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His Rebel

His Rebel

Auteur: DeeDiva

En cours


His Rebel PDF Free Download


"I have tried to be a perfect mate for you," I practically cry out. "She didn't have to try, she was perfect," He replies. "She is dead!" I scream in frustration and he takes an intimidating step forward, growling at me. "Do not speak of her again. Compared to her, you are nothing. All you will ever be is a rebel." * Loraly Scott shifted into a wolf at the age of sixteen but since she had human parents, she hid it from them because she taught they would see her as a monster. A year and a half later and things are different in the family. Her parents her distant and Loraly learns not to care. She becomes chaotic and troublesome but she had not seen anything yet. Things were about to change rather quickly. She had to keep up with the pace because she was Loraly Scott and she was a rebel. *

Chapter 1

Let's do this

Hola mi amigos.

So, this is a new book and I need to inform you guys a few things.

1. This book is mine and has not been copied from anywhere else. It is totally my idea and I do not want it to be copied either.

2. I tend to make a few mistakes and grammatical errors and if you find any, I apologize.

3. My Werewolf terms.

There are a lot of werewolf books and I just want to explain how I view werewolf terms and how they should be viewed in my book.

Pack Hierarchy

Alpha: Highest rank. Leader of a pack. Alphas can be male or female. They are sometimes referred to as Alpha Male and Alpha Female.

Luna: Also highest rank. The mate of an Alpha Male. She is sometimes referred to as Alpha Female.

Note: In my books, Lunas are females. So if the Alpha is a female, her mate is referred to as the Alpha Male.

Beta: Second in command.

Gamma: Third in command.

Delta: Usually a male, trained to step in when the leaders are absent or dead. Deltas are not compulsory so not every pack has one.

Pack doctor: A healer of a pack. Most packs usually have hospitals.

Omega: Lowest rank. Werewolves are either born that way or demoted by the Alpha.

Other terms

Pack: A group of werewolves living together. In small packs, all pack members of the pack live together in the pack house except a few members while in bigger packs, only the high ranked werewolves and a few warriors and some exceptions live in the packhouse.

Shifting: The act whereby werewolves change into their wolf form from their human form or vice versa. The first shift is painful and happens at thirteen though some are known to shift a little earlier or later.

Moon Goddess: The one whom the werewolves serve. She created the werewolf race and is whom they pray to.

Mate: Short for soulmate. The Moon Goddess destined every wolf with another wolf, creature or human. Mates are found through their scent while in some cases, they have to look in each others' eyes. They also feel sparks when they touch.

Mate bond: A strong bond between mates that is almost unbreakable.

Mating process: A process by which the mate bond is strengthened. Failure to do so leads to heat. Skin to skin contact initiates the mate bond.

Heat: Werewolves have heat cycles every year in which they feel the desire to mate especially if the mating process is incomplete.

Rejection: This is when a wolf does not want to his or her mate and formally rejects him or her. It is rare and can only be complete after the mate in question accepts the rejection. It takes a while for the mate bond to break before it disappears. Rejected wolves go lone sometimes.

Rogue: A wolf kicked out of his or her by the Alpha pack for a reason. It could also be a wolf who runs away from his or her pack without permission from the Alpha. In some rare cases, a wolf can become a rogue if the whole pack is executed.

Rogue pack: A pack of rogues.

Lone wolves: A wolf who lives on its own. Most lone wolves are usually dangerous, territorial and unstable. They do not abide to pack rules and are not usually nice.

Pups: What werewolves are called before they shift when they turn thirteen.

Rebel: A werewolf who feels disgusted by his kind and believes it is more of a curse than a blessing. They separate from packs and live together and create plans to make werewolves extinct.
