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Rebirt: From Polite To Rude

Rebirt: From Polite To Rude

Auteur: Liezel D.

En cours


Rebirt: From Polite To Rude PDF Free Download


Lian died in a car accident without anyone knowing about it .. She had argued with Brandon her husband because she caught him having s*x with his damn mistress.In anger She got into the car and drove it fast,and a bad accident happened . She thought She would die but she woke up again and realized that she travelled back 4 years ago .So for her It's pay back time. She needs to correct all the wrong decisions she made because Lian and Brandon had a baby just because of one night stand. And that's where it all Started . Brandon allowed her to temporary stay in his house with the agreement that when the day comes that she gives birth to their baby she will leave and disappear alone. Brandon didn't treat her as his wife. He made her a submissive slave. She won't allow to wear beautiful clothes and go outside. Brandon told to her that set up , They need to keep it a secret. Now that She's reborn She needs to be brave and change her mistakes to make it Right for the sake of their Child.Lian's family left her also because she choose the wrong man.And Her bad mother in law did everything just to kicked her out. And brandon mistress is his office secretary . One thing she needs to do now Take revenge and make them all suffer . So In the past She will meet someone who will prove to her that love is real .Is she ready to try to love again? but why does it seem she can't forget and move on from the present?? What happened next?

Chapter 1



COFFEE SHOP 6:00 in the morning

"Here is your favorite Caramel macchiato to get rid of your hangover"while putting down coffee for me.

I am here at my best friend's Coffee Shop

I also spent the night here and We got drunk .

"Thank you, I'll go home later"I said.

This is where I spend time when I'm upset with my husband, drinking, bonding and talking with Freya, my friend.She came from a wealthy family .

but even so , she didn't think twice about being friends with someone like me. That's why i loved her.

"Don't be in a hurry. Your crazy husband isn't looking for you, even if you disappeared for one day, two,three or a week, he doesn't care about you!"

Freya said while raising her eyebrows with me I just shrugged my shoulders and drank my coffee while looking away.

"You know I can't do that, I love my husband and for my daughter Beatrice that's why I stayed in this relationship for about 4 years"

Yes, my Husband and I are only living together now because he had a child with me by an accident, it was a one night stand. Which brought me to my current life situation.

"You're really stupid, he doesn't care about you! He can't even marry you! Even if you have a child" while her eyes glazed over.

Freya's voice is so annoying and getting to my nerves. Because for almost a week I was with her. She always told me to leave my husband. Is it easy Huh?? But I can't. I love him so much. Brandon is my crush since when I was in Highschool. And I have to admit that I was even more happy when I found out I am pregnant and he is the father

"Okay Freya please stoppppppp ! It hurts you know hearing that kind of words coming from you" slowly I wiped my tears .

I calmed myself in silent and didn't argue with Freya for a moment . because She's Right I am really stupid! For staying and hoping that one day Brandon will change

And love me for the sake of our child.

Freya stood because she have a customer already..


My cell phone rang

*One message received

My eyes widened .

[Ma'am Lian, Beatrice doesn't want to eat She's looking for you ]

message coming from The nanny of my daughter

Oh god I forgot about my Daughter.For pete sake .tsk

I need to go home .

That's what I need to do now .

I should put aside this fight between Brandon and I for the sake of our Daughter. We had a fight last night because he didn't come home for three days, he said he went to his friend. I asked who's Friend but he didn't answer ..

What if?? .No-no no ..

I raised my hand to Freya to notice me .I just did a hand sign saying that I was going home .

I immediately took my

car key from my handbag.

This car is so old .I borrow it

From brandon.this is the only one I can use because he doesn't allow me to use his new car.

"Lian, be careful when driving,"

Freya shouted,

I opened the car's window and waved my hands to her. And start the engine . Even though we always argue about Brandon, Freya still understands me no matter what.

She's been my childhood best friend since we were young .

.So no secret at all

while I was crossing the road to our house. Why do I feel so different, did something bad is going to happen? i hope not .

Never mind. I need to hurry .

However When I arrived..

I didn't bring the car inside because someone else was parked in the garage.

When I entered the door of our house. My very cute daughter immediately ran towards me .

My nervousness suddenly disappeared when I saw Beatrice

My 4 years old daughter.

'My life'

"Mommy, mommy I miss you, Don't leave me again so long pls"Beatrice said, still stuttering while hugging me tight..

"I'm sorry, Beatrice, mommy is went out just to buy you this"

I gave him a pink teddy bear that I bought Yesterday..

She seemed so happy while jumping .

"Wowwwwwwww,Ilove it mommy so cute "

"Yes darling like you.

come on let's go to daddy "

We walk with holding hands .

In our glass window I looked back

in the yellow car parked in our garage. .So who is our visitor coming this early??

We was about to go upstairs when.

"Ma'am, you can't go upstairs"

said my daughter's nanny named Talie.

Why don't I live here? Is Brandon hiding something from me, what could my good pathetic husband have done?

I raised my eyebrow and ignored

Her .

