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I Stole The Billionaire's Heart

I Stole The Billionaire's Heart

Auteur: Joycea6



I Stole The Billionaire's Heart PDF Free Download


Anastasia lost her parents in a tragic death. Her father was involved in a hit-and-run accident and her mom passed away when she heard the news leaving her alone in this world. Anastasia needed to survive so she picked up different jobs until she came across a job offer which was looking to hire a maid with a good pay and luckily she got the job. Flynn was a billionaire who was known for been a womaniser. Flynn was devastated when Trisha one of his flings fell pregnant for him and ran away leaving him with the baby. Flynn hated her and also ignored his child because she reminded him of her and that's why he hired a maid to take care of her. Flynn couldn't be with any other girl because they all reminded him of Trisha except Anastasia who he felt a special connection to. Flynn and Anastasia soon fell in love months after Anastasia started working for him. Anastasia discovered that Flynn was the one who killed her father in a hit-and-run accident which also caused her mom's death. will Anastasia be able to forgive Flynn for what he did or will she end their relationship?

Chapter 1

Stasie pov

"Can i have cake for dinner pretty please" Amelia asked me giving me the cutest puppy dog eyes that was so hard to resist

"No Amelia you can't have cake for dinner. We are having chicken salad for dinner. That's your favourite right and besides you had cake for lunch earlier today" i said to her.

"I know but i just want to have cake even if it just a little bit please stasie"

"I'm sorry but the answer is still no"

Amelia gave me a sad face after i told her we weren't having cake for dinner. "How about you eat the chicken salad for dinner and then I'll pack cake for your lunch tomorrow" i reasoned with the little girl

"Fine" she said and then i proceeded to pour her dinner for her

"Is Flynn going to have dinner with us?" She asked me before taking a spoonful of her food

"I told you Amelia you can't call him Flynn his your dad you should call him daddy"

"He doesn't like it when i call him dad he prefers i call him by his name" The little girl said with a sad face

Flynn was Amelia father but he had never once showed any fatherly attention to her which the little girl craves for deeply.

I lost both of my parents in a tragic death. My mom fell Sick and my dad was involved in a hit and run accident while he was on the way to the hospital to pay my mom's medical bills and when my mom heard the news she couldn't handle it and then fainted. Sadly, she didn't wake up again. I lost both of my parents that day and since then it's just me alone in this world.

Despite the fact i didn't have enough growing up, my parents always made sure they provided me with all their love and attention which was something Amelia never had. I didn't know alot about Amelia's mom and why she abandoned her with her father but what I know was that this little girl didn't deserve such a kind of mother. Which mother would leave her child alone?

Flynn wasn't good either he was just as worse as Amelia's mom the only good thing was that he didn't also abandon her.

I've been working here for the past six months as Amelia's nanny and never once have I ever seen Flynn play with his daughter or let alone talk to her. From what I've learnt since working here Flynn's mom was the one who looked after Amelia when she was born and also named her as Flynn wanted nothing to do with the child but Flynn's mom handed back Amelia to him as she was his daughter and responsibility.

Flynn had always been away on business trips and was always working and anything he was home he was either drunk or either locked away in his study.

I pited the little girl so much and that's why i did my best to not only be a nanny to her but also a parent. I've never had a kid before and i didn't know how to be a parent but for Amelia i was willing to learn.

"Then you will continue calling him that till he likes it ok" i said to Amelia carefully stroking her hair. She was the most beautiful kindhearted little girl I've ever know and it pained me that she had such awful parents.

"Is he going to come back today?" Amelia asked bringing me from my thoughts

Flynn had been away for almost a week now for a business trip and he still hasn't returned. Amelia have been asking me everyday when he will back or if he would be joining us for dinner. I didn't know how to answer her because i myself didn't know when he will be back.

"I'm sorry sweetie but I'm afraid your dad won't be joining us for dinner" i told her with a pained heart. Even when Flynn was around he never had dinner with us and when he had dinner with us we all just ate in silence with Amelia stealing glances at Flynn but he never noticed. Poor child just wanted to seen by her father.

"It's ok I'm used to it i just felt like asking" Amelia said taking another spoonful of her food

"Let's just finish our dinner and go to bed ok" i said trying to clear the atmosphere

Amelia listened to me and ate her dinner in silence and i help her cleared the plates and then got her ready for bed.

I tucked the little girl bed and then kissed her goodnight. I was about to leave when she called me


"Yes sweetie"

"Aren't you going to read me a bed time story?" She asked slowly coming out of her blanket

"Yes i almost forgot" i said then walked my way back to her bed "what kind of story would you like me to read for you?"

"You've already read to me all the stories in my room, can you tell me a story?"

"Tell you a story hmmmmm" i thought of a good bed time story i could tell Amelia before she went to bef

"The end" i said after i finished telling her a story i just made up "did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah i love the part where Lucy spends her nights with her family" she said excitedly

"Yeah..." And that's when i realised what she meant damnit i shouldn't have told her that kind of story

"I wish Flynn was like Lucy's dad and my mom like her mom and that they both loved me"

"Sweetie you don't have to think like that and besides it's a story and your dad loves you he just have a different way of saying it"

"By keeping his distance from me?" She asked me

Gosh this girl was only six years old and she was already thinking about why her parents didn't love her.

"Sweetie you should go to bed it's already late and you have school tomorrow" i said trying to get out of her question.

Amelia stood and kissed me on my cheeks "goodnight stasie" and then covered herself back to sleep

I stood from her bed and walked to the door "goodnight Amelia" i said before closing her door.

I let out a sigh i didn't know i was holding after i left Amelia's room. I need to talk to Flynn about his behaviour towards his daughter whatever happened between him and her mom wasn't her fault and she shouldn't have to suffer for no reason.

Amelia was just six years old but because of the way Flynn neglected her she had the mindest of a twelve year old or even more. When I first started working here i really didn't have to do much because Amelia could already do everything on her own. She could wake herself up from sleep, put herself to bed and also get herself ready. A six year old shouldn't be doing all this, her parents were the ones responsible for all this but neither of them were here.

I planned to just work here for over a year before i retired as i would have saved money for my college by then but now i was reconsidering my decision because of Amelia. She wasn't my child or in any way related to her but she reminded me of something more like someone.

Amelia's birthday date was also my parents death anniversary and speaking of that it was just a couple of weeks adhead. I plan to visit my parents grave in the morning and then celebrate Amelia's birthday after i got back.

I walked towards my room which was opposite to Amelia's. The house was really big and i didn't know why it had to be this big with several rooms when there was only four people living here.

I walked to my bathroom to take a cold shower before i head to sleep. I was done showering but i decided to gaze at the stars a little before going to bed.

The stars were really beautiful this night as they shined brightly. I was deep down staring into the sky when I suddenly felt thirsty. There wasn't any more water in my room so i went to the kitchen to get some.

I drank the glass of water in my hands and also got some in a little container Incase i got thirsty later in the night. I was on my way back to my room when I heard the front door open.

Was Flynn back? I checked the time and it was almost midnight and there wasn't any one who comes back this late except Flynn.

I was right because the door flew open and Flynn walked in but he wasn't alone. There was a blonde girl on his hands and they were all over each other kissing each other furiously and i felt like throwing at the sight before me so I quickly ran to my room before I could see what more they had to do.

How could Flynn be out there drinking and having fun with multiple women instead of looking after his daughter. He was such an idiot.