone here. After years of schooling, I can finally say bye to college.

Though I have come out with a first-class degree, my family and I will be done a great favor if my name should be called as it's going to open many possibilities for us. It will go a long way.

For someone who comes from a lower-class family, I surely need this greatly. After I lost my mom, my dad remarried and had three more children who are all girls with Tasha.

I'm Leona Grande, the second child and the only daughter my mom gave birth to before passing on. My dad got remarried to Tasha and they had three kids, all girls. I have a brother, Raymond who has made it out of high school only.

My dad is a fashion designer who manages a small shop which wasn't doing too well as my education ate deep into it.

Having a jobless stepmom made it worse because the burden was on dad alone which as a result, my step-siblings had to drop out of middle school.

As if that wasn't enough, my stepmom, Tasha was quite a headache and her three girls are also something else. Especially the eldest who's called Elsie.

Now here's the deal, I have to shoulder my family's financial burdens once I am out of college since the family's greater wealth got invested into my education. It's now time to pay back every single dime and more.

I'd have to get a good job, send my siblings back to school, and take care of the family. This is why this award is very important to me because it comes with a job and a fixed salary. Which means I won't have to go searching for a job once I'm done. I've worked and sacrificed a lot for four years and almost all my life.

Only if my elder had agreed to this but he hates to be controlled. Not that I like it but I was my dad's only option.

At the early stage of sixteen, I was out of high school and now at the age of twenty, I made it out of college. My life was simple yet intense.

I was really serious with my books, they had me indoors most of the time. I earned the nerd title very easily way back in high school only that I didn't put on huge glasses.

I wanted to keep a low profile but my grades kept me popular.

Since my dad didn't make me work part-time, I had to really make it worth it. Friends will be a distraction so I entertained none until I met Rhoda at NYU.

Being the daughter of a wealthy family, I was shocked that she chose to befriend a church mouse like me.

I was not the normal teenage girl who chats and gossip about boys goes to parties and has sex. I lived my life differently, mentally, psychologically, physically, and emotionally.

My red platinum hair was overgrown because I had no time to attend to it and even if I had the time, there was no money for that. The length of my hair is almost below my butt anytime I lose it. Other than that, it was always wrapped on my head.

I had no time to apply makeup or wear beautiful clothes. I was always cladded in faded denim trousers and hoodies.

Well, let's say all the few clothes I have are all faded out of excess use. It didn't bother me because I had nowhere to go or someone to impress.

I'm under the no-boyfriend policy and my dad always makes sure that I wasn't seen around the opposite sex even now that I am 20. He's very protective over me.

Being a future breadwinner or should I say, caretaker or heir? Whichever way, it wasn't an easy task.

The way I lived my life should make it difficult for us to get along but Rhoda and I blended perfectly.

I looked around and admired the beautiful academic gowns we were wearing.

I can't wait to throw my cap out into the air with Rhoda. We have...

"As you are all aware, the student with the highest grades in all the subjects is the one considered as a Valedictorian and that is none other but our very own miss Leona Grande. She deserves.."

My heart leaped into the pit of my stomach just hearing my name. I can't breathe. I tried to process what I heard. But my heart was beating loudly and the noise from the students was also loud. I can't tell which one is louder.

I fan my face with my hand.

The whole graduate cheered and chanted my name wildly. I was overwhelmed. Now if I didn't hear the emcee correctly, the chanting of my mates cleared the doubts.

Rhoda's smile and the crushing of her body against mine as she screamed congratulations registered it in my mind.

My eyes darted to the gold medal and the sight teared up.

Oh my God! I made it! I made it! I made it! I chanted in my head.

The cheering was so loud that I can imagine my father doing a victory dance back home, my stepmom's relief smile, her children's happy faces, and my brother's proud smile.

I jumped up happily and muttered a YES! Meanwhile, I couldn't stop my tears.

With this award, I don't need to go searching for work because the government is gonna employ me instantly.

"Kindly come forward miss Grande." The emcee called.

I glance at Rhoda as if to ask for permission. She urged me on by pushing me off towards the podium. I take in deep breaths before beginning to walk towards the big stage but suddenly, everything began to spin around me and I felt oddly dizzy.

I tried to keep my eyes open as I walk and even though it was difficult, I somehow managed to get closer to the stage.

Finally, up there, I didn't know what happened and everything suddenly went blank. I felt my knees go weak beneath me and slowly let loose.

The gasps of my lectures and my colleagues were the last thing I heard as I succumbed to the pain from my fall and eventually darkness.