"Mam please please I'm the one who will get fired by Sir Brandon if I let you pass"

while her lips turned pale

" Leave if you don't want to lose your job! Now! " In 4 years living in this house I am very kind to all at home because I grew up not rich, I was just lucky to marry a rich man because of one mistake.

The question is

is it luck? I never felt like I was considered Brandon's wife ever.he is not treating me especial ever. I am just ordinary.. ordinary slave for him.

"M-mam, please promise me not to tell sir Brandon that I am the one who let you pass upstairs pls? "Nanny said in fear

"okay. I promise, please Go with Beatrice to eat in the kitchen"

My Daughter looked at me in shocked as if she was confused about what was happening

I knelt down and tap her shoulder

"Beatryyyy mommy will go upstairs to talk to daddy, first okay? So you go to the kitchen with Nanny talie and eat, I'll be right next to you later, I'll just change my clothes, okay baby girl ?"

"okay mommy, I'll wait for you huh?"

With her pretty eyes. .


Hugging her pink cute teddy bear .

I slowly stepped up and saw the door slightly open.

I went inside. Why is it seem so dark.? Light is turned off . And I can still hear music. Is my husband with another girl inside?in our bedroom? While thinking about that, I felt annoyed and nervous .My heart was pumping. It's impossible because in the time they've been together, he hasn't been with another woman.Yes, Brandon was always drunk and came late at night. But not like What I'm thinking. What I know is.

why could I be wrong? Our room is wide and it has a partition in the middle one room is for Brandon and the other is mine .

as I walked towards my room. I Saw a pair of my pajama on the floor, my favourite pajama??! there was a bra with pink undies, and Brandon's pajamas and a t-shirt, what the??? fu*ck

I heard a voice .as I was approaching my room .Sounds like a familiar voice? woman

"Oh god f*uck ahh..ahh..I love it Ana"

"Really? Make it harder Brandon ah ..ahhhh"I heard .

I was surprised to see Brandon with his office secretary . lying naked and only covered with a blanket.

I lifted the blanket and saw that they were really without clothes.


I was like ice on what I saw.

My eyes teary eyed.

I rushed to hit Brandon with the blanket and her bitchy secretary!

"FU*K YOU!! HOW DARE YOU BRANDON TO DO THIS TO ME!!!YOU CHEATED ON ME! " I can't stop my tears from falling. I felt anger at that moment.


Brandon said .

I can't explain what I feel. My heart feels only one thing right now. Nothing but EXTREME PAIN. Feeling Frustrated.dizzy and tired.

In 4 years we have been together, I have never complained about his cold treatment to me. . Thinking that someday he will learn to love me too. Brandon doesn't go anywhere office. house . office house that's his routine for everyday .Yeah Sometimes he hangs out with his male friends, but what I see now is totally different. It hurts so much I feel like I'm going crazy at that time .

I felt i broke into pieces.

Brandon hugged Ana .

He pulled the blanket from me and gave it to her fu*cking secretary..


Ana said in front of me. I looked at her with the eyebrow up.from head to toe Yes,I can see she is beautiful. But never mind she's still a bitch! A Mistress!.

I approached her with all my strength and was about to slap her face when Brandon suddenly pushed me which shocked me.

because I slipped on the floor.


I want to kill the two of

Them now .! .

I shrink from what this man is doing.

"SO ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT YOU ARE PICKING YOUR DAMN MISTRESS?!!" I said while my knees were shaking.

Brandon always in the office, I thought he was just working,

then I'm just being fooled.? For how long?

"I've loved her since the beginning, not you. So if I'm with you,Go and LEAVEEEEEEE! ,

Beatrice Will stay here ok! , she doesn't have a good future with you!STUPID "

My jaws dropped from what I heard. .after all my sacrifices .this is what he rewarded me ?

I ran out of the house without even looking back even with my daughter Beatrice.

I grabbed my key and

I also noticed that the yellow car was gone. But I don't care . All I want now is to be alone. To go to a far away place to unwind .


I don't know where I'm going.

I speed up the car.

until I get to a place where there are no people and many trees I would have stopped when suddenly I noticed

Why does it seem that the brakes didn't work? I can't stop the car. What's going on? I'm scared.Im on panic . I don't know what to do

"Help help help" but no one can hear me. ,


The accident happened so fast I can see that my hands are covered in blood from my head. I also have bruises and cracked glass from the window of the car. My body hurts, especially my head. Ouch .Am I going to die.? since no one can see me,here?

My vision was blurry. I can't even move my finger because of pain.I think there's a big wound in the middle..

But I noticed the yellow car was parked in the tree...

before I lose my mind.

Everything that happened had flashbacks in my head .. that Brandon. I thought he was the man for me.My Mom and Dad kicked me out sell our renting House and moved to other places because they made me choose who I wanted to be with, them? or Brandon.

'Mommy Daddy I'm sorry But I made the wrong decision. Why you all left me. Please come back. I miss you all every day.

That one night stand is damn .

I wish I could go back in the past so I didn't choose that man.

.Will they forgive me? How can I change everything?